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750 X)uf
Pucnt) m. vrhim, freak, fancy ; humor-
some felloe, plodder, -a, V. n. to
plod , to be crazy, -flf tig , -ig, a.
wliimsical, crackbrained. -ig^et) /.
Vut^i m. T. juiik. - pa en mfift, the
pudding of a mast.
fv^jfi, f . a. to lull.
Dab, m. breadth, m - flf feglet, a
cloth of the sail.
Pabfl, /. unlucky accident; danger, af
-, by accident, -bot, ">. fine for
a damage done without intention,
-btspj n. chance-medley. - tJa&flbj
m. fire broke out by accident. - Pfit=
lig, a. casual, dangerous; accidental,
Daffft&agslof, m. dog's onion.
USffla,/. wafifer. - oaffeljetti, 'I.
r>flg, /. balance, -eit, r. libra, -bflif,
m. beam. —i)Ui y n. public balance.
-fortjicii, /. statics. -mc(liire, m.
weigher, keeper of the public balance.
-|>enning«r, custom for weigh-
ing, -rat, a. horizonial. -f?tifrare,
m. clerk at a public balance. -fPal,
/. scale of a balance.
Dag, /. wave, billow, sea, siu-ge.
Umna «nt riiib fot -, to leave all at
random, -fotmig, -tg, a. wavy,
-fl, V. n. to wave, -lltng, /. undu-
lation. —VXij <id. like waves, in waves.
Daga, v. a. & n. to venture, to Iia-
zard; to stake. - lifpct, to expose
one's life. - rintta, - tAJfTfA', at all
adventure. - (Dig) -t»al9 , m. ad-
venturer, desperate fellow, -fattl, a.
bold, hardy, venturous, daring, ad-
venturesome, -faml^etl/. temerity,
hardiness, boldness, -fpcl, n. ven-
ture, hazard, chance-game, pe, -f|JeI,
at a venture.
DSl&> n. violence, force, outrage ; au-
thority, power, command, gbtfl — JJA
ftg, to do violence to one's self, meb
-, by force, goCA - pa tiagot, to
force, to violate. <iyCA - mf& -, to
repel force by force, -for*) v. «. to
offer ^^olence , to use with violence,
-foranbe, «. viole^nce. -fraftttjng,
/. usurpation, -tatt , n. clublaw.
-fatn, a. outrageous, violent, forci-
ble, furious, fierce. — fattll^Et, f. vio-
lence, outrage, -tago , t. a. to ra-
visli, to force, to abuse, to violate, to
deflower by force. — tagare, m. ra-
■^nsher. — tagt, m. rape, ravishment,
forcible constupration. - (Dalts)
-rerfan, /. violence, outrage, -ret*
fare, w. ruffian, violator, ra-s-isher.
Dana, f. a. rata -nit titt, to be the
cause of. l^pab -et l^euom? what is
the matter with Jiim ?
Dalm, m. hay-cock, govc. -a, »'• a.
to cock, to gove, to raise liaj-in small
heaps. [resemblance.
Daltiafe , m. apparition, ghost ; distant
Damb) Damtn, /. paunch, belly.
Da» , /. em bet 'it ttagon - , if there
be any possibility.
Danba, v. n. to care about, to wish.
Danba, /. pang, anguish, pain. -5,
V. d. to sufier great pains. -9 i t«fltn9=
•lOb, to be in labour.
Danfagel, m. fish-mew.
Dailing, /. story, floor. -8]t>U9, "•
dwelling-house, -erum, n. room,
chambre, apartment.
Danbtt, /. valerian.
Dap,"!, fool, cully. -lytfa,/. habnab.
-lytflig, a. foolhappy. - Dapig, a.
foolish, -bet, /. foolishness.
Dat, pr. our. -fru, /. ourlady. -ftu=
bag, m. lady-day, annunciation-day.
Dar» m. spring, em -en, in the sjiring.
i -, this spring, i -, in the next spring.
i -as, last spring, -blemma, /. ver-
nal flower, -bag, m. day iu the
spring, -bflgjemning, /. vernal equi-
nox, -fota, V. a. to plough in the
spring. -lepfoja,/. snow-deep, -lif,
a. springlike, vernal. — luft, m. spring-
time-air. -lef, m. slarflower. -ma=
nflb« /".March, vernal montli, spiing-
monlh. -fab, /. lent-corn. -fabf, n.
corn sown iu Uie spring, -ti'by •".
vernal season.

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