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expedient the said Robert Paulies [bairn] be baptisit becauis he hes offerit
him self obedient to the kirk according to the act maid thairupon.57 (practeis
2 September anno 1577
(4) Quhilk day the officiar recordes that Margaret Hillok wes ord[anit] to
compeir befoir the assemblie and compeirit not, thairfoir directs the magis¬
tral to put her in ward ay and quhill she compeiris.58
[6] Quhilk day compeirit David Dikson, Henry Pyper, William Gla...,59
David Mury, Jhon Ronaldson, Robert Moncreif,Thomas ...,60 Allexander
Galloway and confest tham to be of corpus chris[teis] playars, for the quhilk
sklander thai submit tham selfis to the disciplein of the kirk and prem¬
isses nev[er] to mell with sik thingis again under the paine of the censures
of the kirk, in respect quhairof the assem[bly]61 thinkis expedient that the
benefeittes of the kirk62 be given to the forsaides persons. ([p]racteis also)
16 September 1577
(2) The assemblie ordains the masters [of] hospital to intromet with the
Witsunday term last and the annuallis thairof of sainct Josephis alter and to
gif the on[e] hailf of the annualles of the said term to Jhon Watson sone to
the last possessor thairof, and that to releif ane part of the dettis that the last
possessor wes achtand.63
(3) The elderis present thinkes meit that Patrik Inglis remuif out of the
assemblie quhill he be accusit of sundrie thingis to be layit to his charge.64
(4) Quhilk day compeirit Thomas Rollyk, William Jak son to George Jak,
Thomas Cragie and confest tham to be of corpus christeis playaris, for the
57 The session has arranged a special meering after the service to rule on Paul’s case. For fuller
identification of the additional elders listed here, see Appendix I.
58 The threat of warding (being gaoled) suggests that Hillok had been contumacious for some
time, perhaps before this session volume begins.
59 Torn page cuts the rest of the surname, and the ends of a few more words in this entry.
60 Surname illegibly abbreviated.
81 ‘Kirk’ here is crossed out, with ‘assembly’ inserted above (and page torn). ‘Kirk’ tends to be
a more inclusive term, referring to congregation as well as session; the ‘assembly’ is clearly
just the session.
62 The sacraments, including baptism of their children.
63 Financial provision for those who had been vested in Catholic altars is here extended to
their heirs in the first generation, which may help to explain why there was as little objec¬
tion to Reformation from donors and clerics in the Catholic system as there was. The final
term is a corruption of‘awand’, owing.
64 Inglis will not be re-elected to the session again until 1580. There is no information in the
register about the charges against him.

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