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ewtj to bear witness of a thing.
Vittety a. versed in polite literature,
lettered, learned, en - man , a man
of wit, genius, -j^ct, /. polite lite-
rature, belles lettres ; work in polite
literature, -^etsibf flCf, -l^tted^tarty
m. man of wit. [or a snare.
VittJAy V. a. to examine a net, a hook
Vittnay f . n. to witness, to depose, to
testily, to attest , to bear w^itness. —
Ctnotetl) to give evidence against one.
- fCt tt«BOn ) to witness in one's fa-
to. - Vittntyn. witness, evidence.
(lamirtA tttt -, to call to witness.
-SbOCbj n. attestation, testimony, evi-
dence, viTtness. — gfbi m. oath of wit-
nesses. -8f0t, -StjiH, a. qualified for
gi\-ing evidence. -Sforl^or j n. trial
of witnesses. — gni«lj«. deposition;
case that is to be proved by the de-
position of evidences. [air.
t)ittra) p. n. to be dissolved by the
Pittring, /. efflorescency.
PtPttt, i. let him live, let's toast him.
Vitetty n. \)C \titt -> to be upon free
Oijtt, ni. vizier. [cost.
Pojil (t0) f. r. to complain, to cry ; to
Voittl^y m. T. jigger. [take on.
PoFcl, m. vowel. -Dttlftf , /. vocal
Dolfram, ni. shim, wolfram, [music.
Polontarj m. voUuiteer.
Polt, m. volt; legerdemain.
PoUigftflj V. n. to vault; to tumble. -
Polttgct, m. desullor.
Polutn, m. volume.
Petcra) v. n. to vote. - Potum> «. vote.
Ptjjf ) n. wreck; drug, refuse, tiash,
lagan ; a good for nothing.
Praffagel) m. goosander, merganser,
Pce&j n. faucet, cock; button.
Pretj a. angry, wrathful. - |)a tlft=
flCn, angry withone. -e, m. wrath,
passion, anger, i -es tltoS , in a gust
of passion. fiiflC till —ty passionate.
-5«Sj V. d. to be angry. -gflS ofret
nagot, to be angry at a thing, -gab,
a. angry, -fant , -fEnt y a. wrathful,
passionate. -fam^Ct) /. anger.
PtenfF, a. -\)'i.^y not gelded horse,
-a, V. n. -flg, V. d. to neigh at the
sight of a mare.
Prcilg, a. cross-grained ; morose, pee-
vish. ~\)tty f. knots, guars; peevish-
ness, nioroseness, fretfubjess.
Pret, /. a small field enclosed.
Ptianbj /. wigeon.
Pritfa, V. a. - ya J to turn to and fro.
- in bat, to scull a boat. - fotfll, to
put the foot out of joint. - Pritfttilig,
j\ turning to and fro ; distortion.
Priba, V. a. to wring, to twist ; to
turn ; to wrest. - i elag eil IiytffI,
to turn the key the wrong way. - af j
to twist off. - ifratl fig, to turn it to
the right. - igeil, to screw up. - pa
muttfienj to make a -m-y mouth. -
pa tappen, to turn the faucet. - tjpp>
to untwist. - U^ Xt'iy to put of joint.
- at jig, to turn it to the left. - (Ig,
V. r. to turn sour. - PciW a, f. Pritfa.
Prtft, m. instep.
Pra, m. corner.
Ptala, V. n. to bellow, to bawl, to
Pcatig, a. perverse, iniquitous, false,
partial, -^cty f. perverseuess, cross-
ness, iniquity, -fiflt, a. perverse,
iniquitous, wicked, stubborn. — fitTUpe,
m. windpipe. — PtS, a. unjust, ini-
quitous, partial, -pisj^et, / injustice.
Prafa, *>. a. to reject, to refuse; to
throw. — fig t en flel, to throw one's
self into a chair. - lift pentttngat,
to squander away one's money. — i
fig, to devour. - oiti 1^V6tt&nn6ty to
throw topsyturvy. - fig pa folf, to
intrude one's self upon people. - ut
en, to turn one out of doors.
Prafa, f. n. fTeppet t>tafet, the ship
goes at the mercy of the winds and
waves, ga 01^ -, to be sauntering
Ptanga, v. a. to distort, to vrrest, to
pervert.- Ptatigning, / wresting,
distorting, perverting.
Pulcan, m. vulcano.
Pulcn, a. dIs2)oscd, conditioned, fit.

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