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more in blake gouns. About them wes ane futt guarde, about two hundrethe,
in whyt sattein doublets and blacke breiks. They mett the King at the Port,
wher the Provest made ane schort speeche, delyvered the Kinge ane basin and
manie peeces in it, and wes knichted ther. Thereftir the Kinge came to the
Straitt Bow, wher he gott ane other speeche be ane boy. Thereftir he came to
the heid of the Luck-in -booths, where wes ane picture of the wholl Kings of
Scotlande, and ane speeche made be Mercurie, schawinge the King that
Fergusse the First would come to salute him. So another came representinge
Fergouse the First, and made ane speeche to the King. Thereftir he came to
the croce wher wes Venus, Ceres, and Bacchus : there A r enus made ane schort
speeche : there they ranne wyne and caist scrotoheits in aboundance : thereftir
they came to the twne, wher ther is ane mount sett wp called Parnassus, where
satt the nyne Muses and Apollo, wher the nyne Muses sange ane entheme, and
Apollo made ane speeche. Ther wes within organs playinge, and some rare
instruments. Apollo gave the Kinge ane book conteininge the wholl speeches.
Thereftir he came to the Nether Bow, wher wes sett the seven planets, and
everie one of them had ane schort speeche. Thereftir the Kinge went to the
Abbey, and passed throuche the wholl chambers thereofe befor supper. Zister-
day, Soonday, beinge ane holy day in Inglande, the Bischope of Dumblane
preeched in ane surplace, and eftir sermon the King kneel! ed to the altar, and
made ane offringe of ane gritt peece of gold which the Thesaurer of Inglande
redeimed. Eftirnoon the Kinge receeved the Polonian embassadour in pompe.
This day, beinge Moonday, the Kinge, eftir two of clocke, hes made the Erie
of Angouse Marqweisse, and the chancellour Erie. Ther is no more creatt zitt,
bot ther will be twelue or fourteen made Erles and Vicounts. Thereftir he
went be coche to the Castle, from whence he is to come the morrow to be
erouned, doune the way on horesbacke, and the haill nobilitie ranked with him
to the Abbey churche. One Wednesdey he goethe out to Dalkeithe to the
huntinge ; and one Thursday the parliament lyds. Airthe is dischairged court,
and other news we will heir non till the parliament, when I sail acquaint you,
and to that tyrne rests,
Zours to serve yow,
W. Cochrane.
Edinburgh, 17 Junij 1633.

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