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Archéra, tf. fenule archer; bowwoman; shooter
Archéro, s. archer; bowman : shooter with a bow
Archiducado, $m. archduki-dom; archdutehy
Archiducal, adj. of an archduke, archdutehy
Archiduque, sm. arch-duke (Austrian prince)
Archiduquesa, s. archduchess (Austrian princess)
Archilaúd, sin. instrument like a lute, but lar^'er
Archipámpano, sm. imaginary dij^nity, power
Archipiélago, sm. Archipelago (cluster of isles'»
Archivar, va. 1. to deposit (papers; in archives
Archivéro-ista, sm. keeper of archives, records
Archivo, sm. archives; record-office; confidant
Arcilla, sf. argil; potter's clay; white pure earth
Arcilloso, -a, ndj. argillaceous; clayey; of argil
Arciprestádgo-zgo, sm. dignity of archpriest
Arcipreste, sm. archpresbj'ter; chief priest
A'rco, sm. arc; arch; bow; liddle-bow; hoop
A'rco del cielo, sm. rainbow; iris
Areola, sf. sort of coarse linen
Arcon, s. aug. large chest; great arch, arc, bow
A'rctico, -a, cut]', arctic; northern; septentrional
Arquádo, -a, ailj. arched; in the form of
Arestín, tm. scab of the heel up to the pastern
Arestinadu, -a, adj. w ith a scab of the heel (horse)
Arfada, sf. pitching, torring of (a ship)
Arfar, va. 1. to pitch; tar; smear with pitch
Arfil, sm. bishop ,at the game of cliessj
Argadijo, ? sm. reel; turning frame: stage-scene;
Argadillo, J blusterer ; large wicker-basket
Argado, sm. frolic ; prank ; trick ; artifice; antic
Argalla, sf. civet ( perfume i catheter (surg. inst.)
Argallera, sf. saw for cutting grooves
Argamandel, sm. rag; tatter; tattered clothes
Argamandijo, sm. collection of trifling tools
Argamandijo, (dueño del) powerful lord; master
Argamasa, sf. mortar; cement (for building)
Argamasar, 1. toraaken; "'
1. lar
lula, sf. golden starwoi
A'rgana, sf machine (like a i
A'rganas, pi. fruit-baskets, Jtc. (carried by hor.)
Arganel, sm. small brass-ring of an astrolabe
Arganeo, stn. anchor-ring (to fasten the cable)
A'rgano, sm. ancient warlike machine
A'rda,/ squirrel (small animal living in woods) ' Argel, a. with the right hind foot white (horse)
Ardaleádo, -a, adj. thinned; made thin, clear
Ardaleár, va. 1. to thin, make thin, attenuate
Ardasas, Ardáses, sf. pi. coarsest Persian silk
Ardasinas, Ardazinas, sf. pi. finest I'ersian silk
Ardedor, sm. kind of serpent < creeping animal)
Ardentía, sf. heat; phosphoric glow of the sea
Ardeóla, sf. small kind of heron large bird)
Arder, r. 2. to burn; blaze; glow; be agitated v\ith
Arderse en pleitos, ref. be entangled in la« -suits
ArdOro, -a, smf. squirrel-hunter (applied to a dog;
Ard il, sm. stratagem; artifice, cunning; trick
Ardido, -a, a. heated; in a fermenting state; bold
Ardiente, adj. ardent; burning; fervent; fiery
Ardiente (calentura, sf. burning fever
Ardientemente, adv. ardently ; fervently
Ardilla, s/. squirrel (small animal in woods)
Ardimiento, sm. conflagration; intrepidity
Ardineulo, sm. inflamed swelling on the back
Ardite, m. ancient coin of little value (in Spain)
Ardite (no valer un, v. 2.) not to be worth a doit
Ardor, s. ardour; great heat; fire; fervour; valour
Ardoroso, -a, a. fiery;restless;highmettled(hor.)
Arduamente, adv. arduously; with difficulty
Arduidád, sf. arduousness; great difficulty
A'rduo, -a, a. arduous; hard to climb; difficult
A'rea, sf. area; open surface; barn-floor: halo
Arel, sm. large cribble to sift the corn, &c.
