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Aquestár, va. 1. to conquer; acquire; gain
Aquéste-sta-sto, mftt, pron. demon, this; that
Aquí, adv. here; in, to this place; now; then
Aqui adelante (de), adv. henceforth; hereafter
Aqui para alii (de), adv. to and fro; up and down
Aqui, (de) adv. from this; hence; herefrom
Aqui en adelante (de) adv. henceforth
Aqui el rededor, ad. hereabouts; about this place
Aqui dentro, adv. herein; hercinto; in this place
Aqui, (fuera de) adv. hereout; out of this
Aqui, (hasta) adv. hitherto; to this time; yet
Aquiescencia, sf. acquiescence; compliance
Aquietar, va. 1. to quiet; appease; pacify; hush
Aquietarse, ref. to grow calm; be quiet, tranquil
A'quila-alba, »/. corrosive sublimate refreshed
Aquilatar, va.' 1. to assay (metals); investigate
Aquilea, sf. milfoil; yarrow (medicinal plant;
Aquiléña,'*/- columbine (plant and flower)
Aquilifero, sm. eagle-bearer (Roman standard)
Aquilino, -a, a. aquiline; haw lied; hoolced (nose)
Aquilón, «n. north-wind; cold, stormy wind
Aquilonal, Aquilonar, adj. northerly; northern
Aquilonal (tiempo, sm.) winter-season; winter
Aquitibi, m. nickname of hired priests in atrair
Aquosidád, tf. aquosity; wateriness
Aquóso, -a, adj. aqueous; watery; full of water
Ara, ^r. altar; communion-table; cistern-head
A'rabe, Arábigo, sm. Arabic language
Arabesco, m. arabesic ; fancy painting, ornament
Arábiga, $f. stone resembling spotted ivory
Arábigo, Arábico, -a, Arabic; Arabian; of Arabia
Arada, »/. ploughed land; tillage; husbandry
Arado, sm. plough (instrument of agriculture)
Arador, m. ploughman ¡husbandman; ring- worn
Aradorcico, sm dimin. small ring-worm
Arádro, sm. plough (instrument of agriculture)
Aradura, lif. ploughing; land ploughed in a day
Aragán,»m. idler; lounger;sluggard;lazy person
AragnOiaes, sf. thin membrane of the brain
Aragonesa, (uva, s.) large black grape (in Arrag.)
Arambel, stn. drapery; furniture of bed, room
Aránibre, sm. copper; copper-wire; sheep-ball
Aramia, sf. ploughed ground, fit for sowing
Arana, sf. imposition; imposture; cheat; trick
Aranáta, sf. American animal resembling a dog
Arancel, sm. fixed rate of things; regulations
Arándano, sm. bilberry; whortleberry; cranberry
Arandela, sf. socket-pan (,of a candlestick)
Arandela, nave-box of a gun-carriage; half-ports
Arandillo, sm. pad;hoop j part of women's dress)
Araniégo, adj. caught in a fold-net (young hawk)
Aranzáda, sf. acre of ground (differentin places)
Araña, sf. spider; lustre; fold-net; crow-foot
Araña, (ser una), to be an industrious man, worn.
Arañadór, -a, smf. scratcher; who claws, scrapes
Arañadór de dinero, sm. scraper; scrapepenny
Arañamiento, sm. scratching; clawing; scraping
Arañar, va. 1. to scratch; claw; scrape; gather
Arañar riquezas, to gather riches eagerly
Arañar la cubierta, to make great exertions
Arañazo, sm. augm. long deep scratch, tear
Arañero, -a, adj. wild; intractable (bird); sour
Araño, sm. scratch; slight wound; nipping
Arañón, sm. sloe (fruit of the blackthorn)
Arañuela, sf dim. small spider; spiderwort (pi.)
