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natural child
Gamuzón, sm. kind of coarse shamois
Gana,/, appetite; healthy constitution; desire
Gana (tener, 2.). to have a mind; be inclined
Gana (comer con, 2.), to eat with an appetite
Gana (de buena), adv. with pleasure; willingly
Gana (de mala), with reluctance; unwillingly
Gana (de), adv. on purpose; designedly
Ganada, sf. gain; winning; gaining
Ganadería,/, breeding, feeding cattle for sale
Ganadero, -a, adj. to, of cattle; gregarious; gregal
Ganadero, -a, s. grazier; drover; dealer in cattle
Ganado, ¡m. drove, herd of cattle; flock
Ganado, vermin; collection of bees, bee-hives
Ganado mayor, sm. black cattle; oxen, mules
Ganado menor, sm. sheep; flock of sheep, asses
Ganado de cerda, sm. swine; hogs; pigs, &c.
Ganado de pata hendida, oxen; cows; sheep; goats
Ganado, -a, adj. gained; acquired; conquered
Ganador, sm. gainer; acquirer; obtainer
Ganados, m. pi. cattle; herds; flocks; beasts of pas.
Ganancia,»/, gain; profit; advantage; gr=-" -
Ganancia (hijo de), sm. bastard; natural
Ganancia (andar de), to pursue successfully
Ganancial, adj. lucrative; profitable; gainful
Ganancioso, -a, adj. profitable; lucrative; gainful
Ganapán, sm. porter; carrier, of goods for hire
Ganapierde, sm. peculiar mode of playing drafts
Ganar, vi. l.togaiu;win;obtain;acquire; conquer
Ganar la vida terreno, to gain a living, ground
Ganar cl barlovento, to get to windward (naut.)
Ganar el viento, to gain the weather-gauge (na.)
Ganar sobre un bajel, to gain upon a shipi^naut.)
Ganchero, sm. conductor of a raft of timber
Ganchillo, sm. dirniii. little hook, crook, crotch
Gancho, m. hook; crook; allurer; iron hook
Gancho de bichero, de lagáta, boat-hook; cat-hook
Gancho de botalón, w. goose-neck of a boom(na.)
Gancho de aparejo, sm. tackle-hook (naut.)
Ganchos de revirar maderos, sm.plur. cant-hooks
Ganchos de las arraigadas, foot-hooks; futtocks
Ganchoso, -a, a. hooked; curved; bent; curvated
Ganchuélo, sm. d'tmin. little hook, crook, crotch
Gandaya, sf. laziness; idleness; head-dress; coif
Gandaya (andar á la), to wander; ramble; rove
Gandaya (buscar, correr la), to ramble; wander
Gandido, -a, adj. led astray; seduced; misled
Gandujado, sm. ruffle of a woman's dress
Gandujado, -a, adj. bent; curved; contracted
Gandujar, va. 1. ;o bend; curve; contract; shrink
Ganfalonero, tm. pope's standard-bearer
Ganfanón, sm. ensign of the Romish church
Ganforro, ««.wanderer; rover; vagrant; vagabond
Gáni:a, sf. little pin-tailed grouse (wild fowl)
'-•■•■-". vriluable acquisition without labour
1 '!a, s/. company of strolling players
. sm.pliir. ganglions; tumours (anat.)
, -a, adj. speaking through the nose
:i^, sf. gangrene; mortification
V», 11, frenarse, r. 1. to gangrene; mortify; putrefy
Gangrenoso, -a, a. gangrenous; mortified; putrid
G«ngueár, n. 1. to snuffle; speak through the nose
Gánguil, sm. large barge, for fishing; lighter
Gauóso,-a, a. desirous; full of desire; longing for
Gansarón, sm. gosling; younggoose; tall thin man
Ganso, -a, smf. gander; goose;tall slcnderperson
Gansos sin. plur. giblets, pinions, &c. of a goose
Gante, sm. linen manufactured in Ghent
Ganzúa, picklock; lock-picker; pumper; hangman
Ganzuar, « pick, alock; open withapicklock
Gañán, sm. shepherd's servant; day-labourer
(iañania, sf. number of day-labourers
Gañido, sm. yelping, howling, barking of a dog
Gañido, -a, adj. howled;yelped; croaked; cackled
Gañiles, sm. p'lur. fauces (organs of the voice)
Gañir, a. 3. to yelp; howl like a dog; croak; cackle
Gañivéte, sm. pen-knife (knife used to make pens)
Gañón, -ote, sm. organs in the throat; fritters
Garabatáda, sf. throwing a hook; scribbling
Garabatear, va. 1. to hook; scrawl; use evasions
Garabateo, sm. hooking; catching with a hook
Garabatillo, sm. dimin. small hook
Garabatillo, difficulty of clearing the lungs
Garabato, sm. pot-hook; hook to hang meat on
Garabato, attractive, graceful gait, deportment
Garabato (mozo de), sm. thief; stealer; pilferer
Garabatos, sm. plur. ill-formed letters; scrawls
Garabatos, improper gestures of the hands, &c.
