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Eütoqueár, v^. .. .„ ..»■■->
Estoqueo, tm. thrusting with a tuck; stabbing
Estoraque, in. officinal storax; gum of the stora*
Estoraque líquido, sm. sweet gum liquidambar
Estorbador, -a, imf. hinderer; obstructer
Estorbar, va. 1. to hinder; obstruct; forbid
Estorbo, »m. hindcrance; obstructioii; let; stop
Estorcer, vn. 2. to liberate; release; evade; avoid
Estormente, -onto, tm. instrument; expedient
Estoniija, >/. iron ring of the linch-pin; boys' play
Estornino, sm. starling (bird easily taught)
Estornudar, vn. 1. to sneeze; emit wind by the
Estornudo, sm. sneezing; sternutation [nose
Estornutatorio, tm. powder to excite sneezing
Estorsion, »/. extortion; exaction; oppression
Estotro, -a, comp. pron. of esto, otro, this other
Estovar, va. 1. to choak; drown; oppress; quench
Estoycismo, sm. stoicism; doctrine of Zeno
Estóyco, -a, s. & itdj. stoic; stoical; of the stoics
Estrabo, Estrabón,ii«. squint-eyed person
Estracilla, sf. kind of fine Wotting
Estrada, sf. causeway; paved road; turnpike-ro:
Estrada en cubierta, sf. covert-way (fort.)
Estradióta, sf. ancient mode of riding; lance
Estradióte, -a, a. riding with long stirrups
Estradióte, sm. soldier riding with long stirrups
Estrado, m. drawine-roora; carpets; baker's taole
Estrados, halls, for courts of justice
Estrafalariamente, adv. carelessly; slovenly
Estrafalario, -a, adj. slovenly; uncleanly dressed
Estragadamente, adv. depravedly; corruptly
Estragado, -a, a. exhausted; emaciated; depraved
Estragador, -a, s. corrupter; depraver; destroyer
Estragamiento, sm. corruption of morals; ravage
Estragar, va. 1. to corrupt; deprave; destroy
Estrago, sm. depravity; ravage; ruin havock
Estragón, sm. tarragon-wormwood (bitter herb)
Estrambosidád, sf. distortion of the eyes
Estrambótc, m. burden (verse of a song repeated)
Estrambótico, -a, «. strange; eccentric; irregular
Estramonio, í»n. thorn-apple (plant)
Estrangól, sm. inflammation in a horse's tongue
Estrangul, sm. mouth-piece (of awind instru.)
Estrapontina,i/. kind of hammock, swinging bed
Estratagema,/, stratagem; artifice in war; trick
Estrategia, sf. art of leading a contending army
Estratégico, -a, adj. eflfectible by strataeem
Estratifici " ' "' •"-
, m. water-soldier (plnnt)
Estratióte alóide, sm. aloe-like water-soldier
Estrave, m. kind of wheel at the ship's head(na.)
Estraza, sf. rag; piece of torn cloth; tatter
Estraza (papel de), sm. brown paper
Estrazár, a. 1. to tear into rags; break into pieces
Estrechadiira, sf. imrrowing"; contraction
Estrechamente, adir, narrowly; exactly; strictly
Estrechamiento, sm. narrowing; tightness
Estrechar, va. 1. to narrow; curtail; compel
Estrecharse, v. ref. to bind one's self strictl;
Estrecharse, to reduce one's exp<
Estrecharse, to act in concert; bt
Estrecharse, to tell, communicate in confidence
Estrechez, sf. straitness; intimacy; austerity
Estrechez, dangerous undertaking; poverty
Estrecho, sm. strait; frith; pass; defile; peril
Estrecho, -a, «. narrow; tight; intimate; exact
Estrecho (al), adv. necessarily; forcedly
Estrecbón, tm. straitness; intimacy; strait; pass
Estrechura, sf. narrowness; intimacy; distress
Estregadera, sf. brush (to rub off dirt)
K-,»,»^jó,n where anim.rub themselves
Estrcgadero,^p,^jg used for washing clothes
; be dull
ion; rulbing; fricatiü
Estregadura, if.
