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-pAton, n. clioakpear. -riC> a. mighty
ikli. -rifet,/». the mineral kingdom,
-riflllingj /. engraving upon stones.
-r08j n. lieap of stones, -fftltj «•
rock-salt. -<imp«) /. river-Lullhcad.
-fTafte-, «. isis. -fTAtfPfl, /. splinter
of a stone. -fFarninfl ) /. litliotomy.
-fItpnrCj tn. polislier of gems, lapi-
dsry. -fniiiflCCfon|l, /. lithography.
-fqcattA) /. wheat-ear. Goldfinch.
-(ill, m. lapidary style, -fotrt* /.
wall-fern, -tflltgi /. mason's iron-
pincers, -uggla* /• chiuch-owl,
-Vflttblittgj /: petrification, -riif, n.
hornwrack. -Otj n. place abounding
with giavel and stones. — OCrtj tn.
royal eagle. -Ottj /'. groundsel, -fl,
V. a. to lapidate, to stone, to kill with
stones. — i{{j a. stony. [ceased.
StetblbuS) n. family or house of a de-
Sttfl, /. cabbin to keep geese in.
Stitfj n. stab, stitch, sting, thrust,
prick ; trick, leitttta i -ft , to leave
at random. ^aQa —y to hold good.
Stttf a, /. splinter, spill.
Stttfbla&, n. guard. - (Stt*) -He#,
K. torch of wood, —ba^e-) m. em-
broidering frame, -flu^j "i. suiDPo-
catiug catarrh. — Otb > ". sarcasm.
-Jjenttitlgj m. bribe. -teft>«) /. rape.
-jllf e, «. sewing-silk, -jltumpa , /.
knit -stocking, -fagj /. handsaw,
-foill, m. knitting.
Stitf A> V. a. & n. to stab, to stitch, to
sting, to prick, to stick; to take, to
beat. - i gulb 0. b.) to engrave. fe=
letl flitfec (Ifltft, tlie sua shines liot.
— af ) to point, to prick, to set off.
- frant) v. a. & n. to reach fortli, to
produce ; to stick out , to shoot for-
ward, to appear. — ^06 (tg) to pocket.
— i» VX i) to put into, to thrust into ;
to slip into. - i fPibatl, to sheath.
- iiSjh'iXy to stab to death, flitf |)ft th
Qet> pay away the cable. - utlbflflj
to abscond, to conceal. - tipp > to
hoist ; to pierce, to broach, to prick ;
to prick ; to rise ; to shoot , to come
up. -utj to engrave; to pitch, to
mark out; to put out; to supplant.
-8, V. d. to sting, to bite.
Stttffl) V. a. to knit; to quilt ; to em-
broider. - StlcEecfFfl) /. embroiderer,
Stitfel) m. gi-aving-tool, burin.
SticEeIHomm«, /: gentianella.
Stitfclbar, n. goose-berry.
Stttf eil , a. pettish , waspish , fretful,
peevish, - Stitf ttflS) v. d. to take pet,
to be nettled, to be piqued.
Stift, n. diocess. flbeligt junpftw-,
monastery for ladies.
Stift) m. pin; tag; crayon, pencil,
ruling-pen; tongue; T. style.
©tiftfl, V. a. to foimd, to establish, to
institute; to occasion, to raise, to
breed, to stii- up. — lafj) to enact a
law. -te* rn, founder, author. -
Stiftelfe, Stiftiung,/. foundation,
establishment, institution, settlement.
Stifl) /7z. path, footpath; coal-mea-
sui-e of twelve barrels.
Sttga* V. n. to step, to tread ; to rise,
to mount, to flow ; to increase, to im-
prove, (tigflit, come hither. - af,
to dismount from, to get off. - ftfltltj
to step forth or forward. — tj to step
into, to mount up. — ttt) to step in.
- ttc&j to step down, to descend. —
If a ) to tread on ; to mount ; to lean
on; to step on, to mend one's pace.
- tlQj to visit; to amount to. - titl-
bflfa, to step back. - I4n&fln, to re-
tire, to make room, -upp, to rise,
to get up, to stand up ; to climb up ;
to mount. - wt) to step out, to retiie.
- utuc J to step out of. - oft>er ) to
step over, to surpass, to exceed, to go
beyond; to run over, -re, m. sur-
Stxftfl, f. Stifta. [veyor, leader.
QttI, m. style ; hand, handwriting ; T.
type, letter. tnVA<iit-y a good hand.
-gjutflte, m. letter-founder. -gju»
teci, n. letter-foundery. -Ifl&Aj /.
StiCrt, a. quiet, calm, still, hush, pla-
cid, tranquil, gentle, peaceable, —yud.
still, quietly. - ^AfPetj the soutlisea.

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