Arañuelo, sm. destructive spider; fold net (bird)
Arapénde sm. old measure of 120 square feet
Arar, fa. 1. to plough; labour;furrow (the waves)
Arar con ancla, to drag, draw the anchor
Aratório, -a, adj. aratory; necessary to tillage
Arbellón, t. gutter (to drain the water from roads)
Arbitrable, adj. arbitrable; left to one's will
Arbitración, >/; arbitration; decision; valuing
Arbitradór, sm. arbitrator; umpire; determiner
Arbitradóra, tf. arbitress; arbiter; judge; umpire
Arbitrage, Arbitramento, Í arbitrement; deci-
Arbitramiénto, sm. Ssion; determination
Arbitral, adj. arbitrary; at one's will; absolute
Arbitrar, va. 1. to arbitrate; decide; adjudge
Arbitrariamente, adv. arbitrarily; absolutely
Arbitrariedad, sf. arbitrariness; self-will
Arbitrario, Arbitrativo, -a, adj. arbitrary
Arbitratorio, -a, a. of the award, umpire, arbiter
Arbitrio, sm. freewill; pleasure; arbitration
Arbitrio de juez, m. unlimited power of a judge
Arbitrios, plur. taxes, duty on wine, &c., for sale
Arbitrista, sm. schemer; contriver; projector
A'rbitro, sm. arbiter; arbitrator; one's own master
A'rbol, sm. tree; mast; uprightpost; drill; shaft
A'rbol de amor, sm. Judas-tree (bot.)
A'rbol de clavo, sm. clove-tree, (bot.)
A'rbol del coral, sm. coral-tree, (bot.)
A'rbol del paraíso, Árbol paraiso, flowering ash
A'rbol marino, fish like the star-fish, but larger
Arbolado, -a, adj. planted with trees; masted
Arbolado, sm. ground covered with trees; wood
Arboladura./, masts, yards ; round timbers ( naut .)
Arboladura, (maestre de) master mast-maker
Arbohir, va. 1. to raise; hoist; set upright
Arbolar el navio, to mast the ship
Arbolarse, ref 1. to rear on the hind feet (horse)
Arbolario, sm. herbalist; botanist; mad-cap
Arbolecico-llo, Arbolico-to, iarboret; small
Arboléjo, Arborcillo, sm. J tree; shrub; bush
Arboleda, sf. grove; boscage; plantation of trees
Arbolete, sm. branch with lime-twigs
Arbolista, sm. arborist; planter, dresser of trees
Arbollón, sm. flood-gate; sluice; dam; conduit
Arbóreo, -a, adj. of trees; arborous; full of trees
Arborizado, -a, adj. resembling trees, leaves, &c.
Arbotante, stone, brick-arch to support a vault.
Arbotante de pie de campana, bell crank
Arbusto, sm. arbuscle; small shrub; bush
Arbustíllo, sm. dimití, very small shrub, bush
A'rca, sf. chest; large wooden box; hutch
A'rca, sepulchral urn; tomb; head of a spout
A'rca denoé, s. lumber-chest; box full of rubbish
A'rca de fuego, small box filled with gun-powder
A'rca cerrada (ser), to be yet unknown i pers. &c.)
A rca de agua, reservoir; cistern; basin; tank
A'rcas, pi. iron-chest; coffer (to lay in money)
A'rcas, (hacer) to open the treasury-chest
A'rcas, cavities of the body under the ribs (anat.)
Arcabucear, va. 1. to shoot with the cross-bow
Arcabucería, sf. troop of archers; cross-bows
Arcabucero, s. archer; maker of bows; gunsmith
Arcabuz, sf. arquebuse; hand-gun; fire-arm
Arcabuzázo, sm. wound from the shot of a gun
Arcacil, sm. species of wild artichoke (plant)
Arcada,/, violentthrowing up motion of the stom.
Arcada, arcade; continuation of arches; piazza
A'rcade, wlj. Arcadian; of polite literature
Arcaduz, sm. conduit; water-pipe; bucket
Arcaduzar, va. 1. to convey water through pipes
Arcaísmo, mixture of ancientand modem words
Arcam, s. very venomous serpent (in Turkestan)
Arcángel, sm. archangel; highest angel, spirit
Arcangelicál, adj. archangelic; of ai'changels
Arcanidád, ^. profound secret of great moment
Arcano, -a, secret; private; recondite; unknown
Arcar, to beat wool with a bow of 1 or 2 coitls
A'rcaz, sm. large chest; bier to carry the dead
Arcáza, sf. augm. very large chest; coffer
A'rce, SHI. maple-tree (frequent in hedge-rows)
Arcedianáto, sm. archdeaconship; archdeaconry
Arcediano, sm. archdeacon; bishop's substitute
Arcvn. stn. border; edge; edge-stone of a well

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