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My Lord Straban will acquent your worship with all news, and how
bosines goith.
Edinburgh, the 18 of Jwlly 1633.
To the right honorable his most asswred freind, Sir Johne Maxwell
of PoUoke, Knight,— Thes.
Me. William Maxwell, Advocate, Edinburgh, to Sir John Maxwell of
Pollok, 2 2d July 1633.
243. Honorable cheiffe, haveing wishett for the certaine occasioun of a beirer, I
delayet till now that this opportunitie hethe offerit. And albeit lytill or
nothing occurrit this short tyme, yeit the opportunitie vrget me heirvnto. Eftir
that the Marqueise of Hamilton obtenit the offeice of collecting the taxatioun,
he past the same throw the seillis till it came to the great seill, at whiche the
Channcellor refuisit, quhervpon the Marqueise serveand tuike instrumentis ; and
this is be the Erie of Hadintoun be post sent to his Maiestie. The Channcellor
hethe sent ane vther post efter him inimediatlie. And efter all, Mr. John
Home requyrit the Lord Channcellor conforme to the Kingis will, and he
refuisit also, and he is also gone post to show the ChannceUoris refuisell. What
will come heirof none knowes, bot many exspectis vnexspectit eventis.
The Erie of Airthe is certainlie comet in the Kingis will, and his Maiestie,
as wee heir, myndis to degrad not him of his honoris ; bot it is surmeisit that
his creditoris will kill him.
The Kings of Denmark and Polland ar bund (as the report beiris) to pro-
cuire peace to the Emporor, who hethe ane army of 1° m men, and the vther
40 m men moe. Sua that great bluid dalie is shed ther.
The Frenche hev iett company heir. Sindry of them tuik ship yeisternycht,
and Mr. William Cocheranes breiuthir ar heir yeit with Sir William Hamil-
toun attending his dispatshe. They ar guid prettie gentlemen, and I hope God
shall blisse them.
Then ar come to Holland from the west Ilandis 7 riche shippis, whiche ar

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