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Capataz, receiver of marked metal for coining
Capaz, a. capable; capacious; ample; fit; teamed
Capaz de prueba, capable of trial; proof
Capaz de, (hacerse) to render one's self master of
Capaza, if. hamper; frail; large basket
Capazmente, adv. capaciously; amply ¡suitably
Capazo, tm. large bass-basket; blow with a cloak
Capazón, »m augm. very large bass-basket
Capciosamente, adv. captiously; insidiously
Capcioso, -a, adj. captious; insidious; cunning
Capeador, tm. bulUfighter; eloak-stcaler
Capear, va. 1. strip, rob, (one) of a cloak; lay t .
Capi'ar, to challenge a bull with one's cloak
Capel, sm. cod, pod of a silk-worm
Cápela, $f. star of the first magnitude in Auriga
Capeiardente, lighted room where a corpse lies
Capellada, sf toe-piece, (put to a shoe)
Capellán, tm. chaplain; clergyman
Capellán de navio, tm. chaplain of the navy
Capellania, tj. foundation raised with piety
Capellár, tin. kind of Moorish cloak
Capellina, head-piece ofahelmet; hood; trooper
Capelo, tm. bishop s dues; cardinal s hat; red hat
Capeo, tm. challenging a bull with a cloak
Capeón, m yearling bull challenged with a cloak
Capero, m. priest who wears the cope in a church
( aperóles, tm. pi. sculptured part of the stem
Caperucéta,-illa, */. diinin. small hood, cap
Caperuza, tf hood, cap ending in a point
Caperuza de chimenea, covering of a chimney
Caperuza de fogón, hood of the cook-room,(naut.)
Caperuza, (dar en, 1 ) to disconcert one's views
Caperuzon, tm. augm. large hood, cap
Capialzado, tm arch sloping on the outside
Capibara, tf. kind of fish
Capichóla, tf. kind of silk-stufF
Capidengue, tm small cloak, (for ladies)
Capiéllo, tm. child's cap; christening-fee
Capigorrista ? tm. vagabond; lounger; rover;
Capigorrón J parasite; student giving up
Capil, tm. small hood; little cap
Capilar, aij. capillary; of the small veins, &c
Capilla,/. hood;cowl; chapel; band of musicians
Capilla, clerical body of a chapel ; portifljle chapel
Capilla, chapter of collegians; proof-sheet
Capilla, (caja de) chest for chapel-ornaments
Capilla ardiente, lighted room for a corpse
Capilla, (estar en, 1 ) to prepare fordeath,(crim.)
Capilláda, tf. hoodfull; filling up of a hood
Capilléja,-ita, tf. dimxn. small chapel
Capillejo, tm. diinin. small hood; skein of silk
Capiller, -ero, tm. clerk; sexton; churchwarden
Capilleta, tf. dim. small chapel; knight's hood
Capillo, m. ctiild'scap;christening-fee;rose-bud
Capillo hood, (of a hawk) rabbit-net; colander
Capillo de hierro, tm. helmet; head-piece
Capillo, (seda de todo) s/. coarse kind of silk
Capilludo, -a, a. like the hood, cowl of a monk
Capingót, tm. riding-coat, (without sleeves)
Capirón, tm covering for the head
Capirotada, /. American paste, (made of herbs)
Capirotazo, tm. fiilip given on the nose
Capirote, m. doctor's hood; collegian's half gown '
Capirote, sharp pointed cap worn in processions I
Capirote, (tóntode)»m. blockhead; ignorant fool
Capirote de colmena, cover of a bee-hive
Capirotéro, adj. used to have a hood, (hawk)
Capi.-áyo, m. dress worn as a cloak & riding-coat
Capiscol, tm precentor; subchanter, (in Toledo)
Capiscolía, tf. office, dignity of precentor
Capita, tf. dimin small cloak
Capitación, »' poll-tax; duty on every person
Capital, m. money put out at interest; stock
Capital, fortune of a husband at his marriage
Capital, tf. capital; chief city of a country
