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Ahortivaménte, adv. abortively; immaturely
Abortivo, -a, adj. abortive; untimely; immat
Aborto, sin. miscarriage; abortion; monster
Abortón, sm. abortion (of a quadruped)
Aborujarse, vref. 1. to be wrapped up, muffled
Abotagarse, vref. 1. to be swollen, inflated
Abotinado, -a, adj. like half gaiters, spatterdashes
Abotonador, sni. small iron to button gaiters
Abotonar, van. 1. to button; bud; form a button
Abovedado, -a, adj. arched; vaulted; concave
Abovedar, ra.l. to arch; vault; concamerate
Aboyado, -a, ndj. rented farm and ploughing oxen
Aboyar, va. 1. to lay down buoys inaut.)
Abra, sf. bay; haven; cove; dale; valley; fissure
Abracijo, siii. embrace; clasp; fond pressure; hug
Abrahomár, va. 1. to hold fast by the clothes
Abrasadaménte, adv. eagerly, earnestly ; warmly
Abrasador, -a, sinf. burner; inflaraer; incendiary
Abrasamiento, sin. burning; fire; inflammation
Abrasar, va. 1. tobum;parch;squander;provoke
Abraisárse, vref. 1. to be agitated by passion ¡glow
Abrasarse vivo, to be inflamed with passion
Abrasarse las Pajarillas, to be burning hot
Abrasiládo, -a, adj. of the colour of Brazil-wood
Abrazadera, sf ring; bar to fix the plough-tail
-abrazador, -a, smf. embracer; thief-taker; hook
Abrazamiento, sm. embracement; fond pressure
Abrazar, va. 1. to embrace; encircle; contain
Abrazo, sm. embrace; clasp; hug; fond pressure
Ábrego, sm. south-west wind (south and west)
Abrenuncio! luterj far be it from me I (horror)
Abrevadero, sm. watering-place (for cattle)
Abrevado, -a, adj. steeped in water (skins)
Abrevador, sm. who waters cattle; waterer
Abrevar, va. 1. to water (cattle, lands, &c.)
Abreviación, sf. abbreviation; contraction
Abreviadór, -a, smf. abbreviator; abridger
Abreviar, va. 1. to abridge; contract; diminish
Abreviatura, sf. abbreviation; abridgment
Abreviatura, (en) adv. briefly; summarily
Abreviaturia, sf. office, charge of breviator
Abribonarse, vref. 1. to act the scoundrel; stroll
Abridero, sm. peach (easily divided when ripe)
Abridero, -a, adj. aperitive; easily opened
Abridor, sm. nectarine; one who opens, unlocks
Abridor de Láminas, sm. engraver (artist)
Abrigadero, Abrigado, sm. shelter; cover; screen
Abrigaño, sm. shelter, shed for cattle
Abrigar, va. 1. to shelter; protect; patronize
Abrigo, sm. slicltcr; refuge; protection; asvlum
Abril, sm. April (fourth month of the year)
Abrillantar, van. 1. to polish (diamonds); shine
Abrimiento, sm. aperture; opening; breach
Abrir, va.Z. toopcn;unlock;toobstruct;engrave
Abrir á chasco, to jest; mock; laugh at; deride
Abrir el Dia, to dawn; begin to grow light
Abrir el ojo, to be alert, watchful, observant
-Abrir la Mano, to accept bribes; be generous
Abr r los ojos á uno, to undeceive; set right
Abrirse, vref. 3. to open, extend itself; tell a secret
Abrochador, sm. instrument to button clothes
Abrochadura, sf. Abrochamiento, m. buttoning
Abrochar, a.\. to button; clasp; fasten with hooks
Abrogación, sf. abrogation; renovation; repeal
Abrogar, va. 1. to abrogate: repeal; annul; reverse
Abrojár, sm. place covered, full of caltrops
Abrojo, sm.caltrop; crow-foot; lash; hidden rocks
Abromado, -a, a. dark; hazy; foggy; worm-eaten
Abromarse, vref. 1. to be worm-eaten, gnawed
Abroquetárse, vref. to shield one's self; defend
Abrótano, sm. southernwood (plant)
Abrotoñar, vn. 1. to scud a hull (naut.)
