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DOR 1;
Dornajo, im. trough (hollow wooden vcsseU
Oóru-AS, /. pi. small fishiii^-boats (iu Galicia)
Uuriiillo, (M. trough; wooden bowl
Dorónico o6cinál, am. great leopard's bane(pla.)
Dorsal, adj. dorsal; of, fixed to the back
Dorsifero, -a, adj. seeding on the back of the leaf
Dorso, tm. back; hinder part of any thinif
Dos, im, & num. adj. two; second; deuce; coin
Dos manos (á), with both hands; with open arms
Dos áDos, De Dos en Dos, two by two; by couples
Dos por tres (á), inconsiderately; without fear
Dos tanto, adv. twice; in twice the quantity
Dosañal, adj. biennial; of two years' duration
Doscientos, -as, t. &" adj. plur. two hundred
Dosel, sm. canopy; coverinji^ spread over the head
Doselera, sf. valance; hanging of a bed-tester
Doselico, »m. dim. small canopy, bed-tester
Dosis, /. dose; suñicient medicine taken at once
Dotación, sf. endowment; foundation; dowry
Dotación, munition and garrison of a fortress
Dotación de navios, fund for the repair of ships
Dotádo,-a, a. dowered; portioned; gifted;eiidowed
Dotador, -a, smf. bestower; instituter; endower
Dotal, adj. of the dowry; marriage-portion; dotal
Dotar, va. 1. to portion; endowwith a fortune; gitt
Dote, lin. dowry; portion given with a wife; stuck
Dotes, m. pi. gifts; talents received from nature
Dotúr, tm. doctor; physician; restorer of health
Dotriua, sf. doctrine; science; tenets; principles
Dovela, sf. key-stune (of an arch, bridge, &c.)
Doveláge, m. series of curved stones for an arch
Dovelar, va. 1. to hew curved stones for an arch
Doy (contrac, of De hoy), from thisday;in future
Dozabádo, -a, ud;. with twelve sides; twelve-sided
Dozavo, -a, smf. twelfth part
Drába, sf. whitlow-grass; drava (plant) [coin
Drácma,/. drachm (8th of an oz.); Greek silver
Dracúnculo,»i.Guinea-worm(bred under thesk.)
Dragánte.irt-goat's thorn (pla. ) ; tragacauth^gum)
Dragante, sm. pillow of the bowsprit (naut.)
Drago, sm. dragon-tree (species of palm-tree)
Dragomán, sm. dragoman (Turkish interpreter)
Dragón, sm. winged serpent; fabulous monster
Dragón, white spots in the pupils of horses' eyes
Dragón, dragoon; horse-soldier; kind of liussar
Dragón marino, sea-dragon; weather-fish
Dragona,/. shoulder-knot(otfic.); female dragon
Dragonázo, sm. augm. large dragon
Dragoncillo, m. drake (cannon); dragonet
Dragontea, -ia, sf. common dragon's wort (plant)
Dragontino, -a, adj. dragon-like; furious; fierce
Drama, sm. drama; play; comedy; tragedy; poem
Dramáticamente, adv. by stage-representation
Dramática, sf. dramatic poetry; writing plays
Dramático, -a, adj. dramatic; theairical; scenic
Dreito, m.right; justice; just claim; tax; duty; fee
l>riáda. Dríade, sf. dryad; wood-nymph
Drino, sm. kind oí veuoiaous serpent
Drizar, va. 1. to hoist, haul up the yards (naut.)
Drizas, /. pi. haliards, ropes to hoist up the yards
Drizas del foque mayor, throat-haliards(naut.)
Droga, sf. drug^medical ingredient); artifice
Droguería, sf. druggist's laboratory; drugs
Droguero, sm. druggist; apothecary; drug-seller
Droguete, sm. drugget(fine, light woollen stulf)
Droguista, sm. charlatan; quack; cheat; impostor
Dromedál,-ário,m.dromcdary;big,unwiel(ly horse
Dropacismo, sm. ointment to take off hairs
Drope, sm. vile, despicable, worthless man
Druida, m. druid (ancient British priest & bard)
Dua, sf. kind of personal service
Dual, adj. dual; two in number (gramm.)
