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Desempeñar, to free from a difficult affair
Desempeñarse, ref. to clear ouc's self of debts
Desempeñarse de la oústa, to stand off the shore
Desempeño, un. redeeming- a pledge
Desempeño, performance of a promise; proof
Desempeño, perfection; utmost height
Desempeorarse, rej. 1. to recover from sickness
Desemperezar, n. 1. to leave off indolent habits
Desempolvoradúra, »f. dusting; clearing of dust
Desempolvorar, a. 1. to dust; clear from dust
Desemponzoñar, va. 1. to heal from, expel poison
Desemponzoñar, to cure a disordinate passion
Desempotrár, va. 1. to unprop; remove ibe stays
Desempulgadúra, sf. unbending of a bow
Desempulgár, va. 1. to unbend, relax a bow
Desenalbardar, i:n. \. to take off a packsaddle
!. 1. t
Desencabalgado, -?í, adj. dismounted; alighted
Desencabalgar, ra. 1. to dismount (cannon)
Desencabestradúra, tf. disentangling (a beast)
Desencabestrar, a. 1. to disentangle the halter
Desencadenar, va. 1. to unchain; break loose
Desencadenar, to dissolve all
Desencajonar, va. 1. to unpack; take out of a box
Desencalabrinar, va. 1. to remove dizziness
Desencalcar, a. 1. to dissolve a caked substance
Desencallar, a. 1. to set afloat (a stranded ship)
Desencaminar, vn. 1. tolose one's way; go astray
Desencantamiento, im. disenchantment
Desencantar, va. 1. to disenchant; eountcrcharm
Desencantaración, sf. drawing lots for rivals
Desencantarar, a. 1. to draw lots for candidates
Desencantarár, n. to be withdrawn as incapable
uchantment; countercharm
Desencapotadúra, if. stripping off a cloak
Desencapotar, a.l. tostrip off a cloak, great coa
Desencapotar, to uncover; make manifest, plai
Desencapotar, raise &keep up the head of ahorse
Desencapotar las orejas, to prick up the ears
Desencapatárse, ref. to lay aside frowns, anger
Desencapotarse (el cielo), to clear up (sky)
Desencaprichar, a. 1. to dissuade from prejudice
Desencarcelar, va. 1. to free from prison; release
Desencarcelar, to extricate from ditficulties
Desencarecer, va. 2. to lower the price (for sale)
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Desencastillar, vii. 1. to drive out of a castle
Desencastillar, to manifest; exorcise; deprive
Desencaxamiento, Desencáxe, tm. uncasing
Desencaxár, a. 1. to take out of its place: luxate
Dcsencaxonár, va. to unpack; take out of a box
Desencentr3r,a.l.totake,reraovefrora the centre
Desencerrar, a. 1. to free from confinement; open
Desencerrar, to disclose what «as unknown
Desencintár, untie; unbind; loosen (string)
Desenclavar, va. 1. to unnail; take, draw out nails
Desenclavar, to put violently out of place
Desencogér,« unfold(thing doubled); spread
Desencogerse, to lay aside all bashfulness
Desencogimiento, m. unfolding; expediting
Desencolar, va. 1. to unglue; undo what is glued
Desencolerizarse, 1. to be appeased; grow calm
Desenconar, va. 1. to cure an inflammation
Desenconar, to appease, check one's passion
Desenconarse, v. rrf. to be appeased; grow calm
Desencordar, va. 1. to unstring; untie strings, &c-
Desencordelar, «a. 1. to loosen, untie, undo ropes
Desencorvar, va. 1. to straighten; make straight
Desencrespar, wa. 1. to uncurl; undo the ririglets
Desénde, (eontr.of Desde ende) ndu.from this time
Desendemoniár, Desendiablár, va. 1. to exorcise
Desendiablárse, v. ref. to appease one's fury
Desendiosar, va. 1. to humble vanity, pride
Desenfadaderas, tf. plur. means of extrication
Desenfadado, -a, adj. free; unembarrassed; wide
Desenfadar, va. 1. to appease anger, passion
Desenfadarse, v. ref. to be amused, entertained
Desenfado,». freedom;ease; relaxation; calmness
Desenfaldar, va. 1. to let fall the train of a gown
Desenfamár, a. 1. to defame; slander; discredit
Desenfangár,a. I. to cleanse, free from mud, mire
Desenfardar, Desenfardelar, va. 1. to open bales
Desenfatuár, a. 1. to wean of aprejudice, passion
Desenfrailar, vn. 1. to quit the monastic life
Desenfrenadamente, ad. without restraint
Desenfrenado, -a, adj. unrestrained; outrageous
Desenfrenamiento, sm. unruliness; debauchery
Desenfrenar, a. 1. to unbridle; take off the bridle
Desenfrenarse, rrf. to unbridle one's passions
Desenfrenarse, to fly into a violent passion
Desenfrenarse, to be mad, unruiy; break out
Desenfreno, sm. unruliness; licentiousness
Desenfreno de vientre, sudden & violent flux
Desenfundar, va. 1. to take out of a bag, bolster
Desenfurecerse, rí'/ grow calm; be appeased
Desenganchar, «. 1. to unhook; take from a hook
Desengañadamente, ad. ingenuously; awkwardly
Desengañado, -a, adj. undeceived; ill-executed
Desengañador, sm. undeceiver; who undeceives
Desengañamiento, Jm. undeceiving; upbraiding
Desengañar, va. 1. to undeceive; tree from error
Desengañifár, a. 1. to disengage from the grasp
Desengaño, m. undeceiving; disabusing; reproof
Desengarrafár, va.l. to disengage from claws, &c.
Desengarzar, va. 1. to unravel; disentangle
Desengastar, a. 1. to take adiamondout of aring
Desengoznar, van. 1. to unhinge; be disjointed
Desengrasar, va. 1. to take out the grease
Desengrosar, va. 1. to attenuate; make lean, thin
Desengrudamiénto, «i. rubbing off cement, paste
Desengrudár, a.l. to rub off, scrape the paste from
Desenhadár, a.l. to remove the disgust for a thing
Desenhadárse, v. ref. to be rendered pleased
Desenhebrar, va. 1. to unthread; explain; unravel
Dcsinhctráble, adj. extricable; explainable
Dcscnhetrár, va. 1. to disentangle (the hair)
Uesciihciriiiir, ra. 1. to take out of the oven
Desenjaezar, a. 1. to unharness; unsaddle (horsej
Desenjalmar, i-a. 1. to unharness (horses, mules)
Desenjaulnr, uncage; let loose out of a cage
Desenjecutár, a. 1. to liberate from an execution
Desenlabonar, va. 1. to unchain; unbind
Desenlace, f/i. catastrophe (of a play); conclusion
Deseuladrillár, va. 1. to take up floor-tiles
Desenlazar, va. to unlace; untie knots; mark
Desenlosar, va. 1. to take up the flags of a floor
Desenlutar,». 1. to leave off mourning; not ^ieve
Desenmarañar, va. 1. to disentangle; extricate
Desenmohecer, rub off rust; make manifest
Desenmttdeeér, cure an impediment of speech
Desenojar, va. 1. to appease anger; allaypassiun
Desenojarse, v. ref. to amuse, recreate one's self
Desenojo, sm. abatement of anger, passion
Desenojoso, -a, adj. appeasing, assuaging anger
Deséño, m. design; purpose; intention; course
Desenquadernár, va. 1. to unbind (a book)
Desenquietár, u. 1. to disquiet; molest; stir up
Descnra/.onádo, -a, adj. unrea.sonable '
Dcscurcdar,« disentangle; clear; put in order

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