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Gorrico, -íllo, -ito, >m. dimin. small round cap
(romii Gorrino, sm. small pig;¡ sucking piir; pig
Gorr.Hillo, -ito. sm. dimin. small sucking piif ^
Oornon, am. sparrow (small bird)
Gorrioncico, -illo, -ito, sm. dimin. small sparrow
Gorrionera, sf. place of meetinsf; den of rogues
Gorro, sm. r
Gorrón, ;
i. para
cap (cove
■Í. large cap, bonnet
tute; hireling; public strumpet
■e full of pebbles, coarse gravel
Gorullo, sm. small' ball^oTwoolsmck together
Gorupo, ,n. grannv's bend (kind of seaman's knoti
Costar, va. 1. to taste; like; love; enjoy;examine
Gota, sf. drop; small quantity, of liquor; gout
Gota coral, caduca, sf. epilepsy; falling-sickness
Gota a gota, ,ulr. drop by drop; by drops
Gotas, /./(.ornaments of the Doric order(arch.)
Goteado, -a, adj. besprinkled with drops; spotted
Gotear, va. 1. to drop; gleet; give by driblets
Gotera, -Í/. gutter; duct; fringe of bed-hangings
Goterón, ;;«. large drop of rain-water
Goteroncillo, sm. drop of rain a little larger
Gótica, -illa, -ita, sf. dimin. droplet; small drop
Gótico, -a, «rfj.Gothic(styleofbuilding);anti(iue
Gótica (letra),»/. Gothic characters
Gotoso, -a, adj. gouty (afflicted with the gout)
Gáyo,í;«. pleasure; joy; mirth; cheerfulness; glee
Gozante,«. enjoying; delighting in; relishing [in
Gozar, a. 1. to enjoy; have possession of; delight
Gozarse, v. ref. to rejoice; e.xult; be glad, joyful
Grtr..» ,„ •'"ige; first joint, vertebre of the neck
isure;joy; mirth; glee; cheerfulness
(saltar de), tobe in high spirits, very
li> GRA
Grada, harrow, to break the clods of earth, ¡kc.
Grada de construcción, stocks for ship-builaing
Grada (navio en la), sm. ship on the stocks
Gradas,^. jt>. bar; court;
Gradación, sf. harmonio
Gradado, -a, adj. with an order of steps around
Gradátim, adv. by degrees; gradually
Graderia, sf. series of steps, seats
Gradilla, sf. dimin. small step, seat; tile-mould
Gratlinár, va. 1. to pare olT with a chisel
Gradino, m. chisel, tool to pare with; graver; tool
Gradiolo, sm. swordgrass; glader(kind of sedge)
Grado, «rt. step, of a staircase; value; degree
Grado (de, de su), adv. willingly; with pllasure
Grado en grado (de), adv. by degrees; gradually
Grado (mal de su), ad. unwillingly; reluctantly
Grado (mal su), in spite of him; in defiance of him
Grados, m. pi. minor orders, in religious houses
ijradoso, -a, adj. agreeable; pleasant; acceptable
" uring;graduation; rank (mil.)
'c. gradual; done by degrees, step by step
'.. 1. t
Graf, s.
Go; „,
i. ;)?«r. couplet
Grabado, s
Grabador; sm. e
engraving; sculpti
rave; picture by ir
;, de agua fuerte, t
It the.
i etch
Gracejante, sm. jester; pinster; joker; mimic
Gracejar, vn. 1. to jest; joke; be facetious, mi
Gracejo, ;«. jest; pleasing manner of speakin,
Graeia./.grace; elegance; favour; kindness; ni
Gracia, pardon; remission of a debt; gratituc
Gracia, beauty; benevolence; kind condescen'
Gracia (caer en, 2.), to become a favourite
Gracia de Dios .,/. bread (the gift of God)
Gracia (de), adv. gratis; fornothing;uithout
Gracias,/, plur. pontifical grants, concessior
Gracias (decir dos, 3.), to tell some hom
Graciable, a. affable; good-natured; gra
Graciola. '}/■ hedge-hyssop, kind of will
Gracioso, -a, beu
Graciosa,' sf. con
Grada, step, of as
Grada, •«/. footsK
nnpare; graduate; give rank
e, V. ri»/. to graduate; take one's degrees
graver; burin; engraving tool
Gráfico, a, adj. graphic; well delineated
la, sf. little border on the edge of a coin
Grafio, sm. stone-cutter's chisel
Grafioles, biscuits, shaped like the lett. .S.
Grafómetro, m. semicircle of 180 degrees(instr.)
Gragea, sf. kind of very small sugar-plum
•iraja, »/. jay (bird with gaudy feathers)
Grajado, sm. top of the rudder (naut.)
Grajal, adj. to, of crows, ravens, magpies, &c.
Grajt-ro, -a, adj. rooky; inhabited by rooks
Grajilla, V. dimin. small jay (bird)
Grajo, sm. jack-daw (black chattering bird)
Grajuelo, sm. dimin. small jack-daw (bird)
Grajuno, -a, adj. to, of jack-daws
Grama, sf. brake (instrument to dress flax, hemp)
Grama, creeping cynodon; creeping wheat-grass
Gramal, sm. place full of creeping wheat-grass
Gramalla, sf. mace-bearer's dress; coat of mail
Gramalléra, sf. pot-hanger(hook to hang pots on)
Gramar, va. 1. to knead the dough (of bread)
Gramática,/, grammar, rules forspeaking&writ.
Gramática, study of Latin; book of rules, &c.
Gramática parda, strength of natural' reason
Gramatical, adj. grammatical; preceptive
Gramaticalmente, adv. according to grammar
Gramático, sm. grammarian; teacher of grammar
Gramaticon, sm. grammaticaster; verbal pedant
Gramaticuelo, sm. dimin. little grammaticaster
Gramatiqueria, sj. science of grammar, rules, &c.
Gramatista, s. professor of grammar, dead Ian.
Grarailla, sf. ruler (instrument to draw lines)
Gramíneo, -a, adj. grassy; covered with grass
Graminivoro, -a, a. grass-eating; living ¿n grass
uramoso, -a, a. producing creeping wheat-grass
Gran, adj. great(contr. before substantives sin.)
Gran, grand; chief; principal; high in power
Gran cosa, grentthing. Gran miedo, m. great fear
Gran señor, maestre, sm. grand signior, master
Grana, sf. grain; seed; seeding-time; cochineal
Grana, fine scarlet cloth; fresh rosy colour
Grana quermes, sf. kermes dye; scariet grain
Granada, pomegranate (fruit, &c.); hand-grenade
Granadera, sf. grenadier's pouch, for grenades

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