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[5] xxiii Aug 1577
(1) Quhilk day compeirit Thomas ThorskaiU quha desyring his bairn baptisit
and confest him to be ane of the numberis of corpus christeis playaris
quha buir the aufenze of the samyn, for the quhilk sklander he offeris and
submittis him self to the discipline of the kirk with my lords advyse and
promisses in tymis cuming nevir to mell52 with sik thingis again onder the
pain of the censures of the kirk. In respect quhairof and of his obediens of
the kirk the elderis presendie convenit viz Jhon Andersoun, Olipher Peblis,
Andro Donaldson, William Anderson, Patrik Inghs, Allexander Anderson,53
which thinkis expedient that the said Thomas Thorskails bairn be baptis[ed]
becaus he hes offerit him self obedient to the kirk according to the act maid
thairupon. (practeis of the act of corpus Christies play)
xxvi Aug 1577
(2) The quhilk day it is reportit be the officiar that Waltir Davidson and
Elspet Chreichton dwelland in Balhoussie as personis mareit and yit is not
mareit, wes warnit to compeir befoir the assemblie this day and compeirit
not. Thairfoir the elders desyris and ordanis that thai be warnit on Thursday
and Sonday nixt and syk lyk thaireftir to compeir befoir the assemblie under
the paine of excommunication.54
The first of September 1577
(3) Quhilk day compereit Robert Paul befoir nun immediatlie eftir sermund
in presence of the congregation quha desyring to haif his bairn baptisit and
confest him to be ane of the numfber] of tham of corpus christeis playars
amangis the skorners,55 for the quhilk sklandir he offeris and submittis him
self to the disciplein of the kirk and promisses in tymis cuming nevir to
mell with sik thingis again under the paine of the censures of the kirk.56 In
respect quhairof the elderis presentlie convenit viz Robert Mersser, William
Fleming, George Jhonson, Allexander Anderson, William Anderson, thinkes
52 Meddle.
53 The election records of Oct. 1576 do not survive, but this list of elders enables us to begin
reconstructing the list. Note that these six include three merchants (John and Wilham
Anderson and Peblis) and three craftsmen (Alexander Anderson, a wright; Inglis, a saddler;
and Donaldson, also a hammerman). For more biographical information on these elders,
see Appendix I.
54 Following the Reformation, excommunication was pronounced at the parochial rather than
the episcopal level, on the authority of the congregation, by the minister on advice of the
session. It was preceded by weeks of warnings like this, private and public admonitions, and
efforts to bring the offender to repentance: First Book, 168-70.
55 Among those who played the scorners of Christ in the play.
56 Paul has taken the unusual route of confessing to the entire congregation in church after
the sermon, perhaps anticipating that he would have to perform public repentance in any
case in order to secure baptism for his child.

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