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send me the wreitis concerneing the laudis of Mulben, for giff they cum not in tyme ye will
tyne thes landis, and I am blamles. As to Eobert Lowsone his chairge, the reassone therof
is because thes for quhome he wes cautioun hes not compeirit to wnderlye the law, and thair-
foir he is wnlawit for thair absence. Eichart Foullertoun is not yeit cum to the toune,
and albeit he wer cum, he cannot helpe him, for thair will nothing helpe that bot payment.
As to yowr tua men in the Tolbuith, I cannot be yeit fred nor liberat of them. I have gevin
in ane bill, and am forcit to extract ane horneing of audit throche of paper to show that they
ar rebellis. Quhat sail be the event therof I know not, and I can never get it provin be
any that Mackgrimoun wes with James Grant. Thair is ane artickle in my compt anent
the menis interteinement in the Tolbuith fra the aucht or nynt of Januar last to the first of
Junii, quliilk extendis to fyftie ane pundis at 1 2 shilling in the day. Bot it is wrong, for fra
the aucht or nynt of Januar till the first of Junii thair is sevin scoir and four dayes, quhilk
cumes to sevin scoir and four shilling sterling, for the compt cannot er, and I haiff the
ticketis wpone the ressait therof, quliilk cumes to fourscoir sex pundis tuelff shilling : and as
I wreit in my last leter, the thrie dolloris I gave to Alexander M c Kenzie to cum north is left
out, and swa thair is omittit out of the compt cleirlie fourtie thrie pundis and audit shilling.
Quhat expenssis I am drawin to since I come home I know my selff ; bot that day sail never
blinck that I sail be at the presenting of any of yowr men to the Tolbuith againe, for it is no
plesur to me to be depursing daylie and to be seiking it afF of yowr worship to anger yow. I
will humblie intreat yowr worship, as ever I may serve yow, to send me my moneyis, for they
will cum till 1000 merkis and fyftie, this thrie and fourtie pundis and tuelfi" shilling being
eikit to your former comptis ; for in trouth I have no moneyis to doe any manis bussines
quha imployis me till I get this. I have no newis, bot the Marqueis is deid at Dundie
goeing home. I have spokin my Lord of Lorin this day, quha sayes he sail wreit ane
ansuer to yowr ladyis letter, and the letter is ane challeng aganes him wndeservedlie. Soe
haveing no wther occasioun for the present, bot I expect yowr maistership in all heast, I comit
yow, yowr lady and bairnes to the Lord, and restis yowr worship's servitour to his power,
J. Gibsone.
I requeist yowr worship to bring ower ane hors to my Lord Register.
To the richt honorabill the Laird of Grant, to be delyverit in all heast — thes.
109. John Hay, Edinburgh, to The Same — James Grant and Gilderoj'.
Edinburgh, 30 Junii 1636.
Eight Honobarill Sir, — I am sorie that I am so farre mistaken, for my nocht writting pro-
ceidit nather off contempt, neglect, nor eny occasioun off offence gevin to me, bot from that
earnest desyre I haid to haue yow heir, foreseing that your absence micht prejudice yow ;

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