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SioLACHAN, shOU'-ach-aii, n. m. strainer,
SiOLADH, shell'-X, pi. subsiding ; straining,
filtering ; a' sioladh a bhainne, straining
the mill:; tha a gliaoith a sioladh, the
ioind is subsiding-.tha'n t-uisge a' sMadh,
the sediments in the water are subsiding,
the water is filtering ; n. m. a syllable,
SlOLAG, shell'-ag, n. f. sand-eel ; pi. siol-
agan, — in Perth, a breeding sow.
Sjolaich, shell'-eeli, v. breed, propagate,
multiply; shiolalch iad, they increased,
multiplied; stoliiichibh is fàsaibh lion-
mhor, be fruitful and multiply, Bible;
o Dhiarmaid shiolaich clann nach gann,
from Dermid sprang a numerous off-
SiOLAicHE, shcU'-ècli a, n. m. propagator.
.SioLAiDK, shèll'-èy', v. subside, strain, fil.
ter; s}iiolaidh ansoirbheas, tlie wind sub.
SioLc, sheiiik, v. snatch, seek, tiolp.
SioL-cuiR, shèll'-kùèr, n. m. seed com.
SlOLL, slièùll, 71. m. turn, rotation; swll
ma seacli, time about, in rotation, alter-
nately ; 'sè so mo shiollsa, this is my ro-
tation; an d' thainig do shioll-sa stigh
fliathast, is your rotation or turn come
round yet.
SioLMiioR, Sior-AR, shell'-ur, adj. prolific,
fertile ; as corn productive, substantial.
.'^loLMHOiREACiin, shèU'-uèr-achg, n.f. fe-
cundity, productiveness, fertility.
.'^lOLT, shèùlt, n. m. the bird, teal.
SioLTAtCH, shèùlt'-èch, n. m. bird, goos-
SioLTAiCHE, shèlt'.èch-à, n. m. stallion,
Arran; breeder, propagator.
SroMAiDEAN, shem'-ajaen, n. m. a mallet.
.SioMAlV, shem'an', n. m. rope, sùgan.
SioMLACHD, shem'-llachg, n. f. cliicken-
heartedness, sheepishness, great cowar-
SioMLAinH,shèm'-llè, adj. chicken-hearted,
sheepish, spiritless, heartless.
.''lOMLAG, shem'-llag, n. m. great coward.
.Sio.MLAiR, shèm'-llaèr, \n. m. a chimney
SiOMLAiNN, shèm'-llènn, / vent; eeann-
siòmlainn, chimney-stalk ; thromh 'n t-
siomlainn, through the vent.
Siox, shenn, n. m, thing, particle, nothing ;
cha 'n 'eil s'ton ugam, I have nothing; gach
sion a th' agam, every particle I possess ;
cha 'n 'ell sion mhaith air, it is worth
nothing; climate, element, air, atmo-
sphere ; blast, drift ; a' dol an aghaidh
an t-sion, going against the blast; an
sion na chùlthaobh, the blast, the drift
of the rain in his bach : tha na s'lontan
airatharrachadh, the climate has chang-
ed; fom' sh'tontan dùthchasach, under
my native climate, in my native atmo-
sphere; mar chritheach 'san t-sinn. Hire
the aspen in the blast, Oss. ; tamhasg air
èideadh le siontaibh, a spectre shrouded
with the elements.
S[ONNACH,shùnn'-ach, n.m. pipe-recd; a fox
Sio.NNSAiR, shùnn'sàr', n. ?n. pipe-chanter.
SlOR, sherr, n. m. time ; circle of time ; gu
sior, fur ever ; adv. and arf;. continually,
continual, perpetual, perpetually; used
always before the noun or verb qualified ;
a' iior-amharc orm, eternally stating at
me; sior-atharrachail, ever-variable, ever-
changing; sio/--bhualadh, eternally stri-
hing, thrashing; iior-iarrtach, impor-
tunate ; iior-mhagadh air, eternally,
perpetually, or continually jeering t)r
gibing him.
SioRR, shèurr, v. scud or slip in or out.
SiORRADH, shurr'-A, pf. darting, dart;— in
Perthshire, sheriff, siorram.
SiORRAM, sheurr'-am, n. m. a sheriff.
SiORRAMACHD, shurr'-am-achg, n.f. coun-
ty, shire ; sheriffdom. Argyle.
SlORRUiTH, shQrr'.rùèch, adj. eternal, ever-
lasting ; %\}i siorruHh, eternally; <s!or,
continually, and ruith, running, ever-
SioRRUiTHEACHD, sheir'-ech-achg, n. f.
Sios, shcss, n. m. adv. bottom ; a s'los,
down, downward ; a' dol sios, going down,
setting, sinking; o shiùbhail sios agus
suas,/ronj going up and down. Bible.
SiosAR, shess'-ur, n. m. pair of scissors.
SioTA, shètt-a', n. m. a blackguard, a pet.
Sir, sher, n. m. a knight ; Sir Seumas, .Sir
James ; v. seek, ask, search ; sir e, serl.-
it; want; dè tha thu sireadh, what do
you want ? esan a shireis, gheibh, he who
seeks, shall find. Bible.
SiRis, SiRisT, shèr'-èsh, shèr'-èshj, n. f.
cherry ; the island of Tyree.
SiRiSTEACH, shèr'.èshjj-ach.arf;. belonging
to Tyree ; n. m. a shelty, pony ; a Tyree
SiTEARN, shcjf.arn, n. f. a harp. '
Situ, shAe, adj. spiritual; daoine s'llh,
fairies; bean, neo leannan ii^A, a /awi-
liar spirit, Bible; n.f., truce;
cogadh na sith, either xuar or peace ;
quietness, tranquillity ; an sith, in quiet-
Sith, for sigh, shègh, skip, dart.
SiTHEACH, shè'.ach, n. m. a fairj'. Main-
land; Argyle.
SiTHEiL, she'-al, adj. peaceful, quiet
SiTiiio.vN, shè'-unn, n.f. venison.
SiTH-VHAOR, shè-vàor', n. m. a herald.
SiTii-SHAlMH, shè.hàèv, n. /. delightful,
SiTiR, shèjt'-cr, V. neigh; n, f. a neigh.

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