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Gargajoso, -a, adj. spittiDg; ejecting phlegm
Garganchón, sm. gnllet; gorge; throat; windpipe
Garganta, </. throat; instep; mountain-flood
Garganta, sweet modulation of the voice, defile
Gargantáda, /. great ejection of water, wine, &c.
Garganteadúras, if.ptur. throat-seizings (naut.)
Gargaiiteár,» quaver; warble; shake the voice
Garganteo, »m. quavering; shaking the voice
Garganteria, Garganteza, tf. gluttony; excess
Gargantilla, «/. necklace (woman's ornament)
Gargantilla, top of the beam of a potter's wheel
Gargantón, -a, iidj. greedy; ravenous; voracious
Gárgara, sf. gargling noise in washing the throat
Gargarismo, m. gargle, liquid to wash the throat
Gargarismo, washing the throat with a medicine
Gargarizar, vv. 1. to gargle; wash the throat
Gárgol, sm. groove; rabbet; joint iu carpentry
Gárgol, adj. addle; barren; empty (egg)
Gárgola, /. spout of a gutter, like a lion; linseed
Gargüero, Garguero, »»i. ^Uet; throat; vrindpipe
Garifálte, sm. gerfalcon, bird of prey; ordnance
Garifo,-», a. showy; adorned; decked; full dressed
Gariofilea, sf. common avens; herb-bennet (pla.)
Gariófilo, sm. clove-tree (producing rich spice)
Garita, */. sentry-box; porter's lodge
Garitear, vn. 1. to gamble; cheat at play
Garitero, sm. master of a gambling-house
Garito, sm. gaming-house; profits of gaming
Garlador, -a, smf. chatterer; prattler; babbler
Garlante,». & adj. babbler; prater; chattering
Garlar, n. 1. to prattle; chatter; babble; talk idly
Garlito, jn.weel, trap for fish; snare; gin,in gener.
Garlocha, sf. ^oad (for oxen); dart to prick bulls
Garlopa, sf. jointer, long plane to smooth boards
Garnacha, sf. robe, dignity, office of a counsellor
Garnacha, company of strolling players
Garnacha, liquor made of honey & wine; red grape
Garnáto, i>n. garnet; granate, precious stone
Gáro, sm. kind of lobster; brine for fish, meat
Garra, sf. claw, of a wild beast; talon; clutch
Garra (gente de la) , sf. filchers; petty thieves
Gárra(navíode media), ship carrying no top-sails
Garra (echarle auno la), to grasp, imprison one
Garrafa, sf. cooler (vessel to cool liquors in)
Garrafal, adj. huge; vast; great; large; immense
Garrafal, sweeter, larger, than common cherries
Garrafilla, sf. dim. small cooling vessel, for liq.
Garrafiñar, «a. 1. to grapple; seize; snatch away
Garrafón, sm. angm. large cooling vessel, for liq.
Garrama, sf. tax, paid by the Moors; imposition
Garramá torob; plunder; collect a garrama
Garrancha, sf. sword; hook; crotch; allurer
Garrancho, »n. branch of tree broken off; splinter
Garrapata, sf. tick, louse of dogs and sheep
Garrapata, short person; bumbailiflf; catchpoll
Garrapatear, «.1. to scribble; scrawl; write badly
Garrapatilla, sf. dimití, small tick (anim.)
Garrapato, sm. kind of moth (small insect)
Garrapatos, itn.;)/. pot-hooks; ill-formed letters
Garrapatón, sm. attgm. large tick (anim.)
Garrár, «.1. to drag; be driven from the moorings
Garridamente, adv. handsomely; gracefully
(iarridéza, sf. gracefulness; elegance; neatr
Garrido, -a, adj. graceful; handsome; neat
Garroba, /. smooth tare (pla.) ; fruit of the carob
Ciarrobál, sm. plantation of carob-trees
Garrobilla, sf. chips of carobs to tan, dye leather
Garrobo, sm. carob-tree; St. John's bread (shr.)
