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effaires of the church with the articles of Pearth, and with additioun, that his
Maiestie, out of his prerogative, may injuue habeitis for the churchmen as
pleaseth him : so presentlie our bischopis teachis in surplethis. The phisicians
craivit to haue a college erectit, and that non wer approvin without thair ap-
probatioun, and no stranger to give phisik without thair aprobatioun. Eftir
long disputt, refusit to be ane article. The Lordis of the Articles sitteth
daylie, and the King is evrie day with thame, both walkis in coach and on foott
fra the palice to the Parliament hous. The churchmen geteth the Kingis ear
much, and, be the meanis of the Bisckop of Loudoun, it is expectit, evrie
minister sail haiue at leist audit chalderis victuall, all hospital! landis to be
imbrought to the trew vse. Earll of Airth, this day, be acountte, his witnesses
deponith, himself confynit in Earth, be a warrand fra Bervik. None Earlles
maid as yit, except the Chanceller and Marqueis Dowgias, for which he resingit
his auld hberties, as first voit in Parliament, kariage of the croun and vanegaird
in battel! : and sa, as Earll, he had als great place as Marqueis, and resingit
his hereditarie offices. So, at the coronatioun the Justice heving resingit, quha
buir the sword ; the King givs to quhom he pleasis. Buchan gat the sword,
Rothes the sceptre, at this tynie, Dowgias the croun, and Eghntoun the spurris.
Wigtoun wold had place. I hard the King refuis, alledging his place wes bot
as Grand Vscher, and sa sould rycl with the Lyoun, and gawe him his choyse
quithir to ryd thair, or rycl as ane Earll in his owin place, quhill it wer decydet,
and sa raid as a Earll. Quhat is omittit, Duchall will show yow. And now,
since the Parliament sitteth dayhe, I sail wryt. We lurk that Witsunclay and
Martimes be alterit in Lambes and Christmes, and that the pairtie borrower
sail pay ten, and the lender two to the King ; and sa himself but aught.
Quhat beis concludet, in thir and all vtheris yow sail be adverteissit. The
Commissioneris of Burrowis raid be cast of the dyce, quhill be decydet. Nithis-
daill intendis to go to Irland eftir the Kingis away-going. Eemissioun I hard
offerret be the Chancellar to all the leigis, for criminals, except treasoun, prp-
vyding they seik it within yeir and clay, and that the pairtie intrest be satisfiet.
Sa the King remittis his pairt. Your horse is in gud styll, and Abercorne
pleasis him weill and rycbs onlie on him. Thair wes absent at Parliament
twentie Lordis, xii Earles and Huntlie. The Parliament will be endet this

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