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Genu'3 XII. Carditis. Pyrexia ; pain about the
heart; anxiety ; difficulty of breathing ; cough j un¬
equal pulfe ; palpitation of the heart, and fainting.
I. Idiopathic.
II. Symptomatic.
Genus XIII. Peritonitis. Pyrexia j pain of the belly,
exafperated by an upright pofture, without the proper
hgns of other abdominal phlegmafige.
I. Peritonitis (propria), fituated in the peritonaeum,
properly fo called, furrounding the inlide of the abdo¬
II. Peritonitis in the peritonaeum extend¬
ed through the omentum.
III. Peritonitis {mefenteric a), in the peritonaeum
fpread through the mefentery.
Genus XIV. Gaftritis. Pyrexia inclining to a ty¬
phus j anxiety ; pain and heat of the epigaftrium, aug¬
mented when any thing is taken into the ftomash ; an
inclination to vomit, and an immediate rejeftion of
every thing fwallowed j an hiccough.
1. Idiopathic.
t. From internal caules.
A, Gaftritis (ph/egmonodeca), attended wuth acute
pain and violent pyrexia.
2. From external caufes.
B, Gaftritis (eri/xipelatofa), with a lefs violent fever
and pain : an eryfipelatous rednefs appearing on the
II. Symptomatic.
Genus XV. Enteritis. Pyrexia of a typhous na¬
ture •, pungent pain of the belly, ftretching and twill¬
ing about the navel; vomiting j the belly obftinately
I. Idiopathic.
1. Enteritis {phlegmonodcra), with acute pain, violent
fever, vomiting, and conftipation of the belly.
2. Enteritis (erysipelatofa), with lefs acute fever and
pain, without vomiting; but accompanied with a di¬
II. Symptomatic.
Genus XVI. Hepatitis. Pyrexia ; tenfion and pain
of the right hypochondrium ; fometimes pungent like
that of a pleurify, but more frequently obtufe j a pain
reaching to the clavicle and top of the right Ihoulder ;
a difficulty of lying on the left fide j dyfpnoea; dry
cough, vomiting, and hiccough.
Genus XVII. Splenitis. Pyrexia ; tenfion, heat,
and fwelling of the left hypochondrium, the pain in-
creafing by preffure ; without the ligns of nephritis.
Genus XVIII. Nephritis. Pyrexia; pain in the re¬
gion of the kidney, often following the courfe of the
ureter : frequent difeharge of urine, either thin and co-
lourlefs, or very red ; vomiting ; ftupor of the thigh ;
with a retratticn or pain of the tefticle of the fame fide.
The fpecies are,
I. Idiopathic. Spontaneous.
II. Symptomatic.
Genus XIX. Cyftitis. Pyrexia ; pain and fwelling
of the hypogaftrium : frequent and painful difeharge of
urine, or ifehuria ; and tenefmus. The fpecies are,
I. Thofe ariling from internal caufes.
II. Thofe from external caufes.
Genus XX. Hyfteritis. Pyrexia; heat, tenfion,
fwelling, and pain of the hypogaftrium; the os uteri
painful when touched ; vomiting.
I C I N E.
Genus XXI. Rheumatiimus. A dileale arifing
from an external and frequently very evident caufe ;
pyrexia ; pain about the joints, frequently following
the courfe of the mufcles ; infefting the knees and other '
large joints rather than thofe of the feet or hands; in-
creafed by external heat.
1 he fpecies are either idiopathic or fymptomatic.
The former varies in fituatipn.
A, In the mufcles of the loins.
B, In the mufcles of th<i coxendix.
C, In the mufcles of the breaft.
Genus XXII. Odontalgia; a rheumatifm of the
jaws from a caries of the teeth.
Genus XXIII. Podagra. An hereditary difeafe,.
arifing without any evident external caufe, but for the
moft part preceded by an unufual affedlion of the fto-
mach; pyrexia ; pain of a joint for the moft part of
the great toe of the foot, at leaft infefting chiefly the
wrifts and ankles ; returning by intervals ; and often al¬
ternated with affedlions of the ftomach and other inter¬
nal parts.
I. Podagra (regulvris), with a pretty violent inflam¬
mation of the joints remaining for fome days, and by
degrees going off with (welling, itching, and delquama-
tion of the affedled part.
II. Podagra (atonica), with an atony of the ftomach,
or fome other internal part; and either without the ufu-
al inflammation of the joints, or only writh flight and
Avandering pains ; and frequently alternated with dy-
fpepiia, or other fymptoms of atony.
III. Podagra (retrograda\ with the inflammation of
the joints fuddenly difappearing, and an atony of the fto¬
mach and other parts immediately following.
IV. Podagra {aberrant'), with the inflammation of an
internal part either preceding or not, and fuddenly dif¬
GenusXXIV. Arthropuofis. Deep, obtufe, and long-
continued pains of the joints or mulcular parts, fre¬
quently following contufions ; with either no fwelling,
or a moderate and diffufed one ; no phlogofis ; pyrexia,
at firft gentle, afterwards hectic, and at length an im-
Order III. Exanthemata. Contagious difeafes ;
affecting a perfon only once in his life; beginning with
fever; after a certain time- appear phlogofes, for the
moft part fmall and in confiderable number, and difper-
fed over the Ikin.
Genus XXV. Eryfipelas. A fynocha of two or
three days, for the moft part attended with drowfinefs,
often with a delirium. In fome parts of the Ikin, moft
frequently the face, appears a phlogofis. The fpecies
I. Eryfipelas (yejiculofum), with erythema, rednefs
creeping, occupying a large fpace, and in fome parts
ending in large blifters.
II. Eryfipelas (ph/y£fcenodes), wdth an erythema
formed of a number of papulm, chiefly occupying the
trunk of the body, ending in phlydlense or fmall
The difeafe is alfo fymptomatic.
Genus XXVI. Peftis. An exceedingly contagious
typhus, with the higheft debility. On an uncertain day
of the difeafe buboes and carbuncles break forth. It is
various in degree, but the fpecies are uncertain.
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