Garrocha, sf. javelin with a hooked head; goad
Garrochada, sf. prick with a javelin, goad
Garrocheadór, m. pricker; goader, driver of oxen
Garrocheár, rff. 1. to goad; prick with a dart
Garrochón, in. spear, to fight bulls on horseback
Garrofa, sf. smooth tare; Iruit of the carob-tree
b G.\T
Garrofal, sm. plantation of carob-trees [v^T
Garrón, sm. spur, of cocks, &c.; talon of a bird uf
Garrones (tener, 2.), not to be easily deceived
Garrotal, sm. plantation of slips of olive-trees
Garrotazo, (m.blow with a cudgel; large cudgel
Garrote, íwi. cudgel; tying a rope ti^ht
Garrote, strangling by means of an iron collar
Garrote (vino (ft), last wine pressed out of grapes
Garrotear, va. 1. to cudgel; beat with a stick
GarrotiUo, sm. quinsy, disease in the throat
Garrúbia, sf. smooth-podded tare (plant)
Garrucha, /. pulley; board to fix the combing-cnrd
Garruchón, sm. body of a coach without straps
Garrúchos,m.p;.cringles,rinB;s at the end of ropes
Garruchuéla, sf. dimin. small pulley
Garrudo, -a, «. vigorous; sinewy; nervous; stroiit;
Garrulación, Garrulirtád, sf. garrulity; talk
Garrulador, -a, smf. prattler; chatterer; babbler
Garrulár, vn. 1. to prattle; chatter; babble
Gárrulo, -a, adj. chirping (birds); chattering
Garulla,/, ripe grapes left in the basket; rabl)le
Garza, sf. heron (large water-fowl)
Garzo, im. agaric (sort of mushroom on the oak)
Garzo, -a, adj. blue-eyed; having blue eyes
Garzón, sm. bov; lad; stripling; lover; wooer
Garzón, adjut. in the king of Spain's lifeguards
Garzoneár, r«. 1. to do boyish actions; court
Garzonía, sf. juvenile, bojrish action
Garzota,/, night-heron; crest of ahelmet; plume
Garzúl, adj. to, of a certain kind of meat
Gas, sm. gas (inflammable air produced by fire)
Gasa, sf. gauze (thin transparent cloth) [gift
Gasajido, Gasájo, sm. warm welcome; kinducs.s;
Gasajár, va. 1. to divert; amuse; rejoice; please
Gasconada, sf. gasconade; boasting; bravado
Gaseoso, -a, adj. gaseous, consisting of gas
Gasometría, sf. art of measuring gases
Gasómetro, sm. instrument to measure gas
Gasón, sm. place full of rubbish of gypsum; sod
Gastáble, adj. consumable; that may be wasted
Gastadero, sm. waster; lavisher; spendthrift
Gastado, -a, a. spent; wasted; worn out; digested i
Gastador, -a, smf. waster; pioneer (milit.)
Gastador, person sentenced to public labour
Gastamiento, in. spending; expense; consumption
Gastar, va. 1. to spend; waste; apply; plunder
Gastarse, r. to be sold; grow old; become useless
Gasto, m. spending; expense; cost; consumption
Gastos, »n.;)/«r. charges; expenses; disbursement
Gástrico, -a, adj. to, of the stomach; gastric
Gastrología, sj. treatise on the stomach, &c.
harrow; petty whin
Gata,' cloud covering the top of a mountain; snip i
Gata del ancla, sf. cat-tackle (naut.)
Gáta(tiro del aparejo de la), «in. cat-fall (naut.)
Gata (quadernal de la), «in. cat -block (naut.)
Gata cneláncla(enganchárla), to cat the anchor
Gatas, i./i.props with boards to shore up the earth
Gatas (á), adi\ on all fours; creeping softly
Gatada, sf. clawing; turn of a hare; artful theft
Gatafura, sf. cake," made of herbs and sour milk
Gatatumba, sf. affected civility, submission ..
Gatazo, in. ««¿-.large cat; artful trick; clumsy joke
Gateado, -a, a. like, of a cat; feline; climbed up
Gateamiénto,«<n. clawing; tearing with the naiU
Gatear, vn. 1. to climb up; go upon all fours
Gatear, va. to scratch; claw; rob: steal; plunder
Galera, sf. cat's hole; common cat-mint (plant)
(Materia, sf. number of cats together; cringing
Gatería, rabble; number of ill bred boys togethei
Gatesco, a, adj. of, like cats; feline

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