Garabatoso, -a, adj. elegant; attractive; charming
Garabito, m. linen cover laid over fruit-stalls
Gararabaina, sf. extravagant finery in dress
Garambainas, sf. plur. grimaces; pot-hooks
Garante, sm. guarantee; security; cautioner
Garantía, sf. warranty; guarantee; security
Garañón, sm. jack-ass; lecher; lewd man
Garantir, a. 3. to guarantee; secure the agreement
Garapacho, sm. kind of dressed meat
Garapiña, sf. iced particles; kind of black lace
Garapiñera, sf. cooler; vessel to ice liquids in
Garapita, sf. fishing-net with small meshes
Garapito, sm. small insect like a tick
Garapiillo, sm. dart, made of paper
Garatusa, sf. game at cards; caress; fondling
Garavito, sm. stall; small wooden shed forgreens
Garba, sf. sheaf; bundle of new cut corn; heap
Garbancera, sf. hairy bastard-vetch, kind of pea
Garbancico, -illo, -ito, sm. dim. small chick-pea
Garbancillo, m. hairy bastard-vetch, kind of pea
Garbanzal, sm. ground sown with chick-peas
Garbanzo, sm. chick-pea (sort of degenerate pea)
Garbanzos (cuenta), covetous, avaricious person
Garbauzuelo, m. small chick-pea; dis. in horses'
Garbár, a. l.tosheave; bundle stalks of corn [feet
Garbear, va. 1. to sheave (corn); seize eagerly
Garbear, «. to aflfect an air of dignity, grandeur
Garbéña, sf. heath; furze; fern; shrub's (on heaths)
Gárbias, sm. plur. sort of ragout made of herbs
Garbilladór, m. sifter; garbler; winnower; riddler
Garbillar, vu. 1. to sift; garble; clear off the bad
Garbillo, sm. riddle; coarse sieve; sifter
Garbín, sm. coif made of net-work; net-cap
Garbiuo, south-west wind
Garbo, sm. elegance of manner; gracefulness
Garbo, genteel way of doing things; generosity
Garbo, gentlemaiiiy air it deportment; frankness
Garbosamente, adv. generously; iiouly; gallantly
Garboso, -a, «. genteel; graceful; elegant; libera!
Garbullo, sm. crowd; multitude pressed together
Garcáro, sm. heron-hawk (bird of prey)
Garces, sm. main top-sail (naut.); mad-house
Garceta,/, young heron; lock of hair on the cheeks
Garceta, point, reef-band, to furl the sails (nau.)
Garcetas, sf. pi. tenderlings, first horns of a deer
Gardúja, sf. barren stone in quicksilver mines
Garduña, sf. marten (large kind of weasel)
Garduño, sm. male marten; filcher; petty thief
Garfa, sf. claw (foot of a beast, bird, fish) ; hand
Garfa (echar la, 1.). to claw; seize with the nail»
Garfada, -iáda, sf. clawing; seizing with the nails
Garfear, a. 1. to drag with a hook out of a well
Garfio, sm.hook; drag-hook; gaff; large hook
Gargajál, sm. place full of spittle, expectoration
Gargajázo, sm. aug/n. large thick phlegm
Gargajeada, sf. spitting; ejecting phlegm
Gargajear, í'H. 1. to spit; expectorate mucus
Garg.ijéo, sm. spitting; ejecting phlegm
Gargajiento, -a, spitting; ejecting phlegm
Gargajiento, -a, spitting; ejecting phlegm
Gargajo, sm. spittle; phlegm; ill-formed ch

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