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so muche adoe. Thair is omittit out of my compt thrie dolleris giuen to Alexander
M c Keinzie for his north aiming. I know not quhat to doe for M c Intoisches suspensione and
[In another hand.] To vreit to James Gibsone for Robert Lowsone.
108. The Same to The Same— Search for James Grant.
Edinburgh, 14 Junii 1636.
Eight Honorabill Sir, my affeetionat dewtie and service being remembrit : I receavit yowr
worship's letter, and delyverit lykwayes yowr wther letter to my Lord Register, and his
ansuer ye sail receave, and he is heichlie offendit that your worship followis not his counsell,
and is sorie that ye cume not heir at this tynie, and he suspectis that ye sail repent yowr
staying at home er it be long ; for give ye cum not now to niak yowr awin pairt guid, so
long as the Lordis myndis ar freschlie possest with opinioun that ye have delt ingeniouslie
and is drawin to great chairges, bot at ye ar deceaved and circumveined and falslie delt with
by your kinismen, for Johne Forbes hes deponit that ther wes never ten of them imployit
in that service aganes James Grant, bot fyve of thame send James Grant privelie word and
adverteisit him. I am sorie of thes fcasche and blame that the name of Grant receaves
cheiflie to be fals to thair cheiff. Yowr worship "wreitis in yowr letter to my Lord Register
and me as iff we wer abill to mak the Counsell to be sensible of yowr burdein as yowr selff
is, for except yowr selff wer heir present to informe them, tke[y] will never think of infor-
matione coming fra me. And as to my Lord Register, he cannot kyth as ane pairtie, bot
man keipe himselff as ane judge, and I know not how far yowr worship is oblishit to him at
this tyme, quha hes examit all thir limaris that ar cum in, and hes adverteisit yow of thair
depositiones. As to my Lord Traquair, I cannot wnderstand bot that he is weil aneuche set
to yow, for he receavit my Lord of Morrayes letter fra Alexander Done that same day that
I delyverit yowr worship's letter to him. As to the resetteris of James Grant, anent the
taking of them, I have no ansuer to give, bot that at is contenit in my Lord Eegisteris
leter ; for he thinkis ye micht have takin them bot ane warrand. As to the pledges, I can
give no ansuer [to] them nather, except Balnadalloche or yowr worship wer suitin them
befoir the Counsell ; and sume counsallouris alledges that is Godis just judgment that yowr
worship sould be trublit with James Grantt in thir tymes, becaus ye sufferrit him to rin and
owerhaill the countrey and did lauche at him than. Alwayes the best cours to be takin is
to tak ane currage and to cume ower, albeit ye be seiklie, as ye wishe yowr awin weill : yeit
counsell is no command. Sir Thomas Hope will nowayes continow his moneyis. M c Intosche
his advocatis are daylie calling the caus aganes yowr worship, and I cannot, wpone no con-
detioun, get it continowit. So, in spyit of my hart, he will get his will. Bot yeit I sail
stryve to get it continowit be the spaice of audit dayes. I mervell yowr worship hes not

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