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Estepa común, laurel-leaved rock-rose (plant)
Estepár, int. ground filled with rock-roses
Esteperóles, tm. plur. scupper-nails (naut.)
Estepilla, s/. white-leaved rock-rose (plant, &c.)
Estera, sj. mat (texture of rushes, sedge, flags)
Esterar, va. 1. to mat; cover with mats; twist
Esterar, vn. to keep one's self warm with clothes
Estercár, ua.l.todung; manure; fatten with dung
Estercoladura, sJ. 1 stercoratiou;ejectingof ex-
Estercolamiento, »«./ crements; manuring laud
Estercolá dung; manure; fatten with dung
Estercolar, vn. to void the excrements (animals)
Esteriolero, sm. dung-cart driver; dunghill
EstercoUzo, Estercoráteo, -&,udj. stercoraceous
Estercuelo, sm. stercoration; manuring of land
Estereografía, sf. delineation on a plan"
Estereográfico, -a, adj. delineated
Estareometria, sf. art of measuring sunns
Estereotipa, sJ. art of printing with fixed plates
Estereotipar, va. 1. to print with solid plates
Estereotipia, sf. stereotypography (printing)
Estereotípico, -a, ndj. with fixed metallic types
Esterero, sm. mat-maker; who makes, sells mats
Estéril, adj. sterile¡ barren; unfruitful; dry
Esterilidad, sf. sterility; barrenness; scarcity
Esterilizar, ¡ sterilize; make barren; scarce
Esterilla, sf. dimití, small mat; ferret-lace
Estérilmente, adv. barrenly; unfruitfully
Esterlin, iJH.fine glazed buckram, used by tailors
£sterlino,-a, «rfj. sterling; genuine; unadulterate
Esternón, sm. breast-bone; sternon (anat.)
Estero, J>n. salt marsh, lake; matting; small creek
Esterquero, sm. dung-cart-driver; dunghill
Esterquilínio,Sín. dunghill; heap of dung; manure
Estertor.sjH. rattle in the throat of a dyinirnersou
Esteva, f. plough-handle; stowage
Esteva, curved I ' j^-.j.
d fixed u
Estezádo,si«. deer-skin, dressed of a brown colour
Estiár, n. 1. to stop; be ready; assume a character
Estibia, sf. luxation; dislocation of the neck(ani.)
Estibio, stn. antimony (mineral substance)
Estiércol, sm. dung; compost; manure; filth
Estigio, -a, adj. stygian; infernal; hellish (poet.)
Estilar, vn. 1. to be accustomed; practise usually
Estilar, va. to draw up in writing as usual; distil
Estilicidio, sm. succession of drops; gutter
Estilito, sm. small style; gnomon; dial's hand
Estilo, sm. style (sharp-pointed instr.); gnomon
Estilo, manner of writing, speaking; use; custom
Estilo, form,mannerof proceeding in suits at law
Estilo castizo, sm. correct style (of writing, &c.)
Estima,»/.esteem; respect; dead reckoniug(nau.)
Estima (propasar la, 1.), to outrun the reckoning
Estimabilidád, sf. estimableness [naut.)
