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and brocht to pass his consauit lust and temtacione now (mowed be ye
spirit of God) he hes confessed and schawyn owt ward signes of repent-
ance with hwmil submission of hymself to disciplyn And heirfor is de-
cernit to compeir in ye essemble of ye congregacion of ye kyrk of Ken-
nowy vpon Sunday ye xi of October instant and yar in presence of God
at ye command of ye Minister hwmyll hym self vpon his kneis confess
his offence and ask God mercy yarof and ye congregacion forgyfnes and
of his occasion of sclander gewyn to tham And for awoyding of all oc-
casion of suspicion and sclander gewyn for ye tym to cum the said
Dauid Ballingall is discherged and forbydJyn to accumpany with ye
said Elizabeth Dwry in ony maner or sort priuatly or oppynlye bot
absteyn fre talkyn eatyng drynkyn or other resortyng with hyr to ye
quhilk he hes consented and is oblist to keep ye sain vnder pane of
bannesing hym ye boundis of Fyf for all ye dayis of his lyftym And
for fulfilling of this his promys and obligacion sail fynd gentyllmen landit
caucionaris for hym actitat in ye schyrriffis bukis of Fyf That gyf ony
occasion of suspicione or sclander be gewyn or mayd be hym and he
yarof giltye and conuicked yat he sail remowe and be bannist ye bowndi*
of Fyff for all ye dayes of his lyff and newer to returne In respect of thvr
premysis ye superintendent ordenis ye minister of Kennowy to moneis
all and syndry personis of his congregacion yat nane of tham pretend to
sclander ye sayd Elizabeth Dury or in yar talking to speik ewyll of hyr
for ony sic caus And to exhort tham to thank and praise God of his
grace grantit to hyr to resist sa constantly sic temtacion quharof sche is
to be praised and not ewyll reportet.
Die xi Novembris Anno Domini M" /' Ixij — Decrtticm inter Pawy et
Kynnisman. — The quhilk daye Mariory Pawy askis Wyliam Kynnisman
to marye hyr as he yat promyst to hyr be his hand gewyn in hyr hand and
spekyng and saying to hyr be his hand he layd in hyrris he suld marye
hyr and newer hawe ane other woman bot hyr quhilk promys Mariory

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