Duales, sm. pi. incisors; cutters (front teeth)
Duán, sm. divan (Ottoman grand council)
Duba, sf. wall; enclosure of earth; mound
Dubdánza,/. douut; hesitation; fear; diffidence
Dubiedád,/. doubtfulness; uncertainty; douot
Dúbio, sm. doubt; fear; suspicion; suspense
Dubitable, a. doubtlul; dubitable; very uncertain
Dubitación, sf, uncertainty; dubitatiou; douOt
Dubitativo, -a, adj. doubtful; dubious; not clear
Due, sm. duke (nobleman next to a prince)
Ducado, (ui. dukedom; duchy; ducat (coin)
Ducal, adj. ducal; of a duke;' belonging toaduke
Uucatón, sm. ducatoon (hall a ducat, coin)
Ducha, if. list; strip of land reaped by a reaper
Ducho, -a, adj. dexterous; expert; clever
Ducientós, -as, s. & a. pi. two hundred; twice lUO
Ducil, sm. faucet; tippler; drunkard; span, U in.
Dúctil, adj. ductile; malleable; pliable
Ductilidad, sf. ductility; malleability
Ductor, sm. conductor; guide; leader; probe
Ductriz, sf. conductress; directress; guide
Duda, sf. doubt; hesitation; fear; suspicion
Duda (sin), adv. certainly; without doubt
Dudable, a. doubtful; uncertain; questionable
Dudáiiza, sf. doubt; hesitation; fear; diffidence
Dudar, va. 1. to doubt; hesitate; fluctuate; fear
Dudilla, sf. dimin. slight doubt, suspicion
Dudosamente, ad. in a doubtful wavering manner
Dudoso, -a, adj. doubtful; uncertain; hazardous
Duela,/, stave (of a barrel); kind of coin
Dueláje, sm. wine imbibed by the staves of pipes
Duelista, sm. duellist (one who fights a duel;
Duelo,»/!. duel; single combat; sorrow; mourning
üaélos, sm. pi. troubles; afflictions; vexatious
Duelo (sin), adv. in plenty; amply; abundantly
Duena, sf. gift; present; largess; donation
Duende,i«i. elf; fairy; hobgoblin; phantom; ghost
Duende (tener, 2.), to be hypochondriac, restless
Duendes (mouéíla de), sf. small copper coin
Duendecillo, sm. dimin. little fairy; elf, &c.
Duendo, -a, adj. domestic; tame; familiar (dove)
Dueña, sf. duenna (old woman); married lady
Dueñas, /. j>l. widows attending maids of honour
Dueñáza, sf. very old and strict duenna
Dueñésco, -a, adj. duenna-like; of a duenna
Dueñisima, sf. very old haughty duenna
Dueño, smf. owner; proprietor; master; mistress
Dueño, sm. master (with respect to a servant)
Duérno, sm. double sheet; two printed sheets
Dula, sj. herd of black cattle of various persons
DtUa, horses & mules grazing on the same pasture
Dúla(vete á la), adv. begone; get out of my sight
Dulcamara, sf. woody nightshade (plant)
Dulce, adj. sweet; mild; gentle; soft; pleasing
Dulce, affable; easy; complaisant; meek; ductile
Dulce, m. sweetmeat; comfit; confection; confect
Dulcecillo, -ito, -a, a. somewhat sweet; sweetish
Dulcedumbre, sf. sweetness; meeknfss; pleasure
Dúlcemele, sm. dulcimer (musical iustruiiieut)
Dulcemente, adv. sweetly; delightfully; gently
Dulcificación, sf. sweetening; ilulcificatiou
Dulcificante, adj. dulcifying; sweetening
Dulcifíeár, «.1. to sweeten; dulcify; render sweet
Dulcir, va. 3. to grind plate-glass; polish; smooth
Dulcísono, -a, adj. sweet-toned; melodious
Duümán, sm. long robe (worn by the Turks)
Dulzaina, sf. wind-instrument like a trumpet
Dulzaina, quantity of sweetmeats, comfits
Dulzamara, sf. woody nightshade (plant)
Dulza/.o, -a, adj. nauseously sweet; luscious
Dulzor, m. sweetness; meekness; pleasing manner
Dulzorár, va. 1. to sweeten; make sweet; dulcify
Dulzura, */. sweetness; gentleness of manners
Dulzura, pleasing manner of speaking, writing

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