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and loayiltei dwelleth in. I shall again beeg your answer as fair as you can to
mee, that I may shou itt him. The morrow is the counsall day : gaue you sind
me ane good on, I will goe with itt my silf, and shou itt him. I hop you will,
gaue you wrett to mee, leiu the styll off madam ; withall wrett to my brother
Thomas ane letter, dissyer him to conttinew your frind. My Lord was off the
thought to send him to you, list you might misbeleiu mee I dissyered to be so,
which you shall newer haue just resson : so with husbande's respecks and myn
to yow, beleuie, Sir, I am your weri reall seruant,
Margaret Hay.
His dissyer was gaue you wold gaue satisfacktion in matter off kiping the
peces, that you wold say att meeting you warr willing to sattisfie him ; so hee
upon reseat wold caus bring you in and conffyn you to your chamber, pretend-
ing bussines drew you, so that you might haue itt from him silf, and non should
know what paseth, yoursilfes two only, awtheren to him or mee, as you pleais ■
I shall delleuer itt. The Lord direck you aright, and suffer you newer to fall
in the son off rebellon ! I wold esteam itt a mircie gaue I could be instro-
mentell to doe you sirueis : nott you allone, I am confident itt wold prowe to
the adwantag off many who now suffereth. Gaue my brother com to you, lett
him nott know that I menshond anie nam to you, nor nam any persson that is
your enemie ; they arr his frendes. I will nott lett know I sentt, bott com
my silf, so I was dissyered.
For the right honnourabell Sir George Maxwill off Nether Pollogg, — Thes.
Sir George Maxwell of Pollok to Margaret Hay, Lady Ketleston,
7th October 1668.
316. My dearest and kyndest freinde, seeing you command me to forbeare Madam :
I perceive by youris, as by the former intimation yow gave me, ther is no
quarteris save on the termes of the bond. It is a torture to me to divide from
ruleris commandis, but it wer a greater torture to do violence to my oune light.
Gladly wold I have desyred to have satisfied his Lordship as to any jealousie

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