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parliament of fyve schilling out of everie hous that reikis in Scotland, or ellis
ane kene foull, which is thocht ane great matter, and therfoir will be oppoisit.
The other cheif point of the ambassador is for a treatie of peax betwix
Swain and the Emperor. Bot it is reportit that the confederat princes hes
renewit thair wow. The Erie of Galloway, the Archedeane of St. Androis,
ar seitit to Mnnday nixt to depone quhat they know in Airthes matter, and
Airth himself alsoe sutit to object quhat he can against the witnesses. Thes
ar all for the maist ar current. Farder at the nixt occasione, quhilk sail be
schortlie. Swa my love rememberit, I heartilie rest,
Your honoris awin to serve yow,
Mr. Williame Maxwell.
Edinburgh, 21 Junij 1633.
John Maxwell, Edinburgh, to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok,
24th June 1633.
236. Right honorabill sir, I delyverit your lettre to my Lord Nithisdaill, who wes
sorie of the reasouns of your excuis showin be me to him at lenthe ; and yit I
shew his Lordship if quhairin he had vtherwayes to vse your counsell, as his
speciall freind, since he war not for attendance, eftir adverteisment, yow
wold cum, if health permittit. He shew me, at this tyme, he had none vthir,
and so tuik your excuis in gud pant, and wes sorie of the caus. As for occur-
rantis hen, I thmk Duckall will at lenth show you. Yit, to be short, sum
speciall ar, that his Maiestie wes graciouslie reseavit and weill pleasit, and be
his haill court, and as yit continewis ; which he declarit wes far by his expecta-
tioun, and so lovis both the cuntrie and peopill, and intendeth evrie thrid or
fourt yen to be heir. This I hard him publiklie, being all the tyme in the
church at his coronatioun, attending me Lord Nithisdaill, being desyrit be
him. In Parliament thair is offerret, not being sought be the King, yit offerret
be the Chanceller and estaitis, a taxatioun of vi cm libs for sex yeiris, ratificatioun
of the Kingis revocatioun, submissioun and commissioun, ratificatioun of the
2 G

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