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690 Strt
pomp, show, figure, pi -j ordinarj',
ill ordinary, gifva upp -ett > to turn
bankrupt, fora flit -, to make a
great figure. - {^tatt) -flfflgt, /.
politic view, -bcifl, m. deficit. -COn=
tot) n. excliequer. -battle) /. state-
woman, -btaflt) m. habit of state,
-ftu,/. lady of honour. -f^n^C, m.
prisoner of state, -forfatttltntt , /.
government, constitution, -fjrepp) n.
state-trick. state-
papers. -^i(lorte, /. history of the
states. -^us^SHlItng, /. economy of
state, -jpalfntlip) /. revolution.
-itltte^e, fi. interest of state, -flop,
a. political, -flofl^et) /. politics,
-fotlfl, /. politics, policy, -matt, m.
statesman, polilician. -FutlfPflP) /.
knowledge of tlie states, -mfbcl ) n.
pi. finances. -mint|let) ni. minister
of state, -regel , /. maxim of state.
-taby m. counsellor of state ; council
of state, -fflf, /. affair of state. -fa=
fet) pi. state-aflairs. -fectetcrfltf)
m. secretary of state. -PiSgll , m.
coacli of state. - 6tflti(l, m. statist,
statesman, -if, /. statiitics. -iff,
a. statistical, statistic.
StattP) n. foot, stand.
StAtur, m. size.
©tefl, n. pace, step ; nmdle ; footstep ;
* course, measure ; T. reglct, printer's
furniture, taga lattga-, to take large
strides. - fOC -> step by step, -bo-
gely m. stin-up; staple, -^jul, n..T.
balance-wheel. -Iapp> m. hipbit.
Stege, m. ladder ; rack.
©tegfl, n. wheel. - ©tegU) V. a. to
put upon wheels, to quarter.
eteglitfa, /. goldfinch, tbistlefinch.
Stegtit, V. a. to enhance, to raise the
price of. - jig, v. r. to rear up.
Stef)/. roast meat, roast, -fett, -flott,
n. drii)ping. -nal, /. skewer. -patl=
ttfl, /. frying pan. -tOftXI,/ roasted
turnip. -fpeW, n. spit, -paiib.itf, m.
jack, -a, V. a. to roast, to boil ; to
toast ; to fry ; to broil ; to bake.
Qteljn.T. \\\ic]i. -pump,'w.liaiidpump.
Stel, a. stiff, hard. -t>et, /. stifTucs;
-na , V. n. to grow stiff, hard ; t
harden; to curdle, to clod.
©ten, m. stone, af -, earthen, bygg
af -, built witli stone or brick, -at
ne, pi. T. testicle, -aftig, a. la
pHeous, stony, gravelly. -bit)W,
a'kind of trout, -bo*) m. chamois
goat; T. wild he-goat, capricorr
-borrare) m. rock-piercer, -brctl
n. stonepit, quarry, -btytate, m
quarryman. -brytfttng, /. diggin
for stones, -braia, /. saxifrage
bla -bratfa) purple-saxifrage, (lo
-bcatfa, pyramidal saxifrage, -btae
ma, /. rock-cresses, -bunbeil,
stony, -bob, a. stonedead. -cf, j
evergreen oak. -fat, «. earthen disl'
-fruft, m. stonefruit. -ftif, n. stone
crop, -galle, w. grease, tumour u
a horses foot, -gata, /. paved si
-get, /. cliamois-goat. -golf
stonefloor. -gruffa, /. quarry. -gru6
n. gravel, -gytfel, n. casual figure
in minerals, -gyttring, /. congluti
nation of stones. -baHofl , n. stone
bramble, -bop, rn. heap of stones o
ruins. -buggace, m. stonecuttei
lapicide. -bu9, n. brickhouse. -baD
m. plate of stone. — faja, f. cornisl.
chough. -Fa(l, n. stonecast. -fa
flare, m. balliste, catapult. -fi(la, ^
pier, -fitt, -Hm, n. lithocoUi
-f lyfta, /. hole in a rock, -fticf;
suck-stone (fish). -Ffiatf , m. gros-
beak, -fol, «. pit-coal. -foIsafFa
/.cinders, -fta^a,/. rock-pcp])er
-fniFa) /. earthen pot. -Fannarc
m. lithologue. -farl, n. eartbeii ves-
sel ; earthen ware. -Farta, /. stone-
cart, -lagga, -fatta, «-•• a. to pave
to floor with stone. -laggate, ni. pa-
ver, -latan, /. lithology. -merg, m
lithomarga. -mo^a,/. greyblue pitte<
lichen, -mut, m. brickwall. -muc
Fla, /. helvella. -mil#Ia, /. pholas
-olja,/. petroleum. -papion,m.stoi
-potflin, n. eartlien ware, delf ; bi
cuit. JCligelfrt -pocflill , flial-wai

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