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, . to nail; prick in shoeing (horse)
Enclavar la artillería, to spike up guns,
Enclavijar, va. 1. to unite, join closely
Enclavijar un instrumento, to peg an in
Enclenijue, adj. of a weak, feeble constitution
Enclocarse, v. ref. 1., Encloquecérse, 2. to cluck
Encobar, va. 1. to brood; hatch; sit on cg-gs
Encobijar, va. 1. to cover; shelter; overspread
Encobrado, -a, adj. coppery; of copper-colour
Encobrir, va. 3. to conceal; hide; cloak; palliate
Encoclar, vn. 1. tobe disposed to cluck, brood
Encoger, va. 2. to contract; shrink; discourage
Encogerse, v. ref. to be low-spirited, dismayed
Encogerse, to humble one's self; contract itself
Encogerse de hombros, to shrink vrith fear
Encogidamente, adv. meanly; pusillanimously
Encogido, -a, a. timid; pusillanimous; fearful
Encogimiento, sm. contraction; fear; dejection
Encohetado, -a, «. covered, overlaid with squibs
Encohetár, va. 1. to cover, overlay with squibs
Encojar, va. 1. to lame; cripple; make lame
Encojarse, ?•. ref. to become lame; feign illness
Encoladura, «/. Encolamiento, m. gluing
Encolar, a. 1. to glue; join with a viscous matter
Encolerizar, va. 1. to put in a passion; irritate
Encolerizarse, r. to be in a passion, rage, vexed
Encomendáble, a. commendable; recommendiilile
Encomendado, «.vassal of a chief of aniil. order
Encomendiamento, tn. commission; commaiidtry
Encomendar, a. 1. to recommend; charge; prnise
Encomendar, to hold a comniaiulery in a mil. ord.
Encomendarse, r. to put one's self under the fav.
Encomendarse, to send comidiments, messafjes
Encomendero, in. agent; pensioner; commander
Encomiasta, J. encomiast; praiser; extoUer
Encomiástico, -a, adj. encomiastic; laudatory
ion; commandery
Encompasár, va. 1. to encompass;
Enconado, -a, adj. intlamed; swollen; tainted
Enconamiento, sm. inflammation; anger; venom
Enconar, va. 1. to inflame; irritate; provoke
Enconarse, v. ref. to be inflamed; fester; rankle
Encono, sm. malevolence; ill-will; rancour
Enconoso, -a, adj. apt to cause inflammation
Enconreár, a. 1. to oil wool properlj; to be carded
Encontinente, adv. immediately; witliout delay
Encontráble, adj. that may be encountered
Encontradamente, adv. in a contrary manner
Encontradizo, -a, a. liable to be met on the way
Encontrado, -a, adj. opposite; facing each other
Encontrar, va. 1. to encounter; find by chance
Encontrar, n. to meet; assemble; come together
Encontrarse, ?>. ref. to meet in an hostile manner
Encontrarse, to be of contrary opinions; clash
Encontrón, sm. sudden shock; violent concourse
Encopetado, -a, adj. presumptuous; haughty
Encopetar,». 1. to raise the hair high, as a toupee
Encorachar, va. 1. to put in a leather bag
Encorado, -a, adj. wrapped up in leather
Encorajado, -a, «.bold; daring; furious; inarage
Encorajar, va. 1. to animate; encourage; inflame
Encorajarse, ref. to be furious; in a violent rage
Encorar, an. 1. to cover with leather; get a skin
Encorazado, -a, adj. covered with a cuirass
Encorchar, a. 1. to nivebeesin hives made of cork
Encorchetar, a. 1. to hook; put on hooks, clasps
Encordar, «. 1. to string(instr.); bind with cords
tacordelár, va. 1. to cord; tie, bind with cords
Encordonar, «.1. to put running strings to apurse
Encorecer, a. 2. toheal the skin;gct a skin (wound)
Encoriación,/, growing skin over a sore; healing
Encornijaménto, m. architrave, frieze, & cornice
Encornudar, n. 1. to begin to have horns(cattlc)
Encorozár,!)«.l.tü cover ?nth the cone-shaped cap
Encorporár, a. 1. to incorporate; imbody; unite
Encorralar, a. 1. to enclose, keep inayard(catt.)
Encorrer, a. 2. to incur; become liable to; deserve
Encortár, va. 1. to shorten; abridge; obstruct
u .:.,i_ ..„ 1 .« (jf^ provide with •■"-••!"=
sf. Encorvamiento, «i. bending
lincorvar, va, 1. to bend; crook; curve; incur\'ate
Encorvarse, j'. ref. to bend; stoop; go crooked
Encosadúra, sf. sewing fine linen to coarser
Encostarse, r. 1. to stand in shore; nearthe coast
Encostradúra, sf. incrustation; crust
Encostrar, va. 1. tocoverwithacnist; rough-cast
Encovadiira, sf. laying up in a cellar
Encovar, va. 1. to put, lay up in a cellar; guard
Encrasar, va. 1. to grease; fatten; smear with fat
Encrespador; sm. crisping-iron; pin; curlint-iron
Encrespadura,/, curling; turning into ringlets
Encrespamiento, «>m. curliness; crispation;
Encrespar, va. 1. to curl; frizzle; crisp; crimp
Encresparse, r. to be rude, involved in quarrels
Encresparse, to become rough, boisterous (sea)
Encrespo, sm. curling; frizzling; crispation
Encrestado, -a, ad], adorned with a crest; hauglitv
Encrestarse, v.r.X. to begintohaveacrest(coek)
Encrestarse, to be pulTeU up with pride, elated
' ' "^ ' lejádo, -a, a. plaited; braided
, )'. r. to Ije furious, enraged, ma
. Encrudelccér, >'«. 2. to make cri
Encuademación, sf. binding; binding of books
^..^„„„^..jadór, s»i. book-binder; binder
Encuadernar, va. \. to bind books; reconcile
Encubar, va. 1. to put liquids into casks, barrels
Encubar, to put a criminal into a butt (punish.)
Encubertar, ra. 1. to lay on a cover of cloth, silk
Encubertarse, r. to dress and put on an armour
Encubierta, if. cover; fraud; imposition; deceit
Encubiertamente, adv. secretly; deceitfully
Encubierto, -a, adj. secret; hidden; concealed
Encubredizo, -&,adj. concealable; that may be hid
Encubridor, -a, smf. concealer; barbourer; hide" ''
Encubridor de hurtos, receiver of stolen goods
Encubrimiento, sm. concealment; hiding
Encubrir, va. 3. to conceal; hide; cloak; pnUiate
Encucár, a. 1. to gather & store up nuts, filberts
Encuentro, m. encounter; knock; fight; opposition
Encuentro (salir al), logo to meet (one) on a spot
Encuentros, sm. pliir. temples of a loom
Encuesta, sf. inquest; investigation; search
Encuitarse, v. ref. 1. to grieve; alHict one's self
Eiiculatár, a. 1 . to put in a hive honey-comb eniptv
Encumbrádo,-a, «rfj. high; lofty; stately; elevuted
Encumbramiento, sm. raising; elevation; height
Encumbrar, vn. 1. to raise; elevate to honours
Encumbrarse, r. to be raised; rate one's self high
Encunar, va. to put in the cradle (a child)
Encuñar, va. 1. to coin; mind; fasten with wedges i
Encureñado, -a, adj. put into the carriage, stu '
Encurtir, va. 3. to steep in pickle, vinegar
E'nde.nrf. thence; from that place; for that icns
E'nde (por), adv. therefore; for that same reas
Endeble, adj. weak; feeble; sickly; spiritless

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