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be, at furthest, against the first of Maye), it is incumbent for such as are con-
cerned to have it as exactlye done as maye be that the burden maye be
leichtned, which seimes to draw verye deip, if the list be not more numerous.
The laird of Cesnocke, with some othres, have putt it upon me to wryte to zou
that ze wold use zour diligence for getting a compleit list of those in Eanfrew,
Clisdaile, and Glasgow, as we shall doe in our shyre or elsewher as we can have
informatioun. Ze wold take the concurrance of Wakinshaw, Akinheid, George
Porterfeild, or anye otheris ze thinke fitt ; and ane account theirof must be
returned to me or to Cesnocke betwixt and the 25 of April, that the compleit
list maye be sent to Drumlanricke betwixt and the 27, as is promised to him.
Ze wold take helpe of some officeres for fynding out those who have personall
estaites at or above 1000 lib. It is expected ze will use diligence heirin, and
not transgresse the tyme, else it will be to no purpose. I have sent zou ane
copie of the fist alreadye given in, that ze maye advise thairwith and adde as
ze get intelligence. So expecting ane returne from zou before or at the forsaid
day, I ever am zour verye affectionate servant,
* »
My service to zour worship's ladye.
For the rycht worshipfull Sir George Maxwell of Neather Pollocke, and, in
his absence, to Aikinheid and Gawaye Wakinshaw, — These.
Sir Archibald Stewart of Blakhall to his son-in-law, Sir George
Maxwell of Pollok, 23d October 1661.
505. Honorable and loving sone, I have pervsed thir paperis, and findis ane greate
oddes from the originall chartouris in several! particularis, quhairof yea sail re-
ceave ane note heirin inclosit. They are all lying in Eobert Alexanderis handis,
whaire yow may have them ather to renew, or caus Eobert AUexander doe the
samyne, conforme to the originall. Yowr desire sail be satisfied, being refor-
mit ; bot I most have ane band from Andro Syme, that if the landis fall in his
hand, ather by pactioune or any vther maner of way, that then and in that

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