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Dulzurar, va 1. to dulcify; free from acidity
Uunas, s/. pi. downs; banks of sands (on coasts)
Duneta, sf. highest part of the poop (naut.)
g^^ng-arjas, s/. sort of «-hite cotton stuff [parts
Duodécimo, -aindj.twelfth (ordinal number of 12?
Duodecuplo, -a, adj. consistinir of twelves
Duodeno, -a, adj. twelfth (ordfnal number of 12)
Duodeno, sm. 6rst of the small intestines
Duomesino -a, adj of two months' duration
l^uos, -as, (numeral, noun & nrf;.) two; second
Dupla./, double allowance of provision (in coll.)
IJup icacion, sj. doubling; multiplication bv two
Dupicadaménte, a two-fold manner; doubly
Duplicado, sm. duplicate; exact copy
Dup icado, -a, adj. double; twofold; duplicate
IJup icar, va.l. to double; duplicate; fold; repeat
Dup icatura,/. fold; led horse in battle; medley
IJuplice, adj. double; divided into two parts
Dup icidád,/. duplicity; double-dealing; deceit
Duplo, m. double; twice as much; double quantity
ijuque, m. duke (nobleman next to a prince) ; fold
" ■ ■ petty duke; young duke
duke's wife; kind of couch
_ _. „ . „, ,.„ntinuance; length of time
durable, ad. durable; lasting; permanent; strong-
Duración, Durada, sf. duration; permanency
Duraderamente üdí<. in a durable manner; firmly
Uuradero, -a, adj permanent; lasting; durable
i^uraclor, -a, adj. lasting; durable; continual
tjuramater, s/. membrane enclosing the brain
Duramente, «rfi'.hardly;cruelly; harshly; unjustly
Durando, m. durant; stuff formerly worn in Spain
t|urante, adj. during; lasting; permanent
Jurar, vn. 1. to last; continue; hold out; wear well
IJuraznero, sm. peach-tree (sweet fruit-tree)
Uuraznito, sm. dimin. small peach (fruit)
IJurazno, s;n. peach-tree; peach (delicious fruit)
5"';?^if _^?''^°''^^"'°."8^'^"ess; cruelty; tumou:
ra, i/.'dura
Eal, sm. amphibious animal of India
Ebanificar, va. 1. to colour, polish like ebony
i.banista, S7n. cabinet maker; worker in ebony
Ebanistería, sJ. cabinet-maker's work, trade
E banc, sm. ebony(hard black valuable wood)
Ebnedád, sf. ebriety; drunkenness; intoxication
E'brio, -a, adj. inebriated; drunk; intoxicated
Ebrioso, -a, adj. given to drunkenness; drunken
Ebulición, Ebullición, sf. ebullition; boiling
Durillo, -a
Duro, .,
3Ído, sf. dulnes ^
istilo, sf. harshness of style
f. white & blue striped cotton stuff
adj. dimin. somewhat hard; hardish
-....jju relevante, w. bombast; fustian; big words
i^uriUo j>n. laurustinus (evergreen shrub)
Dunndana, Durindaina, sf sword (ironic.)
s, m. pi. clamps, thick boards
irmant;asleep; fixed; concealed
thick stuff [r„d¿
, «. hard; rigorous; obstinate; peevish
, ,'iarsli& rough (pict.),carryingastifrsail
Duras penas (a), adv. with difficulty and labour
Uuro, sm. dollar (silver coin of ten reals)
IJuror (pesos),»!.;,/, hard dollars, not of exchange
l^urs, Dutidungaports, sm. kind of cotton stuS'
Dutroa, sJ. thorn-apple (a plant)
^uunvir, ifn. one of the two Roman magistrates
of 2 magistrates in office
""•--'- of Venice&Genoa)
- -^.ii'd'tolwak^rauent^n""^ ^'"^ '^
Eapúes! Ea sus! interj. well then; let us see
Eburno, m. ivory, tusk of elephant, hippopotamus
Eccehomo, sm. image of Jesus Christ
Ecetuar, va. 1. to except; leave out; exempt
Echacantos, sm. foolish, rattle-headed fellow
Echacorvear, va 1. to pander; pimp; procure
i-cnacorveria, */. profession of pimp, procurer
Echacuervos, sm. pimp; procurer; impostor
Echada, sf cast; throw; throwing one's self down
ijCftadero, sm. place for resting, reposing
Echadillo, ,n. foundling; child exposed to chance
Echadizo, -a, s. spy; cautious divulger; foundling
ijchadizo, -a, ff. suborned to pry into; fictitious
£.cnaüor, -a, smf thrower; caster; imputer
Echadura, s/. laying one's self down; brood; hatch
ijChamiento, ?«. cast; throw; projection; ejection
^cliamiento, exposing a child at the church-door
Echar, va. 1. to cast; throw; turn away; bud
Echar, to apply; impute; incline; deal out; publish
Echar, to lay on as a tax; perform for a wager; eat
Echar, to propose; issue; take a road; givlout
Echar bando, to publish a law, edict
Echar a alguno á patadas, to kick one out
Echar a galeras to sentence to the galleys
Echar a borbotones, to talk much at random
abajo, en tierra, to throw down; demolish
w VA ^¥' ""* ^" - mar, to give to one who has plenty
Echar el agua a u„ niño, to baptize a child ^
Echar a trompa y talega, to talk nonsense
Echar baladronadas, bravatas, to boast; brag of
Echar cantos, rayos, fuego, tobe very angry; mad
Echar carillos, to grow plump, fat in the cheeks
Echar coche, to set up a coach; live in style
ü u^! f '"^"Sa» '0 make a cat's paw of one
give the finishing stroke
slight; disregard; not mind
Echar el sello.
Echar en saco 1 _.„,„„.
Echar el báfe, los báfes'.
Echar el
o labou
Echar n:
íjcnar piernas, to strut about; walk affectedlv
Echar al mundo, to bring forth; create; produce
Echar tierra a, to bury iu oblivion; forget
Echar n,:.nn t„ .™„ ^^-^ance; help; Issist
become fixed; settled
hor (naut.)
log (naut.)
Echar ra
Echar el
Echar la ,
escandallo, to heave the
o land;
:o thro
I, to d
k {m
g the anchor(naut.
's self down; rest; lie
f at full length
" - business; yield
Echarse, to apply
Echarse á pechos, to gulp; drlnk'imraodera't'e'iy"
Echarse al coleto, to eat; swallow
Echazón, sm. throwing overboard (naut.)
Eclesiásticamente, adv. ecclesiastically
Ecléctico, sm. follower of the eclectic sect
Eclesiástico, sm. clergyman; ecclesiasticus
a. ecclesiastical; of the church
„ ,. ,, , - -' - '• 1- to spiritualize; purify
Ec ipsable, adj. that may be eclipsed, e.vcellea
Eclinsp'"',™"' ■'° '^'^'jP^«5 outshine; excel

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