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230 M E D I
General an Interval of about 24 hours, coming on commonly in
m^nt of* the morninS-
-Qiv I. With the interpofition of an apyrexia.
1 1 ■■»■■■ v i I. Varies in being folitary.
A, Univerfal.
B, Partial.
2. Complicated with other difeafes.
II. With a remiffion only between the paroxyfms.
Se£t. II. Continue?. Fevers without evident inter-
miffion, and not occafioned by marlh miafmata j but
attended with exacerbations and remiflxons, though not
always very remarkable.
Genus IV. Synocha. Great heat; a frequent,
ftrong, and hard pulfe ; high-coloured urine } the func¬
tions of the fenforium a little difturbed.
Genus V. Typhus. A contagious difeafe j the heat
not much above the natural j the pulfe fmall, weak,
and for the molt part frequent $ the urine little changed;
the functions of the fenforium very much difturbed, and
the ftrength greatly diminiftied.
The fpecies are,
I. Typhus petechialis. Typhus for the moft part
with petechiae.
Varying in degree. 1. Mild typhus. 2. Malignant
II. Typhus iff erodes. Typh us with a yellownefs of
the {kin.
Genus VI. Synochus. A contagious difeafe. A
fever compounded of fynocha and typhus ; in the be¬
ginning a fynocha, but towards the end a typhus.
Order II. Phlegmasi^e. A fynocha fever, with
inflammation or topical pain, the internal funflion of
the parts being at the fame time injured ; the blood
drawn and concreted exhibiting a white coriaceous fur-
Genus VII. Phlogofis. Pyrexia •, rednefs, heat, and
painful tenfion, of fome external part.
The fpecies are,
I. Phlogofis (ph/egmone') of a vivid red colour 5 a
fwelling well defined, for the moft part elevated to a
point, and frequently degenerating into an abfeefs, with
a beating or throbbing pain.
The variations are, 1. In the form. 2. In the fitua-
II. Phlogofis {erythema) of a reddifli colour, vanifil¬
ing by preffure ; of an unequal and creeping circum¬
ference, with fcarce any fwelling 5 ending in the fealing
off of the cuticle, in puftules, or blifters.
The variations are, l. In the degree of violence.
2. In the remote caufe. 3. In being complicated with
other difeafes.
The confequences of a phlogofis are, an impofthume,
gangrene, fphacelus.
Genus VIII. Ophthalmia. A rednefs and pain of
the eye, with an inability to bear the light 5 for the moft
part with an effufion of tears.
The fp ecies and varieties of the ophthalmia are,
I. Idiopathic.
1. Ophthalmia {membranarum), in the tunica adnata,
and the membranes lying under it, or the coats of the
. A, Varying in the degree of the external inflamma-
C I N E. Practice
B, In the internal coats affe&ed. General
2. Ophthalmia {tarji), of the eye-lids, with fwelling, Arrange,
erofion, and glutinous exudation. of
II. Symptomatic. ,
1. From a difeafe of the eye itfelf.
2. From difeafes of other parts, or of the whole
Genus IX. Phrenitis. Violent pyrexia ; pain of the
head j rednefs of the face and eyes ; inability to en¬
dure the light or any noife j watchfulnefs j a furious
delirium, or typhomania.
I. Idiopathic.
II. Symptomatic.
Genus X. Cynanche. Pyrexia fometimes inclining
to a typhus ; difficulty of fwallowing and breathing •,
with a fenfation of narrownefs in the fauces.
The fpecies are,
I. Cynanche {tonfillaris) affc&ing the mucous mem¬
brane of the fauces, but efpecially the tonfils, with red¬
nefs and fwelling, accompanied with a fynocha.
II. Cynanche {maligna) affefting the tonfils, and
mucous membrane of the fauces with fwelling, rednefs,
and mucous crufts of a whitifti or afh-colour, creeping,
and covering ulcers; with a typhous fever and exanthe¬
III. Cynanche {trachealis) attended with difficult
refpiration, noify and hoarfe infpiration, loud cough,
without any apparent tumor in the fauces, fomewhat
difficult deglutition, and a fynocha.
IV. Cynanche {pharyngcea) attended with rednefs
in the bottom of the fauces, very difficult and painful
deglutition, refpiration fufficiently free, and a fynocha.
V. Cynanche {parotidcea) with great fwelling in the
parotids and maxillary glands appearing on the outfide :
the refpiration and deglutition but little injured j a fy¬
nocha, for the moft part mild.
Difeafes of this genus are fymptomatic, either from
external or internal caufes.
Genus XI. Pneumonia. Pyrexia, with a pain in
fome part of the thorax, difficult refpiration, and cough.
The fpecies are,
I. Peripn'eumony, with a pulfe net always hard, but
fometimes foft; an obtufe pain of the breaft ; the re¬
fpiration always difficult ; fometimes the patient cannot
breathe unlefs in an upright pofture •, the face fwelled,
and of a livid colour ; the cough for the moft part moift,
frequently bloody.
1. Simple idiopathic peripneumonies.
Varying in degree.
2. Idiopathic peripneumonies complicated with fever.
3. Symptomatic peripneumonies.
II. Pleurify, with a hard pulfe ; for the moft paA
attended with a pungent pain of one fide, augmented
chiefly during the time of infpiration *, an uneafinefs
when lying on the fide ; a moft painful cough, dry in
the beginning of the difeafe, afterwards moiit, and fre¬
quently bloody.
1. Simple idiopathic pleurifies.
2. Pleurifies,complicated, (1.) With fever. (2.) With
3. Symptomatic pleurifies.
4. Falfe pleurifies.
I he confequences of pleurify are a vomica or em¬

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