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of unpeaceablenes, but I feare to irritate mor deepely. Let me be esteemed
the worst of men, I shall, God willeing, make in my deedis appeare both loyaltie
and peaceablenes, whether at libertie or under restrainte ; and my affectionate
and reall service to his Lordship for the kynde respectis intimated in this par-
ticular, which, though at present without effect (he may judge through defaulte
on my parte), yet I hope shall not be fruiteless when he shall know me as week 1
as yow doe. I am much engaged to your brother Mr. Thomas' kyndeness,
and shall take occasion at mor length to returne him thankis. For your selfe,
yow are above complementes with me. Yow have travelled much indeede in
my bekalfe ; yet yow have done no more then I would have founde my selfe
bounde to doe for yow in the like. However, these ar favouris never to be
forgotten. My service to your husband and all the familie — Mrs. Suite in
Your, etc.
Wednesday, 7 October 1668.
[Indorsed by Sir George Maxwell — " Coppie of my letter to the Lady
John second Earl of Tweeddale to Sir George Maxwell of Pollok.
Edenburgh, 29th September 1670.
317. Sir, I should haue bein glad to haue sein yow last week when I was at Glas-
cow, bot my stay was soe short I had noe time to call at your hous. I was
pleased uith uhat I saw and heard of the temper of the country, particularly
that the ministers sent uer soe ueal acceptid of by the peopel. I pray, coun-
tinanc and incouraclge them. Bot on thing of greatest moment I desir'd to
haue recomendit to yow, that is, the proposals mead for the pac of the church,
on which depends its present quiet, and much of its futtur hapines, and may
be the occasione of much good, if listnid to ; but if not, I dread the conse-
quents uill be the giueing ouer that partie, the restraning the indulgid of ther
freedom, and leauing them to the congregations for ther subsistanc and supply,

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