Arelar, va. 1. to sift the corn with a large cribble
Arena, sf. sand; gravel; arena (for wrestlers, &c. ;
Arena (sembrar en, r. 1.) to labour in vain
Arenas, sf. plur. gravel formed in the kidneys
Arenáceo, -a, adj. arenaceous; sandy; gravelly
Arenal, sm. sandy-ground; sandy-beach; shore
11 sandy pie "
ill land
:over with sand
1. uu^ very large herring (fish)
Arenero, stn. dealer in sand; seller of sand
Arenga, sf. harangue; speech; public oration
Arengar, v. 1. to harangue; make a public speech
Arenica, Arenilla, st dim. fine small sand
Arenillas, sf. pi. granulated saltpetre (for powd.)
Arenisco,-óso, -a, adj. arenóse; sandy; gravelly
Arenque, sm. herring (small sea-fish)
Arenque ahumado, sm. red herring (smoked fish)
Areüla, sf. small coloured rim round the nipple
Areómetro, sm. areometer (instr. to weigh fluids)
Areopagita, sm. judge, member of the Areopagus
Areipago, sm. highest tribunal in Athens
Areoteetónica, */. military art of fighting
ArOsta, tf. coarse tow; thorn; fish-bone; spine
Argelino, -a, 'idj. Algerine; of Algiei
Argenia, Ar;;emi.n, s. small white ulcerontheeye
Argémune, m tlinrny poppy (soporiferous plant)
Ivered over; white
ig the white (shoes)
Argeniauor, sm. w no silvers, covers with silver
Argentar, ca. 1. to silver; cover plate with silver
Argentirio-ero, silversmith; master of th» mint
Argentería, sf. embroidery in gold, silver
Argentifodina, sr. silver-mine ( cave in the earth)
Argentina, sf. silver-weed; wild tansy (plant)
Ar^^ento, sm. (poetical expression) silver
Argento vivo, sublimado sublimate ( chem. prep. )
Argilla, sf. argil; clay; white pure earth
Argiritas, sm. pi. marcasites (found in mines)
Argirogónia, sf. philosopher's stone
Argolla, sf. large iron ring; staple; pillory
Argollas de cureña, pi. hooks of a gun-carriage
Argollas de amarra, s/. plur. lashing-rings
ArgoUéta-ica-ita, dim. small iron ring, staple
ArgoUón, stn. auam. very large iron ring, staple
A rgoma, sf. furze; gorse; goss; whin; broom
Argomal, sm. plantation of shrub, milk-trefoil
ArgomOn, sm. attgm. large prickly broom
Argonautas,», pi. Argonauts; Jason's companions
A'rgos, Í. Argo celebrated ship (of the Argonauts)
Argos, Argus(ashepherd with 100 eyes 1; watcher
A'rgos (ser un, vaux.) to be very vigilant
Argoudán, s. kind of Indian stuff made of cotton
Arguajáque, Arguaxáque, stn. gum anmioniac
Argucia, sf. quirk; cavil; subtle device; cunning
Argüe, sm'. machine to wire-draw gold; w indlass
Arguellarse, ref. I. to be emaciated, in bad health
.Arguello, sm. bad state of health: faintncss
Arguenas, sf. pi. hand-barrow; cruet-stand
Argüir, va. 3. to argue: dispute; oppose: reprove
Argüir, vn. to give signs of; make a show of
.A'rguma, sf. furze; broom; gorse; goss; whin
Argumentación, sf. reasoning; argumentation
Argumentador, -a, stnf. arguer; reasoner
Argumentiir, rn. 1. to argue; reason; dispute
Argumentativo, -a, adj. argumentative
Argumentillo, nn. dim slight argument, ri
Argumento, sm. argument; subject; c
Arguyente, «ra. arguer; i
A'ria, sf air; tune; song; modulated verses
Aribár, va. 1. to reel, gather yarn into skeins
Aribo, sm. reel (to wind up yarn into skeins)
Aricar, v. I. to plough acrossland sown with cor
Aridez, »/. drought; want of rain; drj-ness

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