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Ther is suehe ane wproare heir that ther is nothinge zitt done in your
effairs ; bot I sail no forgett them when I can have occasioune.
To the rycht honorabill the Lairde of Nether Pollok, — These.
Robert Lindesay to his Master, Sir John Maxwell of Pollok,
18th June 1633.
233. Rycht honorabill and loving maister, my homble service and dewtie being
remembrit. These ar to acqwent yow, that the Ladie cam zisterday, abowt
tlrre eftir noone, to the towne, and in the meine tym she was cwmitt, the King
was going wp to the castell, by quhilk meanis she gat ane sight of his Maiestie ;
for he was in that syd of the cotche that was neirest to hir ; and in the meane
tyme, she hard two and fiftie peace of cannowne shoot. Hir Iwdgeing is into
my old goodmotheris. What is past formerlie, I wnderstand by yowr ladie,
that Mr. William Maxwell hes acqwentit zow. Zisterday two princes of Hollen
is cwm to the towne ; and, heir zisterday, ane Pollonian Ambassadowre cam.
This day his Maiestie lowpis on at the castell gate (qwhaire he lay all night),
and with ane grit sho and solemnitie rydis downe the wholl way to the Abey,
Avhair he is to heare ane preaching, and thaireftir receivis the crowne. The
morne, the towne of Edinburgh moosteris and makis swndrie bonie pastymis.
On Thwrsday, the parliament rydis. On Swnday nixt, the towne of Edinburgh
banqwetis the King, and thair beis bot on preaching that day, quhilk shall be
befornoone. I was into Leathe zisterday with the Ladie Calderwode and hir
sisteris, at my Ladie Nithisdalle, whair I hard my Lord telling, that ane
Spanishe pirat had takin ane shipp wpon the cost of Ireland, whairinto the
Depwtie of Irelandis fwrnishing, bothe sdverveshell and all, was. Thair was
also ane Dwnkirker persewit ane Hollender loadinit with firr deallis ; and when
they war neire the shore, the Dwnkkker boordit hir, and tewk two of hir men
prissoneris. The Hollender, seing he might no better, takis two barrell of
powdir and pwtis betwixt the ovir lastis, and when thair was ane grit manie of
the Dwnkirkeris aboorde, he blew them all into the seie. Thaireftir, the rest

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