Capital, ad), cat ital; chief; principal; essential
Capital, jni. (remedio) remedy good for the bead
Capital, (enemigo) tin. principal, chief enemy
Capital, (error) tm. gross, capital error
Capital (pena) tf. capital punishment
Capitales, (pecados) tm. plur. capital sins
CapitaUsta, tm. capitalist; possessor of funds
Capitalmente, adv. capitally; affecting life
Capitán, m. captain; comraander-in-chief; leader
Capitán, superintendent of the wool-washing
Capitán á guerra, mayor with military power
Capitán de bandera, captain of theadmiral'ssbip
Capitán de fragata, commander of a frigate
Capitán de navio, captain of a man of war
Capitán general de ejército, tm. field-marshal
Capitán de puerto, tm port-capUin, (nauL)
Capitán del puerto, harbour-master
Capitana, tf. adinir il's ship; captain's wife
Capitanázo, tm. great warrior; able general
Capitanear, vi. 1. to command an army in chief
Capitanía, t/ captainship; company of soldiers
Capitanía, military government of a province
Capitel, tm. spire on the dome of a church
Capitol, nn. chapter; meeting of a corporation
Capitolino, -a, ad} capitoline; of the capítol
Capitolio, .TOi. capitol,(famous fortress at Rome)
Capitón, tm. pollard; chub, (river fish)
Capitóso, -a, a. stubborn; obstinate; whimsical
Capitula, tf. part of the prayers read at church
Capitulación, tf capitulation; stipulation
Capitulación de matrimonio, marnage-contract
Capitulante, tm. one who capitulates, surrenders
Capitular, rm. member of a chapter; capitular
Capitular, adj. established, settled by a chapter
Capitular, xr.'l to conclude-, capitulate; impeach
Capitular, rn. to sing prayers at divine service
Capitularlo, sm. book of prayers read or sung
Capitularménte, ad. by the rules of a chapter
Capituléro ». &(i member ofa chapter; capitular
Capitulo, tm. chapter; meeting of a corporation
Capitulo, charge against one for want of duty
Capítulos matrimoniales, m. pi. marriage-articles
Capitulo, (dar un, 1. ) to reprimand severely
Capitulo, (ganar, perder) togain, lose one's point
Capnitis, tf sort of cadmía, (in chemistry)
Capnománcia, f. divination by the flying smoke
Capnománte, tm fortune teller by flying smoke
Capo, tm. cape, head-land; extremity; end; chief
Capóc. tm. bark of the capoc ; sort of coarse cotton
Capolado, tm. minced meat; cutting into bits
Capolado, -a, adj minced; chopped; beheaded
Capolar, va. 1. to mince, chop into bits; behead
Capón, capon, (castrated cock) eunuch; gelding
Capon, fillip on the head; fagot; anchor stopper
Capón de galera, salmagundi of liiscuit, oil &c.
Capon de cemza, blow on the brow with a dust- bag
Capona, »/ sort of Spanish dance
Capona I Have)»/, key worn by a lord chamberlain
Caponáílo, -a, a. tied together, ( branches of vine)
Caponar, va. I. to tie up the branchesof vine;out
Caponera, tf coop; good living at other's expense
Caponera, (estar metido en) be shut up in a jail
Capoquero, tm. capoc-tree, yielding coarse cotton
Caporal, tm. chief; ring-leader; corporal
Capota,/, thistle, used to raise the nap of cloth)
Capóte, m. camiet-cloak; angry look; capot
Capóte, thick cloud, hanging over a mouma.n
Capóte de centinela, sentinel's watch-coat
Capóte, (dar)tulet álate guest go withoutdinner
Capóte, (dar) to win all the tricksat some games
Capi'He, (á mi) adv. in my opinion
Capotéro, tm. maker, seller of cloaks
Capotillo, m. mantelet; short cloak, (for wotnen)

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