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23£ M E D I
General Gonus XXVII. Variola ; a contagious fynocha, with
menthol" vom^ing, and pain on prefling the epigaftrium. On the
Dil'eafcs. day begins, and on the fifth is finithed, the erup-
i——tion of inflammatory puftules, which fuppurate in the
fpace of eight days, and at laft go oil in crufts j fre¬
quently leaving deprefled cicatrices or pockpits in the
Ikin, The fpecies are,
I. Variola (difereta), with few, diftinct, turpid, puf¬
tules, having circular Safes; the fever ceafing immedi¬
ately after the eruption.
II. 'Vario\a(conjluens), with numerous,confluent, ir¬
regularly ftiaped puftules, flaccid and little elevated 5
the fever remaining after the eruption.
Genus XXVIll. Varicella. Synocha; papulae break¬
ing out after a ftiort fever, fimilar to thofe of the fmall-
pox, but hardly ever coming to fuppuration ; after a
few days going off in fmall feales, without leaving any
Genus XXIX. Rubeola. A contagious fynocha, with
fneezing, epiphora, and dry hoarfe cough. On the
fourth day, or a little later, break forth fmall, cluftered,
and fcarcely elevated papulae ; after three days going off
In very fmall branny feales.
I. Rubeola (vu/garis), with very fmall confluent co-
rymbofe papulae, fcarcely rifing above the fkin.
1. In the fymptoms being more fevere, and the courfe
of the difeafe lefs regular.
2. In being accompanied writh a cynanche.
3. With a putrid diathefis.
II. Rubeola (yariolodes), with diftimft papulae, raifed
above the Ikin.
Genus XXX. Miliaria. Synochus with anxiety,
frequent fighing, unfluous fweat, and a fenfe of prick¬
ing as of pin points in the {kin. On an uncertain day
of the difeafe, break out red, fmall, diftinfl papulae,
Spread over the whole body as well as the face ; the
apices of which, after one or two days, become very
fmall white puftules, remaining for a ftiort time.
Genus XXXI. Scarlatina. A contagious fynocha.
On the fourth day of the difeafe the face fwells a little j
at the fame time an univerfal rednefs occupies the {kin
In large fpots, at length running together ; after three
days going off in branny feales 5 frequently fucceeded
by an anafarca. The fpecies are,
I. Scarlatina (Jimplex^), not accompanied with cy¬
II. Scarlatina (cynanchica), with an ulcerous cy¬
Genus XXXIL Urticaria. A quotidian fever.
On the feeond day of the difeafe, red fpots refembling
the flinging of nettles, almoft vaniftiing during the
day, but returning in the evening with the fever,
and after a few days going off altogether in very fmall
Genus XXXIII. Pemphigus. A contagious typhus.
On the firft, fecond, or third day of the difeafe, blifters
break out in feveral parts of the body, of the bignefa of
a bean, remaining for many days, and at laft pouring
out a thin ichor.
Genus XXXIV. Aphtha. Synochus ; the tongue
fometvhat fwelled and of a livid colour, as v’ell as the
fauces •, efehars firft; appearing in the fauces, but at
.length occupying the whole internal parts of the mouth,
of a white colour, fometimes diftindt, often running to-
CINE. praaice;
gether, quickly growing again when taken off j and General
remaining for an uncertain time. Arran^e-
The fpecies are, 1. Idiopathic. 2. Symptomatic.
Order IV. H^morrhagi^e. Pyrexia, with a dif-
charge of blood, without any external violence : the
blood drawn from a vein hath the lame appearance as
in phlegmafiae.
Genus XXXV. Epiftaxis. Pain or weight of the
head, rednefs of the face } a difeharge of blood from
the nofe.
I. Idiopathic.
Varying according to the time of life.
1. Epiftaxis of young people, with fymptoms of an
arterial plethora.
2. Epiftaxis of old people, with fymptoms of a venous
II. Symptomatic.
1. From internal caufes.
2. From external caufes.
Genus XXXVI. Hsemoptyfis. Rednefs of the
cheeks 5 a fenfation of uneafinefs, or pain, and fome¬
times of heat in the breaft difficulty of breathing;
tickling of the fauces *, either a fevere or lefs vio¬
lent cough, bringing up florid and frequently frothy
The idiopathic fpecies are,
1. Haemoptyfis (plethorica), without any external
violence, and without being preceded by any cough or
fuppreflion of any cuftomary evacuation.
2. Haemoptyfis (violentci), from external violence ap¬
3. Haemoptyfis (phthijica), after a long-continued
cough, with a leannefs and debility.
4. Hoemoptyfis {calculofa), in which fome calculous
molecules, for the moft part of a calcareous nature, are
thrown up.
5. Haemoptyfis (vicaria), after the fuppreflion of a
cuftomary evacuation.
Befides thefe, there are a number of fymptomatic fpe¬
cies mentioned by different authors. The confequence
of an haemoptyfis is, a
Phthijis. A wafting and debility of the body, with
a cough, heftic fever, and for the moft part a purulent
expeftoration. The fpecies are,
I. An incipient phthifis, without any expeftoration
of pus.
II. A confirmed phthifis, with an expectoration of
Both fpecies vary, 1. As to their remote caufe. 2.
As to the origin of the purulent matter.
Genus XXXVIL Haemorr-hois. Weight and pain
of the head ; vertigo-’, pain of the loins ; pain of the
anus j livid painful tubercles, from which for the moft
part blood flows out 5 which fometimes alfo drops out
of the anus, without any apparent tumor. The fpecies
1. Haemorrhois {lumens), external from marifeae.
A, Bloody.
B, Mucous.
2. Haemorrhois {procidens), external from a proci¬
dentia am.
3. Haemorrhois (fiuens), internal, without any fuel¬
ling, ox procidentia ani.
4. Kacmorrhois

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