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quhilk, as I have written to him, salbe sent to him aines in the nixt weik, albeitt
I find money can not be had at this tyme from any that is debtfull to me. As to
thois thrie termes anuelrent of Alexander Dunlop's moneyis ze*wrytte of, ze
wall find eftir just rekoneing to be bot twa, and albeitt ze had borne that meklc
for him that is zour vncle alsweill as myne, it will be no gritt mater considder-
ing that I beir the wholle sowme, and besyds must, for the most pairt, mantein
him in his age and seiknes. Bot I thocht guid by thes to signifie to zow that
I have peyett all that money to him ; I meane thois tua termes anuelrent, and
als muche of my awin this last zeir ; by and attour any thinge wes dew to
him. All quhilk remitteing to zour consideratioun, I remaine,
Zours loveing cwsigne,
W. Oaprintown.
Caprintown, last Aprylle 1639.
To the richt honorabill my loveing eame, the Laird of Nethir Pollok, — These.
17th November 1639.
268. Loving cousing, I haue heere sent to yow as wee concluditt at our pairting.
I fynde much more difficultie in rayseing of moneyis for the safetie of my
estate from Buckclewch then I did expect when I was with yow. Soe as iff
yow will be pleased, amongst the many expressions of your former kindness —
the tearme of my payment being a litle efter Candlemesse — to allow that this
year's rent may be vplifted about that tyme efter the former two which I ex-
pect presently, and all three for one most pressing vse, namely, the releaffe of
that comprisement, the town of Edinburgh's annuelrents being first deduced.
Yow will thairby be the meanes of saveing me from that imminent ruine which
for the present my estate is exposed vnto in a more fearfull maner nor euer itt
was since I was maister of itt. The first poynt, in my opinion, which I think
wer cleared betuixt yow and me is, that ane accompt and reckonyng be maid
of what I am addebted vnto yow ; which, in effect, must be remitted to your
self, since I can finde noe kinde of wryts can give any instruction at all. This

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