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muche spokin off. The Prince of Oreng hethe arreistit the maist pairt of all
the shippis vppon some vnknawin expeclitioun, whiche tyme will manefest.
If tyme and leeisur could permitt, I should signifie farder ; bot -being in
hest, I remitt the rest to the nixt occasioun, and so humblie restis,
Your honoris lovemg couseing and serveand,
Me. Williame Maxwell.
Edinburgh, 22 Julij 1633.
To my very honorable and worthie cheiffe, Sir Johne Maxuell
of Nether Pollok, Knycht, — With diligence.
Sie William Hamilton, third son of James first Earl of Abercorn,
to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok, 2 2d July 1633.
244. Honorable sir, this beirer, as ane worthie freind, hes acquentid me with diuers
your particulars, which (God willing) I sail not be wnmyndfwll of, and, as ane
real freind, sail doe yowr worship the best seruice lyeth in my pouer. I haue
all my cumpany in this towne wating wpon a shipe and a faire winde. Your
worship's wabster, who hes absentid himselfe, let him be pwnished whan he is
fwnd, according as he deserus ; so sail I alwayes remane,
Your worship's most faitkfwll freind and seruitor,
S. Wil. Hamilton.
Lith, the 22 of Jwlly 1633.
I pray yowr worship gif the Shirriue thanks for his infinit great kyndnes to me.
To the honorable his much respectid freind, Sir Jhone Maxwell of Polloke,
Knight, — These.

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