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Abatido, -ti,adí. dejected; low spirited; mean
Abatimiento, tm. dejection; overthrow
Abatir, ra. 3. overthrow; cutdown; fall; humble
Abatir, rn. S to descend; bend; submit; stoop
Abatirse, vre/. 3 to be disheartened, dejected
Abaxadór, »m. stable-boy (in mines); abater
Abaxamiénto, sm. dejection; depression; lowness
Abaxii, adv below; under; underneath
Abdicación, t/abdication; resignation; giving up
Abdicár,ra Í. to abdicate; resijn; give up; annul
Abdicativo, -a, adj. abdicative; lesigning
Abdomen, tm. abdomen; lower belly
Abdominal, adj. abdominal; of the abdomen
Abducción, «/. abduction; form of argument
Abductor, sm. abductor (with drawing muscle)
Abecé, tm. alphabet; lettT»: elements of speech
Abecedario, sm. spelling book; table of contents
Abedul, tm. birch tree
Abeja, ^. bee; Abeja maestra, sf. queen bee
Abe ár, sm. bee-hive, case, (box foi bees)
Abejar, (uva), sf. grape much liked by bees
Abejarrón,Abej'órro,»m. horse fly, stinging insect
Abejaruco, Abejerú bee eater; mean fellow
Abejera, sf. balm-mint; bee-wort; (plant)
Abejero, tm. bee-master; keeper of bees
Abe. iea, ilia, tta, icéUj, dimin, ^f- little bee
Abejón, sm. drone; hornet; buzzing in the ear
Abejonázo, wn. laige wild bee; great dnme
Abejoncillo, sm. small wild bee; small drone
Abellacado, -a, o. mean spirited; of low habits
Abellacarse, vref 1. to degrade one's self
Abellár, tm. apiary (place where bees are kept)
Abellotádo,-a, odj. in form of acorns; likeac
Abemolar, va. 1. to soften; make soft, plia
Abenúz, tm. ebony-tree (hard black wood)
Abeflóla. -úl.i, sf. eye-lashes (hairs of the eye-lid)
Aberengenádo, -a, a. of the hue of the egg-plant
Abernúncio! inter), far be it from me!
Abetozéra, sf. strawberry tree; arbute
Aberración,»/, aberration; deviation; wandering
Aberrugádo, -a, adj. warty; covered with warts
Abertura,*/, opening; overture: beginning; leak
Abete, tm. tenter; (hook to stretch cloth, &c.)
Abetémo,a<iti. (Lat.)from all eternity; forever
Abeto, sm. silver-tree; yew-leaved fir
Abetunado, -a, adj. like, resembling bitumen
Abeurréa, tf. land-mark; boundary of property
Abezána, sf. several yokes of oxen ploughing
Abezon, sm. dill; anise (species of parsley)
Abiertamente, ado. openly; frankly; plainly
Abierto, -n,adj. open; candid; generous; frank
Abigarrado, -a, adj. striped; of various colours
Abigarrar, va. í. to variegate; streak; dapple
Abigeato, tm. theft of cattle; cattle stealing
Abigeo, sm. cattle stealer; robber of cattle
Abigotado, -a, ad), wearing long whiskers
Abihares, sm. daffodil; narcissus; precious stone
Abinicio, adv. (hat.) from the beginning
Abintest&to -a, a(<>. intestate; without a will
Abintestáto, tm. judge's process in case of no will
Abiosa. tf. buffalo snake; boa-constrictor
Abismal, adj. of an abyss; of dreadful depth
Abismales, tm. plur. clasp nails (sorts of hooks)
Abismar, va. 1. to crush; destroy; humble
Abismo, tm. abyss; gulf; immense depth; hell
Abispón, tm. hornet (great strong stinging fly)
Abitadúra, t/. turn of the cable around the bits
Abitáque, tm. rafter; joist (secondary timber)
Abitar el cable, va. 1. to bite the cable
Abitas, sm. plur. bits (naiit.)
Abitones, tm. plur. topsail sheet; bits (naut.)
