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Granadero, $m. grenadier (tall foot-soldier)
Granadilla, if. passion-flower (plant and flower)
Granado, -a adj. large; principal; select; seedy
Granado, .««. poracffranate-tree (foreign plant)
Granalla, sí. trranulation; (jrains of metal
Granar, r.\. to seed; be fullof seed; shed the seed
Granate, s:n. carnet (preeious red gem)
Graniízóii, sm. seediui; shedding the seed
Granbestia, «/. elk, wild animal of the stag kind
Gran canon, sm. fat canon(kind of printing lett.)
Grandánime, adj brave; magnanimous
Grandária; sf. magnitude; greatness; great size
Grandazo, -a, adj. augm. very great, large, huge
Grande, adj. great; large; eminent; grand; lofty
Grande, sm. grandee, Spanish nobleman
Grandecico, -illo, -ito, -a, a. growing rather big
Grandeza, sf. greatness; bigness; magnificence
Grandeza, grandeeship; body of grandees
Grandezuéfo, -a, adj. dimin. pretty large, big
Grandificencia, sf. magnificence; splendour
Grandillón, -a, adj. aug. extremely large and big
Orandiloquencia, sf. lofty style of speech
Grandilóquo, -a, ad. using a lofty, pompous stvle
Grandiosamente, adv. magnificently; pompously
Grandiosidad,/, greatness; grandeur; abundance
Grandioso, -a, adj. grand; magnificent; great
Grandor, sm. size; bigness; greatness: magnitude
Grandúra, sf. magnitude; largeness; greati
Graneado, -a, adj. reduced to grains; granuious
Graneador, sm. kind of graver, tool for engraving
Granear, va. 1. to sow grain; engrave
Granel, m. heap of corn. A' granel, ad. in a heap
Granero, sm. granary; corn-loft; fruitful country
Graneváno, sm. goat's thorn (plant)
Grangeár, a. 1. to obtain; till; gain the good-will
Grangeár á barlovento, to gain to windward (na.)
Graugeo, sm. acquisition; gain; advancement
Grangeria, i/. gain; profit; advantage; interest
Grangero, -a, «.farmer; dealer in profitable goods
Granguárdia, sf. grand guard, in front of an army
Granico, sm. dimtn. granule; small grain
Granilla, /. small seed,of herb; rough nap on cloth
Granillero, -a, itdj. feeding in the fields (hogs)
Granillo, sm. dim. small grain; profit obtained
Granillo, pimple on the rump of canaries, linnets
Granilloso, -a, adj. full of little grains; granuious
Granito, sm. granite, stone; small egg of silk-
Granivoro, -a, a. eating, living on grain [worm
Granizada, sf. heavy fall of snow
(iranizádo, -a, a. full of hail; destroyed by hail
Granizar, vn. 1. to hail; pour down with violen
Grasa, >f.
i; fat; grease; kitchen-stu.1
ballena, blubber (fat of a whale)
Grasera. .</. vessel for ink-paste; dripping-pan
Graseria, sf. tallow-chandler's shop
Graséza,s/. greasiness; fatness; oiliness; grease
Grasicnto, -a, adj. greasy: fat; oilv; rusty; filthy
Grasilla, sf. pounce; sanicle; butterwort (plant)
Graso, -a, adj. fat; greasv; oilv; unctuous
Griso, stn. fat; grease; unctuous, oilv substance
Grasi)nes,sw.;;7. fast-dish, made of flour, milk
Grasura,/, suet; tallow; fat; heart, liver & lights
Gratamente, adv. gratefully; in a kind manner
Gratar, va. 1. to burnish silver, silver-gilt
Gratas, Gratagújas, sf. tool to burnish silver, &c.
Gratificación,»/, gratification; recompense; fee
Gratificadór, sm. gratifier; rewarder; requiter
Gratificar, va. 1. to gratify; reward; please
Gratil, sm. head of a sail (naut.)
Gratis, adv. gratis; for nothing; without reward
Gratisdato, -a, «. gratuitous; voluntary; unasked
Gratitud, sf. gratitude; gratefulness; tlianks
Grato, -a, adj. graceful; pleasing; grateful
Gratonirta,.'!/. kind of ragout, fricassee of chick.
Gratuitamente, adv. gratuitously; voluntarily
Gratuito, -a, adj. gratuitous; voluntary; unasked
Gratulación, sf. joyful readiness; gratulation
Gratular, va. 1. to congratulate; wish joy to
Gratularse, v. ref. to rejoice; exult; be joyful
Gratulatorio, -a, a. congratulatory; wishing joy
Gravamen, sm. charge; obligation to perform
Gravar, v. I. to burthen: oppress; molest; fatigue
Gravativo, -a, adj. g-rievous; painful; injurious
Grave, a. weighty; heavy; important; great; lofty
Grave, grave; v¿xatiov ■ ~ -'-' - "-= '■
e (pon
Gravear, i'». 1. to weigh; gravitate; sink down
Gravedad, sf. gravity: weight; modesty; atrocity
Gravedoso, -a, adj. haughty; full of pride; vain
Gravedúmbre, Gravidúmbre, sf. difficulty
Gravemente, adv. gravely; seriously; in earnest
Graveza, sf. gravity; charge; hardship; difficulty
Gravidád, sf. gravity; weight; modesty; atrocity
Gravitación, 7. tending to the centre; gravitation
Gravitar, t)«. 1. to gravitate, weiirh downwards
Gravoso, -a, adj. griev
I, «/. grant
I, froze
Granuja,/, ripe grap
web in the i
c; villa; manse
!• particle; weight
t ttrains; granuious
full of grains
Granular, va. 1. to granulate; form into graini
(iranulóso, -a, adj. full of grains; granuious
(¡ranzones, sm. pi. refuse of straw, le
Granzoso, -a, adj. full of refuse (graii
Gra6ón, sm, pap, made of boiled wheat; grain
Grao. sm. strand; sea-beach: shore; sea-coast
lírápa. sf. cramp-iron; holdfast; mangy ulcer
Grapón, sm. augm. large ctamp iron, holdfast
Graznar, '
croak; cackle; caw; croeitation
ives (ancient armour for the legs)
fret, orn. formed of right angle»
:;/G^e'-._.. ...-,-
(á la), adv. in the Grecian style
ico, a. Greek; wild (fire burning in water)
imo,»n.grecism; idiom of the Greek tougut
Grecizánte, adj. using the Greek language
Grecizár, vn. I. to use the Greek language
Greda, sf. chalk; mari, sort of clay; fuller's eartli
Gredál, sm. pit of chalk, marl, fuller's earth
Gredál, adj. chalkv; abounding with marl, &c.
(;rcdóso,-a,«. chalky; marly; fullof fuller's earth
Grefiér, sm. keeper of the rolls; recorder
Gregal, m. north-east wind.iu the Mediterranean
Gregal, adj. going in flocks; gregal: gregarious
Gregalizár, vn. 1. to be north-easting (naut.)
Gregario, -a. of the common sort; ordinary
Gregoriano, -a, ndj. gregorian; of Pope Gregory
Gregorillo, m. neckcloth, formerly worn by woro.
Greguería, sf. outcry; noise; confused clamour
Gregüéscos, »/i./). wide breeches in theGrcek mode
Greguizár, a.\. to speak, translate Greek; grecisi
Gremial, m. lap-cloth, used by bishops at servict
Gremial, ad;, belonging to a body, corporation
Gremial, sm. member of the corporation, guild
Gremio, sm. lap; body; corporation; fraternity

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