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Capoten, m. mig. very wide coat
Capotúdo,-a, adj. frowning; gruff; sour ot aspect
Capricho, m. whim; caprice ; design of a painting
Capricho, thómbrede)m. queer whimsical tVllow
C-ipricho estravagánte, tm. odd fancy; crotchet
Caprichosamente, ad, capriciously; whimsically
Caprichoso, -a, adj. capricious; «himsical; queer
Caprichudo, -a, a(/y. obstinate; perverse; stubborn
C.ipricó Capricorn; winter-solstice
Ca;irmiúlga, »/. goat-sucker, (kind of owl)
Caprino, -a, adj. goatish; like a goat in rankness
Capsário, rm. guard over the clothes of bathers
Capfula, sj. pellicle containing the seeds
Capsular, adj. cap>ular; enclosing the seeds
Captar, va. to captivate; win by endearing words
Captivár. a. 1. to make prisoner of war; imprison
Captivár, to captivate; charm; enchant; subdue
Captividad, »/. captivity; bondage; confinement
Captura, »/' capture; seizure; apprehension
Capturar, t)a. 1. to apprehend; scjzp; take up
Capucha, sf. circumflex accent ('); hood; cowl
Capuchina, sf. capuchin-nun; great Indian cress
Capuchinas, j/ pi. crotchets and knees (naut.)
Capuchino, sm. capuchin (monk of St Francis)
Capuchino,-a, adj. of a capuchin friar, or nun
Capuchina, (chupa)/, waistcoat with a bad back
Capucho, sm. cowl ; hood ( part of a monk's dress)
Capulín, sm. American fruit like a cherry
Capullitn, sm. dimin small pod of a silk-worm
Capullo, mi. pod of a silk-worm;bud of roses, &c.
Capullo, course silk stuff; shiU of an acorn
Capullos i.sCda de), / ferret-silk; grogram-yam
Capumpéba, tf. name of a Brazil plant
Capuz, sm. long morning-gown
Capuzar, ra. 1. to duck; put one under water
Capuzar un baxél, to sink a ship by the head
Caquético,-a, a. cachectic; of an ill habit of body
Caquexia, sf. cachexy; ill habit of body
Car, si. end of the raizen-yard andmizen (naut.)
Car, C07IJ. tor ;broause; on account of; forasmuch
Cara, st face; presence; surface; kind of sugar
Cara (buena), s< cheerful countenance
Cara (mala;, sf. look of displeasure; frown
Cara de acelga, sf pale, sallow face
Cara de pascua, de rísa.s/- smiling countenance
Cara de pocos amigos, »_/. churlish look
Cara de vaquéto, de bronce, sf brazen-face
Cara de viernes santo, «'. lean meagre face
Cata de cartón, sf. wrinkled face
Cara empedrada, face pitted with the small-pox
Cara de cebo, sf. pa e, wan, languid face
Caras (hombre de dos),sm. double dealer; deceiver
Cara (hacer la), to extract the resin from a pine
Cara descubierta (andar con la, 2.), to act openly
Cara (dar en, 1.) to reproach; upbraid; censure'
Cara a alguno (lavar la, 1.), to flatter; wheedle
Cara á alguna cosa (lavar la), to clean; brush up
¿.), to tell ■ -
I), t<
Cara (dar el sol de ;, to have the
Cara se lo dice (la), his face betrays him
Cara p?.ra (no tener), not to have the courage to
Cara atrás (no volverla, 2. ) to pursue with spirit
Cara descubierta (á), a. openly, frankly; plamly
Cara (á primera , adv. at first sight
Cara á Cara, a. face to face; with both present
Cara (de), adv. opposite; against; in front
Caraba, sf vessel used in the Archipelago ( naut. )
Cárabe, m arabpr(yellowtranspar*ntsubstance)
Carabela, si. long narrow three-masted vessel
Carabela, large basket (to carry in provisions)
Carabelón, sm. brig; brigantine (light vessel)
Carabina, sf. carbine; carabine; small fire-lock
Carabina rayada, sf. riflle carabine
