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nather had I any thing to write bot what I had formerlie. Tkairfoir, Sir, for my awin
opinyoun, since my Lord Thesaurer is come home, and that the protestatioun aganis yow is
standing, and the day off compeirance so often past and continewed, it is not weill done to
keip home, least some vther constructioun be maid, and yow irritate the Counsaill ; for yow
will thiuk it out of tyme if chairges of horning be direct aganis yow. Concerning par-
ticulars I can write no more then I have alreidye, onely it seemes your baillies hes bene better
acquant with Gilroy then yow haue allowed, els I can not think he wald haue beine so weill
vsed, and so often and long tyme luidged and intertaned in your bounds. It is to be
suspected, and may be perchance provin, that James Grant hes had no worse vsage, so that
I think your freinds hes wronged yow in that sort as never honest gentleman of your coate
is lyke to suffer more be thair doings then yow.
Sir, I will be sparing till I see yow, which I wish yow to haist, if yow think it for your
guid, which I sail ever wish. I pray yow remember my humble seruice to your guid lady,
and swa, with my best respects to your selffe and your sonne, I rest,
Your assured freind,
Jo N Hay.
To the richt honorabill Sir Johne Grant off Freuchie, knycht — these.
110. James Gibsone, Advocate, Edinburgh [to The Same].
Edinburgh, 7 Julii 1636.
Richt Honorabill Sir, my affectionat dewtie remembrit. Thir presents ar schawing your
worship that in respect of my Lord Traquair his seiknes I hawe nocht gottin his ansuer, bot
I hawe spokin his Lordship, and findis him nocht ewill sett agans yow. I sail send his
ansuer quhow soon I can hawe it.
Receawe the suspensioun aganis M°Intoische ; caus ane messenger sumond him to the
day of compeirance contenit in it, and hawe it heir again then. Ye sail wit that ther
is [ane] letter before the Justice at the Thesaurer and Advocattes instance aganis yow and the
Laird of Drum and his laidie for resetting of Gilderoy. Ther is no newes for the present
heir, so till the nixt occasioun comiting yowr worship, yowr ladie and chUdring to God, I rest,
Your worships seruitour to his powar,
J. Gibsone.
111. David Murray, Merchant in Edinburgh, to Dame Lilias Murray, relict of John
Grant of Freuchie — Service Book — Removal of the Session to Linlithgow.
Edinburgh, 23 October 1637.
Madame, — It will pleas your ladyship, I sail, God willing, remember your memorandum anent
your silver workes and other thinges. I had very tempesteous vather efter my depairtour

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