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Papinkoin lykwayes. Walsten is sawe, and is gon with all his men to get neu
suplie. What will be the event, God knoes ! Seeundlie, Dalbear leaweing the
armie, he did cum hear be a toune wher he did find the King of Boyheamia
werie seak, and did stay ther till he deaed. He did dea of the plaig. Ther
is great regrait maid for his death, and all the kourt doeth murne. This Dal-
bear hes assured the King that he did sea both the kinges dead — both the King
of Bohemia and the King of Suendine. The neam of the toune wher the King
[of] Boheamia did dea wes Meadiburig or els Mence : I doe not remember par
ticularlie of the name of the toune. It is for sertan that the King's Magistie
will kum to Skotland this yeare. He is to be in Beruik again Witsounday :
ther he keapes Witsondayes feast 4 dayes. He cumes to Edinbrueh the 14 of
Junj. This is all the forran neus I kan sho you. So humbilhe taikes my liwe.
I sail eAver remain,
Your most obedient servand and peopill,
A. Hamilton.
Drurie Lain, the St. Androes day 1632.
Sir, I hop ye will sho my sister Lucie and Marion that I am weall, and
wold hewe wrytin to them, bot I had no tym ; for I did wryt this in tym that
the Paket wes a Mossing : and sho them I will wryt at mor lenth of all parti-
culares. I hop your worship will remember my humble serwice to your Ladie.
I hewe sean your cousin, Captan Jhone Maxwell ; he is werie weall heare.
To the right worshipful and my much respectit Sir Johne Maxuell of Nether
Pollok, Knicht,— These.
Robert first Earl of Nithisdaill to [Sir John Maxwell of Pollok,]
2 2d April 1633.
223. Worthy cousing, the King haueing appointed to be hi Edinburgh vpon the
fyftein day of Jimie, where he is to receaue his crowne, and thereafter hold a
Parliament : at which tyme itt will be requisit that men be accompanied be
thair best freinds, whereby his Majestie may see his subjects in this kingdome

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