Abrumado, -a, a. weary; overwhelmed; in trouble
Abrumador, -a, smf. troubler; tea
Abrumar, va. 1. to crush; trouble; overpress;
Abrutado, -a, adj. brutish; unmannerly; savags
Absceso, sm. abscess; imposthurae; swelling
Absolución, sf. absolution; acquittal; remission
Absoluta, sf. dogma; established principle; tenet
Absolutamente, adv. absolutely; positively
Absoluto, -a, adj. absolute; positive; peremptory
Absolutorio, -a, adj. absolutory; clearing of crime
Absolvedéras,/. plur. facility of giving absolution
Absolvedor, sm. he that absolves, remits a sin
Absolver, va. 2. to absolve; acquit; discharge
Absorción, sf. absorption; sucking up of humours
Absortar, va. 1. to strike with astonishment
Absorto, -a, adj. amazed; absorbed in thoughts
Absorvéncia, sf. absorbing; absorption
Absorvénte, m. absorbent; sucking up of humours
Absorvér, va. 2. to absorb; suck; swallow up
Absorvido, adj. absorbed; absorpt; swallowed up
Abstemio, -a, arij. abstemious ; temperate ; sober
Abstenerse, vref. 2. to abstain; refrain from
Abstergente, Abstersivo, -a. ailj. abstergent
Absterger, va. 2. to absterse; purify; cleanse
Abstersion, sf. abstersion; dispersion of humours
Abstinencia, .'¡f. abstinence; temperance; fasting
Abstinente, adj. abstinent; temperate; sober
Abstinentemente, íjrfr.with abstinence; soberly
Abstracción, .■sf. abstraction; absence of mind
Abstractivamente, adv. abstractively; separately
Abstractivo, -a, adj. abstractive
Abstracto, -n.,ndj. abstracted ¡separated; abstruse
Abstraer, ru. 2. to abstract; abridge; differ
Abstraerse, vref. to w ithdraw from worldly ideas
Abstraído, -a, adj. retired; abstracted
Abstrúso, -a, adj. abstruse ¡hidden ¡dark ¡difficult
Absúelto, -a, mlj. p.p. free; absolved; acquitted
Absurdidad, 5/. absurdity; want of judgment
Absurdo, sm. absurdity; want of judgment
Absurdo, -a, adj. absurd; contrary to reason
Abubilla, sf. hoop, or hoopoop (bird)
Abuchomárse, vref. 1. to be muffled, wrapped up
Abuela, sf. grandmother; grandam
Abuelo, sm. grandfather; forefather; ancestor
Abuhádo, Abuhetádo, -a. adj. pale ¡discoloured;
Abultado, -a, adj. bulky¡ large; increased
Abultar, va. 1. to increase; enlarge; heighten
Abultar, I'Ti. to grow, be bulky, large, of greatsize
Abundamiento, sm. abundance; plenty ¡fulness
Abundancia, sf. abundance¡ exuberance¡ plenty
Abundante, adj. abundant; plentiful; exuberant
Abundantemente, adv. abundantly¡ plentifully
Abundar, vn. 1. to abound; have in great plenty
Abuñuelar, va. 1. to make some sort of fritter
Aburar, va. 1. to bum; consume; overheat
Abureládo, -a, adj. of a greyish colour
Aburrido, -a. ad), weary; vexed; ventured
Aburrimiento, sm. perplexity, uneasiness of mind
Aburrir, va. 3. to weary; perplex; vex; venture
Aburujádo, -a, adj. perplexed; pressed together
Aburujár, va. 1. to press, heap, mix together
Abusar, va. 1. to abuse; make an ill use of
Abusión, sf. misapplication; divination; fancy
Abusivamente, adv. abusively; improperly
Abusivo, -a, adj. abusive; deceitful; improper
Abuso, sm. abuse; misuse; bad custom; error
Abyección, sf. abjection; baseness; servility
Abyecto, -Si,adj. abject, mean ¡contemptible ¡vile
Acá, adv. here; hither; this way; in this place
Acá, (de quándo) ? since when ? how long ?
Acá no se estila, that is not the custom here
Acá y allá, adv. here and there. Acá, interj! hey!
Acabáble, adj. possible to be finished
Acabadamente, adv. perfectly (iron.) ; very badly
Acabado, -a, ad;, perfect; old; ill dressed
Acabador, -a, tmf. finisher; perfecter; corapletet

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