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'N ar n- aghaidh, 'n 'ur n-aghaidh, 'n àn aghaidh.
So, 'N am àit. 'N am f hiannis. 'N am fhochair.
An-dèigh, after.
'N am dhèigh, after me, in mypursuit. 'N ad dhèigh, 'n à
dhèigh, 'n à dèigh. 'N ar dèigh, 'n 'ur dèigh, 'n àn dèigh, 'n
àn dèigh.
So, 'N am bhun. 'N am chois. 'N am chòdhail or chòmhail.
'N am choinneamh. 'N am chòir. 'N ar measg, among us.
'N am làthair. 'N am èiric, &c.
Rule 5. — When the first term of the Preposition ends in a
vovvel and the second term begins with a consonant, the final
vowel of the fìrst term is elided before the Possessives beginning
with a vowel ; thus,
Mu dhèibhinn_, conceming.
Mu mo dhèibhinn,* concerning me, de me. Mu do dhèibhinn,
m'à dhèibhinn, m'à dèibhinn. M'ar dèibhinn, m' ur dèibhinn,
or mu bhur dèibhinn, m' an dèibhinn.
So, Do mo thaobh. Mumo choinneamh, orchoinnimh. Mu
mo thimchioll. Mu mo thuaiream.
Am fagus do, faisg air, còmhla ri, làmh ri, maille ri, when
applied to persons, are followed by the Compound Pronouns
formed by air, do, ri ; as, am fagus clomh, faisg òrm, làmh
rium, near me, &c. Còmhla rium, maille rium, with me, &c.
A-dJììth and Timchioll require òrm ; as, Tha sin a-dhìth òra,
lam in want oftJiat. Timchioll òrm, around me.
CONJUNCTIONS. (See page 30.— No. 9.) NAISGEARAN.
Ach, but, hoivever, until.
Agus, 'us, 'Sj as, is, and, also,
Am, an, wJiether.
Cho, co, as, so.
Chiònn, because, for.
Coma, however, nevertJieless.
Cuideachd, also, too, besides.
Dheadh, or.
Eadhon, even.
Ged, geda, tJwvgJi, although.
Gidheadh, giodh e, get, stitt,
Gu, gu'm, gu'n, gur, that.
Gu ma, guma, ihat, [inay
Ma, if.
Mar, as how.
Possessives, and the remaining letter apostrophated ; thus, 'na m', 'na d\ 'na,
'na 'r, 'nu 'r, 'na 'n. These forms are very improper, for none of the Possessives
should be separated by the mark of elision ; the apostrophe belongs properly to the
n, the elided form of ann, and should be placed over it only, whether standing
alone or united to the Possessives ; thus, 'n am, 'n ad, 'n a, 'n ar, 'n 'ur, 'n an,
or 'nam, 'nad, 'na, 'nar, 'nur, 'nan or 'nam. Sometimes the fragment of the pre-
position is omitted altogether in the fìrst and second person singular ; as, am aghaidh,
ad aflhaidh.
* Often mu m' dheibhinn, mu d' dheibhinn. Do m' thaobh, do d' thaobh, &c.

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