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quhilk sklander thai submit tham selfis to the disciplein of the kirk and
promisses nevir to mell with siklyk thingis again under the pain of the
censures of the kirk, in respect quhairof the assemblie thinkis expedient that
the benefeittis of the kirk be grantit to thir forsaides persons, ([pjracteis also)
20 September 1577
(5) Quhilk day compeirit Margret Bulzein and confest that sche is with
bairn to Andro Jakson and submittis hir self to the disciplein of the kirk,
and also Katheren Brown spous to Harie Drummond hes promisit to entir
hir into the tolbuith upon Monday next and hir hand uphaldin to the sam
effect.65 (1 2 3 R.)
(6) Quhilk day comperit Andro Jakson and confesses his fornication with
the said Margret Bulzein, and submittis him se[lf| to the disciplein of the
kirk and civil punisment. For performa[nce] Andro Bog is cautionar to entir
the said Andro Jakson on Mon[day] nixt. (12 3 R.)66
(7) Quilk day compeirit Margret Giffan and confest her fornication
committed with [ ]67 for the quhilk fault sche submittis hir self to the disci¬
plein of the kirk and the civil punisment. (12 3 R.)
[7] 7 October 1577
(1) Becaus Thomas Swentoun Redar hes servit this haill yeir bigane the
assemblie, being thair scribe, and hes ressaifit no recompense for his trav-
ellis bestowed [upon] tham, thairfor it is ordanit be the haill assemblie that
the said Thomas sail ressaf ten merks money of the first casualiteis that sail
intervein and chance unto the threasuouerie for his service bygang yeirly sa
mekle inducing the tyme of his service.68 (act for the scrybe)
The names of the Elderis present in this asse[mbly]
James Hepburn, William Fleming, Jhon Davidson, Allexander Anderson,
Patrick Inglis, William Anderson, Robert Chapman, Allexander Gibson,
Robert Anderson.69
*5 Katheren Brown is effectively operating as a cautioner, her oath with hand upheld being
taken in lieu of a financial obligation. She now becomes Margret’s keeper and will be held
responsible should Margret fail to appear in the tolbooth. Female cautioners are unusual.
66 Torn edge of manuscript cuts off parts of several wools.
67 The name of her partner is left blank.
68 Swenton’s back pay is to come from the fines paid by offenders. ‘Sa mekle’: so much, the
same amount. The clerk mistakes Jhon s name for thomas.
69 Adding this to the two earlier rolls of elders gives us fourteen rather than the requisite
twelve elders in the 1576-77 session. Exclusion of Inglis (supposedly ousted 16 Sept, for
unspecified charges) would bring the number to thirteen. Perhaps Inglis attended on this

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