Abizcochado, -a, adj. shaped like a biscuit
Abjuración, if. abjuration;
Abjurar, va. 1. to abjure; recant upon oath
Ablandador,- a, tn\f. moUifier; softener; assuager
Ablandamiento, tm. mollification; mitigation
Ablandar, ra. 1. to soften; mollify; mitigate
Ablandar, vn. 1. to grow mild, temperate, calm
Ablandativo, -a, adj. bland; soft; mild; moUient
Ablano, sm nut-tree; hazel (small tree)
Ablativo, sm. ablative (last case of Latin nouns)
Ablución, sf. ablution; cleansing; purifying
Abnegación,*/, abnegation; self-denial'
Abnegar, ra- 1. to abnegate; renounce; deny
Abobado, -a, adj. stupid; simple: foolish; silly
Abobamiénto, sm. stupefaction; diilness
Abobar, va I. to make stupid; deprive of sense
Abobarse, r. to grow stupid; l«ise one's senses
Abocado, adj. agreeable ; sweet (wine)
Abocamiento, sm. conference; parley; interview
Abocar, va. 1. to catch, take with the mouth
Abocar la artillería, to level the guns
AbocAr un estrecho, to enter the mouth of a strait
Abocarse, vref. 1. to have an interview, meet
Abocardado, -a, adj. wide-mouthed
Abochornado," a, adj. out of countenance; flushed
-abochornar, va. 1. to throw in a heat; provoke
Abocinado, -a, adj. curvated; elliptical; bent
Abocinar, vn. 1. to fall upon one's face (low)
Abofeteadór, -a, smf. who gives cuffs; insulter
Abofetear, va. 1. to slap one's face; box; insult
Abogacía, sf. profession of advocate, pleader, &c.
Abogada, sf. advocate's wife; mediatrix
Abogadear, rn. 1. to act. assume the lawjer (iron)
Abogado, sm. advocate; pleader; counsellor
Abogar, va. 1. to plead, defend the cause;
Abohetádo, -a, adj. tumid; puffed up; swollen
Abolengo, tm- lineage; descent; inheritance
Aboléza, tf meanness; baseness: vileness
Abolición, sf abolition; disuse: interruption
Abolir, va. 3. to abolish; annul; put an end to
Abollado, -a, adj. curled like the leaf of a lettuce
Abolladura, tf. indentation; embossment; relief
' to emboss; annoy; stun; confound
Abollón, sm. bud; first shoot; (chiefly of vines)
Abollonar, pa. to emboss; rn. to bud; sprout
Abolório, tm. lineage;descent; birth; inheritance
Abolsado, -a, adj puckered; folded like a purse
Abominable, a. abominable; detestable; hateful
Abominablemente, oefr. abominably; hatefully
Abominación, tf. abomination; detestation
Abominar, va. 1. to abominate; detest; abhor
Abonado, -a, adj. creditable; rich; fit for
Abonador, -a, »m/. security; bail; guarantee;
Abrmamiéntcj, tm. bailing; cautioning; receipt
Abonanzar, »n. 1. toclearup; turn fair (weather)
Abonar, ra. 1. to bail; improve; affirm; manure;
Abonarse, ref to subscribe; advance money for
Ahondar, rn. to abound; suffice; be enough
Abono, sm. bailing; cautioning; receipt; dung
Abordador, tm. he who boards a ship; intruder
Abordáge, sm. boarding (a ship); shock; conflict
Abordo, tm. approach; attack; shock; meCing
A Bordo, adv. on board; in a ship; on shipboanl
Abordonár, rn. 1. to support one's self by a staff
Aborrachado, -a. adj. high coloured; inflamed
Aborrascár, rn. 1. to raise tempests, tumult
Aborrascarse, vref. I. to get tempestuous, stormy
Aborrecedór, -a. tmf. hater; detester; abhorrer
Abhorrecér, ra. 2. to hate; de^^■it; desert; spend
Aborrecible, adj. detestable; hateful; cursed
Aborreciblemente, adv. detestably; hatefiiUy
Aborrecimiento, sm. detestation; dislike; hatred
Aborrér, Aborrescér, rn. 2. to abhor; hate; loathe
,sm. abortion; untimely birth
. to miscarry; have an abortion

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