Estregamiento, sn .
Estregar, va. 1. to rub; scour; grind; polish
Estrella, /. star; asterisk; mark; fate; destiiiv
Estrella (tener 2.), to be foitunate, lucky
Estrella (tomar la), to take the altitude of a st^ir
Estrellas (con), adv. after night; before sun-rise
Estrellas errantes, */. plur. planets; satellites
Estrellada, </. great stitch-wort (plant)
Estrelladéro, m. frying-pan to dress poached ca^a
Estrellado, -a, adj. starry; full of stars; stellar
Estrellado, with a white mark on tbe face (horse)
Estrellados (huevos), sm. plur. poached eggs
Estrellamar, sm. buckthorn plantain (plant)
Estrellar, adj. stellated; starry; full of stars
Estrellar, va. ]. to dash to pieces; shame
Estrellar (huevos), to fry eggs in oil, butter
Estrellarse con uno, v. ref. to fall out with one
Estrellera, sf. plain rigging without runners
Estrellero, sm. star-gazer; lounger; idler
Estrellica, -ita, -uela, sf. dimin. little star
Estrellizár, va. \. to embellish, adorn with stars
Estrellón, sm. large star; star-ball (in fire-works)
Estrellones, caltrops; crow-feet (spikes)
Estremecer, vn.2. to shake; tremble; be agitated
Estremecer, to work, labour hard (ship, naut.)
Estremecerse, v. ref. to shake; tremble; shudikr
Estremecimiento, sm. trembling; shaking; shake
Estremezo, sm. trembling; shaking; shuddering
Estremiche, sm. timber notched into the knees
Estrena, -énas, sf. new year's gift; handsel
Estrena, -s, treat on wearing a new suit of clothes
Estrenar, va. 1. to handsel; commence; regale
Estreno, S7n. commencement; handsel
Estrenque,»/!, bass, sedge-rope (used in America)
Estrenuidád, sf. strenuousness; strength; valour
Estretiido, -a, adj. costive; bound; niggardly
Estreñimiento, sm. binding; obstruction [close
Estreñir, va. 3. to bind; restrain; confine; tie
Estreñirse, v. ref. to restrain, repress one's self
Estreñirse el vientre, to constipate: be costive
Estrepa, Estrepilla, sf. white-leaved rock-rose
Estrépito, sm. clamour; outcry; noise; tumult
Estrepitosameute, adv. clamorously; loudly
Estrepitoso, -a, a. clamorous; noisy; boisterous
Estría, sf. fluting; fluted work on a pillar, &c.
Estriadúra, sf. fluting; channel cut in columns
Estriar, va. 1. to flute; cut grooves in columns
Estriarse, ref. to be grooved, fluted, channeled
Estribadero, sm. prop; support; stay; post; stake
Estribadór, -a, tmf. thing supported by another
Estribar, va. 1. to prop; support with props
Estribar, vn. to be supported, built upon
Estribera, sf. buttress; pillar; joiner's bench
Estriberia, sjf. place where stirrups are kept
Estriberón, m. steps made by cross-bars on earth
Estribillo, sm. beginning of a song; tautology
Estribo, sm. buttress; stirrup; coach-step; staple
Estribor, VI. starboard; right hand side of a ship
Estribordários, «i. phir. people on the starboarU
Estribos, Jin. plur. stirrups of a ship (naut.)
Estricia, sf. extremity; straitness; distress
Estricóte (al), adv. without rule, order, mctho I
Estricóte (tener al), to amuse with vain promises
Estrictamente, adv. strictly; exactly; severely
Estricto, -a, a. strict; exact; accurate; rigorous
Estridente, adj. hissing; creaking; cracking
Estridor, sm. quick loud noise; crack; clap
Estribe, »/. screech-owl (night-bird); vam| ire
Estriflár, a. 1. to curry; rub, scour (a horse i
Estringa, sf. leather string, strap, lace

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