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m’employer pour eulx et leur advancement comme pour
le myen mesme.
Madame, je prye Dieu vous donner en parfaicte sante ce
que plus desirez et tres longue et tres heureuse vye. De
Sainct Quentin, ce xxiij® jour de septembre 1553.
| Madame, depuis la presente escripte, j’ay parle fort a
loysir au Roy, lequel de son mouvement m’a faict cest
honneur de me compter le motion susdict des deux en-
seignes de Gemy Dogues, car ce jour la j’estoys a Guise.
Sa Mageste ne laisse pour cela de demeurer content des
cappitaines et avoir envye de se servir de la nation et
I’honeurer ; aussi vous dis je, Madame, que il ne tiendre
que a eulx mesmes que tout ne aille bien, car le Roy les
ayme et j’ay bonne envye de les bien mectre an bon
votre tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur
Endorsed, M. d’Oisel du xxiijme de septembre 1553.
From Antoinette de Bourbon, Dowager Duchess of Guise,
to her daughter
(1553.) Voi. ii.>4^
She received a letter from the Queen by M. d’Oysel, whom she did
not see, and therefore did not hear the messages sent. She fears that
the King’s campaigns will have caused delay. The Queen’s brothers are
safe and the camp broken up. The Duchess of Guise has been with her
till then, but has rejoined her husband ; the Duchess of Aumale and the
Marquise are with the Duchess. They have news that their prisoner is
well, but there is no talk of ransom yet; he is not able to hear mass nor
see a priest. The Germans are on the point of fighting each other, and
thus France has been at peace. The writer is now quite well; so are all
the children. The Duchess of Guise believes she is with child again. The
writer will go to her then and will visit the Queen of Scots, which she is
anxious to do because of all the reports she hears. Written on the 29th
t f inserted.

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