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6. Cuir teine ris a' phoit, put fire to, or add fuel to the pot.
Cuir ris, cuir riu, add to it, add to them ; work on.
7. Cha bhi gnothach agam ris an / shall have no business with that
f hear sin, rnan.
8. Tha è ri clachaireachd, he is at mason-work, he is building*
9. Tha Sèumas coltach n'athair, James is like (to) hisfather.
Cha n-'eil è cosmhuil Wut-sa, he is not like you.
10. Cho geal ris an t-sneachd, as whit&as the snow.
11. Ri dà là, during two days, in two days.
Obs. — Maille or mar, with, together with, combines always with ri or
ris, both in its simple and compound form ; as, " Maille ri mo chorp
marbh-sa eiridh ìad," together with my dead body they shall rise. —
Bible. Maill rium, along with me ; maille riut, maille ris, rithe,
r. inn, &c. Mar-rium, along with me ; mar-riut, mar-ris, rithe,
ruinn, &c.
Seach signifies — 1 . From, distinguishing from : 2. Beyond,
farther than : 3. Comparison, or difference ; as,
1. Cha n-aithne dhomh fear seach I donot know a man from man of
fear dhiùbh, them.
2. Na rach seach a' chlach mhìle, do not go beyond the mile-stone.
S. Is mòr a' chlach sin seach ì so, that stone is large in comparison of
this one.
The Compound Prepositions are composed of simple Preposi-
tions and of nouns. These phrases, for the most part, govern the
genitive case of the nouns to which they are prefixed ; as,
A bhàrr, from, off ; downfrom.
A* chòir, do chòir, near, nigh to, about.
A chum, do chum, to,for,for the purpose.
A dhìth, de dhìth, wzthout,for want qf.
A dh-easbhaidh, dh-easbhaidh, for want of, without, in want of.
A los, air lcs, for the purpose offor.
A rèir, do rèir, (to the will), according to ; secundum.
A thaobh, do thaobh, thaobh, as to, regarding, respecting ;
Am bun, an cois, near to, beside, waiting on.
Am fagus do, near to, close to.
Am fìanuis, an làthair, before,inthepresenceof; coram.
Am fochaìr, near to, along with.
Am measg, (in mixture), among, amongst.
An aghaidh, an aodann, against, contraryto, {in face of).
An àit, an àite, (in place), instead of, for, in lieu of.
* A,a dh-, dli-, are contractions of do. Am or an for ann am, ann an, in the
Compound Prepositions.

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