Estimable, adj. estimable; worthy of esteem
Estimación, >y. estimation; esteem; opinion; value
Estimación propria, self-love; love of one's self
Estimador, sm. estimator; valuer; appraiser
Estimar, va. 1. to estimate; esteem; judge; thank
Estimativa, «/.power of judging; opinion; instinct
Estimulante, s. & adj. stimulant; stimulating
Estimulár,wn.l. to stimulate; sting; incite; cheer
Estímulo, J«i. stimulus; excitement; pungency
Estinco,sm. scink(sort of lizard of the 3d genus)
£stio,3r/i.summer(:2dandwarmseasonof the year)
Estiomenádo, -a, ndj. mortified; putrid; corroded
Estiomenár, va. 1. to mortify; putrefy; corrode
Estiomóno,»n. mortification; gangrene; putridity
Estipendiar, va. 1. to stipend; give a stipend, pay
Estipendiario,»», stipendiary; who serves forpay
Estipendio, sm. stipend; fee; salary; wages; pay
Estípite, -ipe,J>n. pilaster like a reversed pyramid
Estipticár, va. 1. to use, apply a styptic
Estipticidad, sf. power of stanching bluod
Estíptico, -a, adj. styptic; astringent; costive
Estíptico, -a, sordid; ilitficult to be obtained
Estiptiquez, sf. costiveness; constipation
Estipulación, sf. stipulation; clause; contract
Estipulante, s. & adj. stipulator; stipulating
Estipular, va. 1. to stipulate; contract; bargain
Estira, sf. kind of kuile (used by tanners)
Estiradamente, adv. scarcely; forcibly, violently
(/.extended; excellent; grave; lolty
•y effort
a pierna, to die; expiré; give up th
e, tobe extended; bear extension; stretch
4«i.pull; pulling; pluck; haul; hauling
(dar un,l.), to grow rapidly
sf. race; origin; family; descent; stock
, -a, adj. styptic; astringent; costive
ÍZ, sf. costiveness; constipation [last
/. rammer; ramrod; stowage; cargo; bal-
mudar la, 1.), to shift the cargo (naut.)
in, sf. barrelling of herrings, pilchards
ir, sm. packer of wool at the shearing
adj. estival; of summer; to the summer stow;layup in order;compress wool
o (con), herewith. En
o (sobre), her '
Estocada,»/, stab
rein; hereinto
reupon. Foresto, hereby
, ^ , thrust(\vitha pointed weapon)
Estocada de vino, breath of a drunken person
Estücápris, sm. stock-fish dressed with mustard
Estocar, va. 1. to thrust with a tuck, long sword
Estofa, sf. quilted stuff; quality; condition
Estofado, -a, a. quilted; stewed with wine, spice
Estofado, Jin. stewed meat; stewing; ragout
Estofadór, sm. quilter; mattress-maker
Estofar, ü«.l. to quilt; stew meat with wine, spice
Estofar, to paint relievos on a gilt ground
Estoicismo, sm. stoicism; opinions of the stoics
Estoico, -^yS.lkadj. stoic; stoical; not to be shaken
Estola, sf. stole (Romish sacerdotal garment)
Estola (derechos de), sm. plur. surplice-fees
Estolidez, sf. stupidity; dulness; incapacity
Estólido, -a, adj. stupid; dull; heavy; foolish
Estolón, sm. aug. large stole (priest's ornament)
Estomacal, adj. stomachic; good for the stomach
Estomagar, i' be offended; affronted; resent
Estomagar, «.to disorder the stomach; make angry
Estomagázo, sm. aug. large, strong stomach
Estómago,»/». stomach; valour; patience;firraness
Estómago aventurero, »;«. sponger; meal-hunter
Estómago (tener buen), to bear insults patiently
Estómago (ladrar el, 1.), to be hungry [breast
Estomaguero, stn. stomacher; band on a child's
Estomaguillo, sm. dimin. small, weak stomach
Estomatical, «(//.stomachic; goodforthe stomach
Estomaticón, sm. stomach-plaster (salve)
Estónce,-óuces,«.then; at that time; in that case
Estopa, sf. tow; coarse cloth made of tow; oakum
Estopada, sf. quantity of tow for spinning [na.)
Estopéño,-a,adj.of hemp; hempen; made of hemp
Estoperol, sm. short round-headed tarpaulin-nail
Estopero, sm. part of the piston twisted with tow
Estopilla,»/, finest fibres of hemp,&c.; long lawn
Estopín, sm. quick match (to fire off guns)
Estopón, sm. coarse tow; coarse cloth made of tow
Estopóse, -a, orf). of tow; filamentous; filaceous
Estoque, sin.tuct; small sword; long narrow sworil

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