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Scotland. He begs him to send his commands, which he will endeavour
to fulfil. Written from Chatelherault on the 12th December 1552.
Monseigneur, j’ay receu vostre lestre qu’il vous a pleu
m’adresser par ce porteur suyvant laquelle feray toute
dilligence possible de recouvrer la vaisselle de terre y men-
tionee par maniere, si I’ouvrier n’use de sa paresse accous-
tumee, bien tost 1’aurez pardela. Yous suppliant, Mon¬
seigneur, me commander au surplus voz bons plaisirs
esquelz me congnoistrez apte a vous faire service et me y
employeray comme vostre tenu infiniement et serviteur
tres humble.
Monseigneur, je pry le Saulveur du monde, apres m’estre
tres humblement recommande a vostre service et vous avoir
aussi tres humblement rendu actions de graces des offres
portez par vostre di lestre, qu’il vous doint, en bonne sante
longue vie, et a moy la grace de vous pouvoir faire quelque
service. De Chastellerault1 en vostre humble maison ce
xije jour de decembre 1552.
vostre tres humble et obeissant serviteur
From James, Earl of Arran, to the Bishop of Ross
1552. Vol. iv. 141.
He was glad to have news of the Bishop’s good health, as for about
forty days the Court had believed him to be dead. The Archbishop of
Glasgow is going to Scotland, and the writer has asked him to discuss
his, the writer’s, affairs with the Bishop, so that they might plead with
his father for him. The writer begs him to urge that he may have
an establishment suitable to his rank, so that he may the better serve
his master. Otherwise it had been better if he had not come to France.
And because he does not doubt the Bishop’s zeal for his prosperity and
advancement, he will write no more, but rely upon the sufficiency of the
1 De Chastellerault. See Letter LIV.
2 Rasseteau. Matt re Gautier Rasseteau, Seigneur de Leigny, consetller du
Day, Judge and Lieutenant-General in the duchy of Chatelherault and procureur
to the Bishop of Ross.

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