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he lies mead it knone publiklie. He hes sen you horn sum treas of the fynest
kyndes in Ingland, both apil treas, peares, peaches, abrikoks, necturines, chhies
of diweres kyndes, plums of sewerall kyndes. I think this leter will kum to
your handes befor the treas. They are all shipit a yeak since. I thocht good
to let your worship kno of our letest neus that we hewe heare at kourt, altho'
thay ar not so good as we kould wis ; yit seaing that your worship will heare
them be the komoune report of the kunterie, I thocht it beter to sho you all
the sirkumstansses, wherby ye may als weall informe wther as thay kan sho
your worship. First, ther is on kum from G-ermanie to kourt this day, whos
neam is Dalbeare, who reportes that ther hes beane ane neu batelle hard by
Lupsik, in wick batell the King of Suedine hes gotin the wiktorie, with the
sertan lose of his oune persone. This Dalbeare did sea him dead ; so it is
sertan : and hes shon our kinges magistie this day. The way .of his killing
wes this : The Kino- of Suedin beine leading on his oune ermie him self, werie
brawlie and koragiouslie, he did first fecht with Papinhom, whom he hes killed ;
and presentlie efter Papinhom wes killed, ther did kum ane musket bulet from
the enemis syd, wich bullet did brek the King of Suedines arme in peasseas,
and he did also resewe an strok with ane suoord. So the King of Suedine
finding him selfe this peatifulie uoounded, the King of Suedin did say to the
Deuk of Sase, who wes nearest too him, ' Cousine, I am sorlie uonded ; I pray
the kaus karie me aff the flead.' So the Deuk of Sase beang regraitine the
King of Seudines woundes, ther kums ane gentilman from the enemis syd, who
wes ane horsman, and when he did spy the King of Suend, he did kum neare
to the king, and did kry with a loud woys in Duch, ' Ha ! ha ! I hewe fund the
bird wich I hewe long loukt for.' So with thes wordes he did shut the King
of Suedine with ane pistoll. The King of Suedine did presentlie fall doune
dead, and did newer speak anie mor. The Deuk of Sase seaing the king fall,
hee did ryd efter the man that kilt the king, and did kill him : so he rewenged
the king's death wpon that man. The battell did continou tu dayes and wen
night. Ther wes of men in both the ermies 3005 ; and wes kild of both armies
5000/" The King of Suednes bodie did ly, efter he wes killed, wen day and
wen nicht befor it wes fund ; and when it Aves fund, it wes fund strip naiket
amongst mani other. So this it for sertan that the King of Suedine is kilt, and
* The numbers are here given as in the original, where they are obviously stated erroneously.

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