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lettres of excommunicacion decernit to be send and execut apon yam
And ye said M r Jhon is depriuit from his office of readar in ye said kyrk.
Alexander Murdo and Besse Kynnayr excommunicat — In lyik maner
Alexander Murdo and Besse Kynnayr delated and summond for to vn-
derly disciplyn for adultery committed betuix tham not comperand ar
decernit to be excommunicat.
The quhilk day Johane Balcanquell and Gelis Olephant fornicatoris
delated called accused and confessand yar delacion ar ordenit yis nixt
sunday in ye essemble of ye congregacion to syt vpon ye penitent stul
tym of ye seruice and at the end yarof schaw signes of repentance in
askyn God mercy and ye congregacione forgyfnes vpon yar keneis.
Die ultimo Septembris anno quo supra The quhilk daye Alexander
Lystar acclamed in manage be Margaret Turpy as he yat hes deflored
hyr virginite Alexander is chargit to absteyn fra contracting and solem-
nizacion of mariaige with ony other person vnto sic tym as ye said clame
be discussed vnder payne of excommunicacion &c.
Die Septimo Octobris anno quo supra — Declaratio innocencie Eliza-
bethe Dury et Confessio Dauid Ballingall. — The quhilk daye in ye ses-
sione of ye Superintendent and ministerie of Sanctandrois anent ye
sclander rased vpon Dauid Ballingall and Elizabeth Dwry spows of
Dauid Archebald parochinaris of Kennoquhy The mater being deli-
gently tryed and examinat be ye superintendent and ministerie foyrsaid
Thai fynd ye said Elizabeth Dwry innocent yarof and albeid ye sayd
Dauid Ballingall most wyckedly and ernistlye labored to tyist ye sayd
Elizabeth Dwry to hawe consented to his fylthy lust and desyr sche be
ye grace of God hes constantly refused & resisted Quhilk offence done
be ye said Dauid Ballingall in schawyng his ewyll wyll to hawe performit

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