James Watt (1736-1819)

Eulogium of James Watt



and honours, in all calmness and tranquillity, he yielded
up his soul, without pang or struggle,—and passed from
the bosom of his family to that of his God.

He was twice married, but has left no issue but one
son, long associated with him in his business and studies,
and two grandchildren by a daughter who predeceased
him. He was a Fellow of the Royal Societies both of
London and Edinburgh, and one of the few Englishmen
who were elected members of the National Institute of
France. All men of learning and science were his cor-
dial friends; and such was the influence of his mild
character and perfect fairness and liberality, even upon
the pretenders to these accomplishments, that he lived
to disarm even envy itself, and died, we verily believe,
without a single enemy.