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my own judgment, I thought itt harrd to bind for seruantes and tennents
withall, as I did consauie that word publick peaces did importt that you should
obseuer the Boshopes and all thair serrimones, and alloue off them as lawfull,
which in my judgment you wold nott doe, or any thing they warr to bring in.
Hee ansswered mee weri camly, with ane atestacion, thair was no such thing.
As for you goeing to church, hee was confHdent thair was sum you might heair.
No persson is oblidged allwayes to goe to church. Hee thought you had so
much weitt as to gyd that ; only simpelly to kip the peaces, and nott be ane
disturber off itt. God was wittnes what defickieltie they had to gett itt con-
dishended to, thair was so many enemeis to itt, and told his Magistie in his
faces, that gaue hee wold dissyer to putt your hand to the A, B, C, gaue itt
cam from his Magistie, you wold not gaue him so much obedinces. Your
principalles was such that you did not think him your lawfull King, exsept hee
was off your judgment, att list ane prisbeterion : gaue you had nott the draw-
ing up yoursilf, you wold nott allow off any thing cam from his hand. This is
the gennerall opinon held amongst you : thaes conttrari was awerred, and his
Magistie informed the conttri, " as for you, your ambishon carred you ; so now
being the head off ane facction, and the main persson keped the rest on, you
would newer tack the bond nor be browght off." Thair was as much aledged
as could be for you, and now was weri offten retartered in thos perssones'
teieth, what thought they off thair ingagment now they knew you sinces
Starlling. I know nott what peper was amongest you thair, your father in law
and sum owthers caused draw and supcryeff : howewer, for all they can law,
gaue you will doe any thing for yoursilf, they will be ashamed that aspersed
you. As for your ingagment for tennentes and seruantes, I beleue that will be
dispenced with. Deair Sir, lett itt newer be sayd that you, who all the world
knowes to be ane good man and understanding, will be so wadded to your own
opinon as to suffer yoursilf to be ranckecl amongest the siddishous, or mislyd
by any that affter eages will be caUed rebelles. The Lord kip that blott off you
and your poisteretie.
I hop you will troust that hee wold newer be so baess as to dissyer you. to
doe any thing may draw you in ane hess nett to disstroy your silf : weri farr
the conttrie, hee will doe as farr for you as hee can. I know gaue the worst
persson could be reclamed, hee wold wish itt ; far mor you, which I hop goodnes

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