Carabinazo, stn. report of a carbine: carbine-shot
Carabinero, sm. carabineer; light horse soldier
Cárabo, m. sort of crab, cockle; large horn owl
Cárabo, kind of setting dog; earth beetle (insect)
Carache, sm. scab incident to Peruvian sheep
Caracua, sf. small rowbarge in the Philippines
Caracol, sm. small cone in a clock, walch; snail
Caracol, winding stair-case; wheeling about
Caracol marino, sm. periwinkle (small shell-fish)
Caracoles, (hacer, 2.) to caracole; go to and fro
Caracol, (no importa un), it is not worth a rush
Caracola, sf. small whitish shell-snail
Caracolear, vn.\ . to caracole; w heel about (hor.sp)
Caracolájo, m. dim. small snail ; shell of a snail
Caracoleo, sm caracoling; wheeling about
Caracoléro,-a, smf. gatherer and seller of snails
('aracóles! interj hah! wonderful! strange'
Caracoli, tm metallic compound like pinchbeck
CaracoliUa, »/. dimin. small snail shell
Caracolillo, sm. dim. small srail; purple thread
Caracolillo, snail-flowered kidneybcRn
Caracolillos, m. pi. shell-work on edsmgsof dress
Caracolito. sm. dim small snail (si. my auiioal)
Caracón, sm kind of small vessel
CarAcler, w. character; letter; hand- writing; type
Carácter, personal qualities; humour; note; mark
Caracteristicaménte, adv characteristically
Caracteristico,-a, adj¡. of the true character
Caracterizádo,-a, adj. of eminent qualities, &c.
Caracterizar, v. 1 to characterize; mark; note
Caracterizar, to confer a distinguished honour
Caraciicho, -a, ad), of mouse-colour
Caradelante, ndv. farther off; forwards; onwards
Carádo,-a,(bién. ma\)adj. pretty- faced; ill- faced
Caragách, sm. kind of cotton
Caramanchón, sm. garret (room under the roof)
Caramangza sf Chinese medicinal drug
Caramba! interj. hah! wonderful! strange!
Carámbano, sm. icicle: shoot, flake of ice
Carambola, s/.carambol (at billiards,& revesino)
Carambola, trick; device (to cheat, deceive)
Carambola-, caramhola-tree ( East Indian trc)
Carambolear, rn I. to carambol (at billiards)
Carambolero, sm. carambol-player (at billiards
Carambú, sm. willow-herb; tall jussiena (plant
Caramel, sm. kind of pilcher ¡fish)
Caramela, sf. hat (worn in old times)
Caramelo, sm. burnt sugar; sort of lozenge
Caramente, adv. dearlj : exceedingly; highly
Caramiéllo, sm. hat worn in former days)
Caramillár, vn. 1. to play on the flagelet
Caramilleras, sf. pi. pot-hooks, hangers
f aramil o, sm. flagelet; small flute (instrument)
Caramillo, glasswort (plant); mass of confusion
Caramillo, deceit; officiousness; tale-bearing
Caramillo, (armar un, I.) to excite dissension
Caramúyo, sm. kind of sea-snail
Caramuzál, sm. Moorish transport-ship
Carángue, sm. Caranga, / flat fish f in West Ind.
Carantamaula, sf hideous mask; ugly person
Carantoña, «/.hideous mask; painted old woman
Carantoñas, si. pi cajoleries; wheedling caresses
Carantoñera, tf. coquette; flirting woman, girl
Carantoñero, sm. cajoler; flatterer; wheedler
Caráña, sf. resinous American gum
Caraos, m. drinking a full bumper to one's health
Carápa, / oil of an American nut good for gout
Carapúza, sf. pointed cap; hood of the cook-room
Catátula, st. paste-board mask; histrionic art
Caratulero, «7 . maker, seller of paste-board ma? ks
Caraúz, m. drinking a full bumper to one'shealth
Carava, / country people'* meeting on teast-days

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